

Pardon our lateness, but we are moving to start a church in West Virginia. The area is about 75 minutes from Harrisonburg, and Providence Baptist Church, Pastor Sprinkle. We are about 60 minutes from Providence, where we have been attending. A family from the Baker/Moorefield WV area has been attending Providence. So Bro. Sprinkle encouraged us to start a work in that area.

There is no good work there. The churches there have women "pastors", welcome sodomites into their fellowships and/or are charismatic. Though I do not know the area good yet, I know of no Baptist Churches, particularly no reformed Baptist within at least an hour drive in any direction. The one in Harrisonburg is the closest Bible believing and teaching Baptist Church.

So, Lord willing, we will be living over there as of March 24. We have a house there, and have a lot of our "stuff" already in that house. The 24 is the move day for our refrigerator and freezer, piano, and our final cloths and us. It will then take a few weeks to finish emptying this property, clean up this house and property to make it show good.

The house is on a high ridge, about 2,000 ft. higher than here, so it is about 10o cooler, with the wind blowing all the time.

I sure hate to give up the best address in the US, Stonewall Jackson Hwy, but our new address is 2141 North River Road, Baker WV. 26801. Our phone number is 309.897.5990, 540.754.1565 or 1.866.754.0860.

The prospect for a work look good over there. At this point, it looks like we will be able to start with 4 families, not counting us, as well as some single young people. The single young ladies, whose parents do not attend anywhere, are looking forward to Bettie getting over there, and she is looking forward to being able to pass on some valuable lessons to them.

Bro. Sprinkle has scheduled a "dedication" or "commissioning" service for us the evening of Apl. 14th, as we are going out from Providence Baptist Church of Harrisonburg. Though we will start out with a "house" church, we plan to get rent a room as soon as the attendance justifies making that move.

I keep telling Bettie that we are too old to start over again (I am 65, and she is 62), but the door is open, and the people there are encouraging us. We see it as a wonderful opportunity to pass along what the Lord has taught us in his school of hard knocks.

Pray for us.