Bettie's Update

See 5/12/21 TBE for latest update


Evidently the chemo dealt with the cancer cells, and the examination of what was extracted with the lumpectomy showed no evidence of cancer remaining. "They" want to continue radiation for 15 days. After doing a little research and prayer, we decided not to go with the radiation. However, the HER 2 treatment will continue for several more months. It is plant-based, and has no side effects. The HER 2 treatment has been shown to deal with the cancer cells that might still be in the body.

We cannot praise the Lord enough for his goodness

2/11/21 update

Bettie had her last Chemo 2/5. On our way home from her MRI, (snow, terrible road conditions and rush-hour traffic out of Cincinnati took three hours to travel the 40 minute distance home) her surgeon called and said she was extremely pleased with the results of the chemotherapy. The tumor had reduced significantly in size, and the doctor was looking forward to the surgery. On the 18th, Bettie goes in for more two more scans and to speak with the surgeon for a surgery date. Then for the next year, Bettie must return every three weeks for the plant-based HER 2 treatment. Being plant-based, it has no side effects. Its purpose is to kill any HER2 cells left in her blood. The doctor told her at the very beginning that the HER 2, though fast-growing was the easiest to treat.
Being at the close of the first week after the infusion, Bette is wiped out.
The Lord is good, and our prayer has been that he would provide healing supernaturally, or through the medical skills and he has provided. Rejoice with us in this good.

2/6/21 Update

When they did the blood work for chemo on the 26th, they found her hemoglobin was low, so they gave her 2 units of blood, and put off the chemo until the 5th to give her time to regain her strength. She felt better immediately. The bleeding from the heparin while they thought she had a blood clot no doubt was the reason for the loss.
The 5th was her last chemo. Chemo was being used a plant-based product which stops the unnatural growth from the cancer. The chemo was to reduce the tumors and it was being used with a plant-based product to deal with the HER 2-positive growth of the cancer. That product has no side effects. Chemo over, there will continue to be an injection of the product for a year. I certainly do not know any of the technical names of that product only that its purpose is to reduce the growth of the cancer outside of the tumor. It has been found effective.
The hospital is over an hour from us, and the chemo infusion required two trips, one for the infusion and one for a bone shot to strengthen the blood producing capabilities in the bones three days later. The product will require a every third Monday trip to the hospital for a year.
We are looking at surgery probably about the middle of March to remove the tumors. The two have greatly reduced in size, which was the purpose of the chemo.
Every trip to the hospital takes at least a day. We get home about seven in the evening from the chemo infusion, and several hours earlier from the bone shot. That is a lot of driving, so to continue to pray for our safety.

Obviously, time will be at a premium for some months. So issues will not be as forthcoming as they have in the past.

2/6/21 Update

When they did the blood work for chemo on the 26, they found her hemoglobin was low, so they gave her 2 units of blood, and put off the chemo until the 5th to give her time to regain her strength. She felt better immediately. The bleeding from the heparin while they thought she had a blood clot no doubt was the reason for the loss.
The 5th was her last chemo. Chemo was being used a plant-based product which stops the unnatural growth from the cancer. The chemo was to reduce the tumors and it was being used with a plant-based product to deal with the HER 2-positive growth of the cancer. That product has no side effects. Chemo been over, there will continue to be an injection of the product for a year. I certainly do not know any of the technical names of that product only that its purpose is to reduce the growth of the cancer outside of the tumor. It has been found effective.
The hospital is over an hour from us, and the chemo infusion required two trips, one for the infusion and one for a bone shot to strengthen the blood producing capabilities in the bones three days later. The product will require a every third Monday trip to the hospital for a year.
We are looking at surgery probably about the middle of March to remove the tumors. The two have greatly reduced in size, which was the purpose of the chemo.
Every trip to the hospital takes at least a day. We get home about seven in the evening from the chemo infusion, and several hours earlier from the bone shot. That is a lot of driving, so to continue to pray for our safety.
Obviously, future additions of the Examiner will not be as forthcoming as they have been.

We hope to be able to get some travel time in there, so we go see grandkids.


