Introduction, 1
Part I Overview, 5
The Importance, 5; Morgan Edwards, 6; The Brethren, 9; The Mystics,
11; The French Revolution, 12; Whos Who, 16.
Part II In the Beginning, 23
Death Introduced, 23; Death and Dates, 27; The Terrors of Satan,
Part III Ben Ezra, 35
Romes Gain, 35; Rome and Ben-Ezra, 38; Lacunza and Ben-
Ezra, 42; The Jesuits, 44; Irving and Ben-Ezra, 49; Irving and
Ben-Ezra Unite, 50; A New View of Revelation, 53; New Doctrine
Introduced, 56; Zionism, 59; National Israel Exalted, 64; Jewish
Hope Christianized, 66; The Defeated Church, 68; Everything Around
Israel, 71; The Advent of the Lord, 75; The Millennial Reign,
81; The Resurrection of the Dead, 82; A Motive for Holiness, 83;
Death for Victory, 86; Prophecy, 87; Novelties, 90; Law, 93; Christ,
96; Satan, 99; Redemption, 101.
Part IV Prophecy Conferences, 103
Christ and Prophecy, 103; Henry Drummond, 105; The Albury Park
Conferences, 107; Zionism and Joseph Wolf, 111; Powerscourt Conferences,
115; Powerscourt and the Rapture, 118; Tongues and the Rapture,
120;Tongues, Irving and his Church, 126; The Rapture, 129.
Part V The Men and Times, 133
The Anglican Church, 133; Social Climate, 137; Irving, Cronin,
Bellett, 139; Anthony Norris Groves, 141; John Nelson Darby, 146;
Darby, Continued, 150; Newman and Newton, 154; G.V. Wigram, P.F.
Hall, 156; George Müller, 158; Hudson Taylor and Others ,161.
Part VI Development and Doctrine, 165
Millenarianism and Money, 165; Millennialism Develops, 169; Chiliasm
and Premillennialism, 171; The Imminent Return, 172; Against the
Future, 175; Zeal Corrupted, 179; Church with no Earthly Function,
180; Just Wait, 182; Unity in Death, 185; Developing Doctrine,
186; Prophecy and the Church, 188; Darby vs. Newton, 190.
Part VII World-Wide Conquest, 193
The Foundation of Conquest, 193; Primary Areas of Couquest, 195;
Switzerland Invaded, 199; Darbys Switzerland Lectures, 203;
Various Nations, 206; Millennialism and Marxism, 209.
Part VIII War Against Orthodoxy, 213
Resistance to Millennialism, 213; Baptist and Presbyterian, 214;
Against the Baptists, 217; Against Obedience, 220; For Two Gospels,
222; Significant Millenarian Victories, 224; Bible Readings, 227;
Moodys Conversion, 230; Moody and Darby, 233; Moody and
Moorehouse, 234; Moody and Bible Readings, 236; Moodys New
Message, 238.
Part IX America Conquered, 241
America Invaded, 241; The War Between the States, 243; Key Events,
245; Millenarian Bible Conferences, 249; Northfield, 250; Keswick,
251; Millenarian Training Institutions, 256; C.I. Scofield, 258;
Various Men, 264.
Part X Darbyism-Millenarianism, 269
Starting Over, 269; Dispensationalism, 272; Pauls Writings,
273; According to Darby, 277; Daniel, 280; The Great Tribulation,
282; Antinomianism, 285; Sin, 289; Sin Defined, 291; Sin and Judgment,
293; Conscience and Guidance, 295; Corrupted Words, 298; The Great
Escape, 303; Phenomenal Growth, 305; Conclusion, 307.
Appendix A Letters of Explanation, 309
Albury Park, 1826, 309; Darbys Letters, 314.
Appendix B Various Meanings, 347
Appendix C Manuel Lacunza, 367; Joseph Wolff, 367
Additional Reading & Referenced Works 375
October 1, 1996