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Welcome to
The Biblical Examiner
the Word of God to conquer false ideas
Our goal is to provide good and well researched materal for the edification of the the believer.
Update 02/08/2025
These 21 Essays on Judaism are now available in print. Using Jewish and historical sources, they document the truth behind the lies and deceits that have taken the glory away from the Kingdom of God on earth, and have glorified the kingdom man, actually the kingdom of the Antichrist.
These Essays use history to thoroughly explain the Middle East situation.
Hard Copies? Contace
5 newly posted, lengthy major research papers
Extensive TOC
Index and Documentation from original sources. About 100 single spaced pages each.
Please let me know about links that do not work, so I can correct them.
LONG list of Doctors who explain clearly why Covid vacccines aren't safe nor effective.
Bro Need's video messages are now on
and Youtube. Curent bible study, the Book of Deuteronomy
Our other web sites:
Titus 2 Joy
(Bettie's Titus 2 blog).
(Bro Need's blog) Neither of us have had time to do anything with our blog.
We are available for funerals, weddings, pulpit supply and specal meetings.
740.637.4141 : 540.255.2243
We freely provide serious theological papers dealing with current events from a Biblical perspective. We publish as we have time and money. Send us an e mail to be added to the e mail list; however, we do send out hard copies upon specific request.
Bro Need
The Con Job for a Con-Con did not work, so now we have a corrupt election which did work,
Drugs and mass shootings, e.g., prozac.
Reminder that the wicked over the ages have created social and international chaos in order to obtain more control over the sheep. HUMAN LIFE MEANS NOTHING IN THEIR GRAND ONE WORLD PLAN
Lord willing, I will be doing a lot of updating on this site. Check often.
Search The Biblical Examiner web site below. Remember, some Bible "addresses" are abbreviated, and others are not. Also, Google may place adds with the search with which we cannot agree, but the search engine works well, and is free to us.
Please consider a donation to help support this ministery. Let us know if this link does not work.
Let us hear from you -
The Biblical Examiner
Biblical Examiner
409 S 6th Street
Knoxville IA 50138
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