Everything is broken. Use extreme caution about going to a hospital; it can be one of the most dangerous places one can go, particularly during this plandemic. A positive Covid test (though have no symptoms at all, and up to 95% false positives) can quarantine you in there for 10 or more day.

As you know, Bettie is going through breast cancer treatments. Every fourth week, she must go to the Ohio University hospital which is about 75 minutes from us. That chemo infusion takes 4-6 hours, which means I must wait there. (My daughter lives about 15 min away from the hospital across the Ohio river, so I was able to spend the 5 days and nights with them, which saved over three hours a day travel.) Then the following Monday, she goes back for a shot to strengthen her bone produced white blood cell count. The goal is to get the two tumors small enough for a simple lumpectomy along about the first of March. That first week after the infusion, there is no appetite, but by the end of the third week she can even eat at the local Ponderosa.

We were told that half way through the treatment, they would check her heart. The did an MRI on January 7th, then the infusion Friday, the 8th. Then we went back for her bone shot on the 11th. We were about ½ way home on the 11th, when they called us back to the ER, saying they had found evidence of a blood clot in her heart from the 7th MRI. We went back the 11th, and they immediately, without confirming it was a clot, started her on heparin, a powerful blood thinner they inject into the belly of those who must lay in bed. (I have had a few of those.) I was allowed with her in the ER even without a mask, and then they did the Covid test. (She had just tested negative on January 1st.) The test came back positive, so they quarantined her, and I was unable to be with her when they moved her to a room from the 11th until they released here the 16th. (When pressed, even the nurses admit that Covid is simply a bad case of the flu, and it is a game forced upon them.) When they continued to keep us in the dark, and I could not see her, I accused them of quarantining her until she died so they could collect the $33,000 reward for reporting a Covid death. (Then after 5 days in bed, they did not provide a wheel chair to take her out to meet me.)

The heparin caused major problems, including messing up her blood count. It caused bleeding into her intestines, making her stool black. They wanted to do a GI test to see why there was bleeding, so she could not eat for a day. They did not try to confirm the clot for three days, and when the second MRI revealed no evidence of a clot, and they removed the heparin. The stool soon cleared up. Questions: Was it a false reading on the first MRI? Did the Lord heal it? Did the heparin dissolve it? Our problem is that they did not do a second test to confirm the clot for three days, and then they stopped the heparin, and the bleeding into the intestines stopped. But the heparin had done its damage, including serious clouting of her mind and weakness. She came home totally wiped out, weaker than a kitten, and after 5 days confined to bed, very unsteady on her feet. She was totally disoriented, and unable to find her way in the house, nor could she stand on her own. In addition, the GI examine revealed H.Pylori, a major infection she probably picked up living in Brazil. Normally, H.Pylori lies doormat, but Chemo has created serious problems with it. Tetracycline has been used for 100 years to treat H.Pylori, as has HQ been used for a hundred years, and is freely available in Brazil to deal with the H.Pylori. However, it is $500 for the series here in the States.

In the ER, they started the heparin without talking to us; they did not tell us of the side effects of that massive dose of heparin, and would not respond as Bettie asked them to confirm the clot. (They were even talking of heart surgery to remove the clot.) We continually ask what was taking place, but no one would tell us as they just proceeded with the normal protocol for a blood clot.

I have had my share of hospital visits, Military and Civilian, and if I do not question what they are doing, the staff voluntarily explains the procedure, and makes sure we understand. But we were in such a distressed state with the threat of a blood clot in the heart that we did not question their normal protocol, though we did not know what it was. The heparin not only messed up her gut, but had a serious effect on her memory. She is gaining some strength (and memory) back as I make her get up and walk. We pray that the Lord in his mercy will see fit to reverse the destruction caused by those who are PRACTICING medicine. Their practice did not work well on my wife. CONCLUSION: Question everything, and learn the details. Every hospital I have been in has told us what was going on, and expected side effects. Cincinnati area: Beware of the University of Cincinnati hospital. (They did not even wheel her out, but made her walk a good way to get out after 5 days in bed. We certainly let our feeling be known to the doctor, and he agreed that they should have confirmed a clot much sooner than they did.) Normally, the first week after the infusion, she is unable to eat. This time it was worse. She is 75 on 2/23. The Lord hears and answers prayer.

