Essays on Judaism
By Rev. Ovid Need
TOC and Intorduction: A few years ago, a pastor friend expressed his concern over some in his church who were celebrating various Jewish festivals in their homes, as doubtless other Christian families have been deceived into doing. Thus, they follow the false religion, Judeo-Christianity. He asked me to do something. Typical of this writers nature, when he sets his mind on something important to the Christian community, that something turns into something else!! Too many words.
Because Christian leadership has failed to confront the false god of Judeo-Christianity, that false god has taken over a vast portion of not only Christendom, but has taken over public policy at the highest levels of government. The Judeo-Christian faith has done at least as much damage as Rome did to the Christian faith.
We shall see that a Judeo-Christian Heritage is lie developed in order to get gullable Christians to support the Zionist cause. Our heritage is distinctly Protestant Christianity, WASP actually. ("By deceit make war" against Christ and his peope.)
These Essays were put together with no thought of publishing, so there was no regard paid to consistency in the footnotes. This writer does not like inconsistency, but it is what it is.
This is only the TOC for these Essays.
Each title contains a short introduction to each essay. There are 21 essays which are quite wordy, but the reader can determine which essay best deals with whatever Jewish issue might spark his interest. This writer has ideas for additional essays, but time will tell whether anything else will be added.
The facts presented in these essays may surprise the reader as much as they did this writer. However, each essay is abundantly documented from both origial and Jewish sources. (See the Bibliography.)
Our suggestion is to find an Essay that appeals to you or that applies to a Jewish Holiday, e.g., Passover, Yahweh, Day of Atonement, History, &c., and examine the Biblical as well as the historical truth behind each. However, if you are bored with research into honest history of events that have a huge influence on the Evangelical community and the secular world as we know it today, these Essays are not for you. These Essays are available individually, but without the lengthy Bibliography.
We will see that the Merger of Judaism with Christianity, i.e., Judeo-Christianity, is neither Judaism nor Christianity. The followers of the Judeo-Christian faith have apostatized from the Biblical Christian faith.
Our prayer is that the following will help separate the Gospel Church from the spirit of the Antichrist as found in the Jewish and in the Judeo-Christian religions.
Essay names with a short introduction to each
1. The Merger of Judaism with ChristianityIntroduction
This Introduction contains the background of this present work, and an overview of its contents which we will divide into small parts:
First: Why this Book? Second: Why Write? Third: Why Warn? Fourth: Mega Merger. Fifth: No Knowledge nor Understanding of History. Sixth: Stolen History. Seventh: Honest History. Eighth: The End Times Battle over Truth. Ninth: Equipping the Saints. Tenth: Talmudic Judaism. Eleventh: Unholy Prayer. Twelfth: First and Second Century Warnings. Thirteenth: Winning Back Judaized Christians. Fourteenth: War for the Mind. Fifteenth: Conclusion. Sixteenth: Final Charge. ...
The Growing Prestige of Judaism
Judaism is Zionist through and through
Can one mix fire and water? Can one unite the Antichrist with Christ? Can light be mixed with darkness? Can there be a Christian Jew? Can there be a Christian Buddhist, or Christian follower of Mohammed? Yet how many professed Christians have tried and are trying to unite, and even merge Talmudic Judaism with Christianity-they support the Zionists cause and even remember Talmudic holidays. Yet despite all efforts, For where there is Christianity there cannot be Judaism. Judaism must deny Christ, just as Christianity must deny and stand against Satanic Judaism. The Lord condemns those who try to unite the two as adulterous enemies of God. ...
No doubt Who or what is a Jew is probably the greatest area of confusion; that is, the identity of a Jew. Hence, this section will contain more documentation than may be needed as we seek the identity of a Jew. The following will prove that the common definition of a Jew is as far from any scriptural definition as light is from darkness. Those who hold to the Judeo-Christian or Christian-Zionist faith may find the following unsettling enough that they will totally reject the facts presented.
Because of the length of the following, we shall present it in six basic sections: I. A Jew Defined. II. The word Jew Defined. III. Jewish Millennialism and the Protestant Church. IV. Definitions. V. What a Jew is not. VI. Additional Documentation (more than you probably want to know). VII. Logical implications for Romans 11, And so all Israel shall be saved.
For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it: And profited in the Jews religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers. (Gal 1:13, 14)
The Jews Religion even in Pauls
day, was the religion of the Pharisees as found in the Babylonian
Talmud. (Paul said he was a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee, who
lived the strict life of a Pharisee. Acts 23:6, 26:5, Gal 1:13,
14, Phil 3:5. Thus, he thoroughly knew the Jews religion,
what it was, and what it taught.)
Judaism (originally from Hebrew ??????, Yehudah, Judah;
via Latin and Greek) is the religion of the Jewish people. It
is an ancient, monotheistic, Abrahamic religion with the Torah
as its foundational text. It encompasses the religion, philosophy,
and culture of the Jewish people. Judaism is considered by religious
Jews to be the expression of the covenant that God established
with the Children of Israel. Judaism encompasses a wide corpus
of texts, practices, theological positions, and forms of organization.