Bettie is home now, and feeling much better. However, the blood thinner has caused and is causing bad things, so this week has been worse than previous second weeks after the infusion--general weakness, weakness in knees and ankles which she did not have until after the blood thinner. One more infusion, 29th, and surgery, Lord willing. More problems surfaced: H.Pylori which she probably picked up growing up in Brazil. Serious stuff, and the Chemo probably brought it to the surface. I dislike using FaceBook, but that is where the updates are.

Ps 135:6 Whatsoever the LORD pleased, that did he in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places.

Ps 95:1 O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. 2 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. 3 For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. 6 O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker. Ps 118:29 O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
Ps 147:11 The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy.

How can we praise God enough for His mercy? Let us praise Him with our obedience to His Word.

The Lord is in control; He ordained and knows the way that we take as we continue to face the trial of our faith. Pray that He will be glorified, and we will be strengthened in His service.

Bro & Sister Need

Printer Problem

Background: Those who have followed the Examiner for the last 20 or so years know that I used to print the Examiner in the Linden Church basement where the Lord provided the means to do everything in house: Photo ready image, camera, plate maker, 11x17 offset printing press, and folder for the 11x17. (I did some commercial printing to help support us in the ministry. It is a long story about how I learned the importance of a printing press in the hands of a gospel preacher.) While my first wife was in the hospital, I had a local printer print maybe two issues as a tabloid. Sometime after Carol died, the Lord put Bettie and me together. She went back with me to Linden, and was a pastor's wife for about a year, during which time I resumed printing the Examiner myself.

I also used the offset press to print my various bible study lessons for use in teaching in church. (I did have an inexpensive duplex printer, which was sufficient for minimum printing.) After a time, the Lord moved us on to Front Royal, VA. Before we moved, I had to clean out the print shop from the basement, and sold everything. When we got to Front Royal with no means of printing the Examiner, we had a printer print it as a tabloid. That only lasted a few months because the PO would not honour the endorsements we used on the mailing, e.g., "address correction requested." The expense for the USPS not honoring their endorsement forced us to switch to e-mail, with few exceptions. Switching to e mail cut our mailing list by probably 3/4th, and left no money for printing. However, upon special request, we continue to print and mail hard copies, as well as provide hard copies for various uses. In addition, the printer is used to print my various and at times, lengthy books. (Unless many thousands of copies are needed, laser printing is the most cost efficient.)

Being between a rock and a hard place and unable to afford commercial printing, we had to find a printer that would handle the volume in house. We found a HP 4650dn on eBay, sold by a man who acquired surplus material from the government. We were in Front Royal at the time, and the warehouse was not far from DC nor from us. My wife and I went over and picked it up from the warehouse. He had several 4650s on hand, and this one had the least number of copies on it, 45,000.

After 15 or so years and over 200,000 copies later, serious problems with the feed. The HP LaserJet 4650dn was and is an outstanding, high volume, work place, duplex color printer. For obvious reasons, HP discontinued it in the early 2000; it lasts "forever," so there goes the profit. Well over 500,000 copies are not unusual. Because the printer has been in use for so long, tonner is very inexpensive, and many parts are still available. Those who know snatch up every used 4650dn that shows up on the market, so they are becoming extremely difficult to find. With only 250,000 + copies on mine, I started having problems with the feed a few months ago. Divine Providence put me in contact with Tech Castle only a few miles from where I must take Bettie for her cancer treatments south of Cincinnati, Covington KY. One of their technicians used to service the 4650 while they were on the market. He has tried to identify the fed problem a couple of times. He has identified the feed tray as the probable cause, which trays are no longer available. (The printer is highly computerized, and the feed tray tells the printer what size of paper is to be printed. If the feed tray does not properly identify the paper size, the printer will not feed the paper.)

Conclusion: If I can coax the printed January issue out of the 4560 printer, it may be the last printed issue for a time.


h and printer updates will be at