The Torah is part of the larger text known as the Tanakh or the
Hebrew Bible, and supplemental oral tradition represented by later
texts such as the Midrash and the Talmud. With between 14.5 and
17.4 million adherents worldwide, Judaism is the tenth largest
religion in the world. ...
The Jewish Passover, a Satanic Ritual
If any one celebrates the passover along with the Jews, or receives
the emblems of their feast, he is a partaker with those that killed
the Lord and His apostles. (Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians.)
Training Young Christians in Judeo-Christianity. Vision Video, which supplies safe videos for Christian families, introduced a video for Christians to use with to train their young children in Judeo-Christianity
Hebrews issues very strong warnings against Christians following any Talmudic practices. In Pauls time, those old Hebrew religious practices were taking place in the Temple. Gods word makes it clear that any Christian connection with any Jewish practice is strictly forbidden. 2 Corinthians 6:14ff. forbids yoking together with any antichristian practice, as does all scripture. There can be no Judeo-Christian connection without denying the finished work of Jesus Christ.
6. Traditions of Your Fathers
Jewish writers openly admit that their doctrines are based upon
traditions and fables.
Here we confront a strange doctrine that is neither Christian nor Jewish, but is a figment of a vivid, non-Christian imagination. We have two concepts involved: 1) mixing Talmudic Judaism with Christianity and 2) the belief in a Talmudic Jewish Millennialism. Both concepts are as old as is the Talmud. They have been dressed up in Christian clothing with Christian words to make them palatable to Christians. Many Christians have found those strange doctrines sweet to the taste.
At the present, there is a very popular Messianic Jewish rabbi being promoted to the Christian community by Joseph Farah (World Net Daily), Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. Beware!
Day of Atonement-Yom Kippur
And the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer
Jewish License to Lie, Cheat and Steal
The Satanic Shofar Christian Eschatology Dispensationalism
Apostasy Israel
The Day of Atonement is one of the better known Jewish Holy Days. It is reverenced as something special in the religion of Talmudic Judaism, i.e., Talmudism, by both the Jewish community and Judaized Christians. How many self-defined Jews, or Christians for that matter, realize what is represented or what is being celebrated in that Holy Day celebration?
The implications of the Day of Atonement
"Kol Nidre" prayer are astounding. According to the
Talmudic faith, the prayer allows those Jews who participate in
the prayer to do anything and say whatever is necessary in order
to plunder, or gain legal, political or financial superiority
over the goyim, i.e., non-Jews.
By Way of Deception, Thou Shall do War.
Ignatius warns, Do Not Accept Judaism: But if any one preaches the Jewish law unto you, listen not to him. For it is better to hearken to Christian doctrine from a man who has been circumcised, than to Judaism from one uncircumcised. But if either of such persons do not speak concerning Jesus Christ, they are in my judgment but as monuments and sepulchers of the dead, upon which are written only the names of men. Flee therefore the wicked devices and snares of the prince of this world, lest at any time being conquered by his artifices, ye grow weak in your love.
9. Yahweh - The god of the Yahwistic faith
Christianity has, to a large extent, been taken over by the religion of Judaism and become a fossil more properly distinguished as Judeo-Churchianity. That is to say, Judaism is so ingrained in Christian culture today that only a merciful God can open the eyes of his people to understand the inroads that Rabbinical Talmudism, i.e., Judaism, has made into the church.
The Christian doctrine of the Trinity separated the early Christians from the Jews who believed in Yahweh. The Old Testament Yahweh represented one god among many gods, while the Christian God was a three-part God, and he was the only God in both Testaments. The Jews hated the Trinitarian doctrine which was not clearly revealed in Yahweh. On the other hand, the Christians defended it.
10. The
Intentional Confusion and Deception
The word Torah is becoming common among Christians;
non Jews are easily confused and deceived by two important
words in the Jewish religion: Torah and Talmud. This Essay will
emphasize the Torah. Main points discussed: First, what is the
oral Torah. Second, Mystical Name of God. Third, Judaic Covenant
vs. Christian Covenant. Fourth, Torah Scrolls, Dead Ritual Fetish.
Fifth, Torahs Contents. Sixth, Jesus and the Oral Torah.
Seventh, Oral Torah Miracles and Jewish Tradition. The word Torah
is becoming increasingly more common in both Christian and non-Christian
circles. ...
11. The
Jews Claim that Jesus Christ studied the Talmud
The Talmud (with the Kabbalah) is Judaism's holiest book.
The Talmud is something that Christians overlook at their own peril, even destruction. Extremely few, if any, Christians have any idea of what it contains, or the influence it has in the daily lives of the self-identified Jews. When a Christian understands the truth about the Talmud, he will see that to support Judaism and the self-identified Jews is to deny Christ. That is, he supports the synagogue of Satan.
This Essay opens with two key statements about the Talmud: 1) The Talmud (with the Kabbalah) is Judaism's holiest book. 2) The Talmud is the authoritative exposition of the Torah. We cannot overstate the importance of the Talmud to Orthodox Judaism.
Torah - Talmud. Non-Jewish people are often confused by two key words in the Jewish religion. This chapter will emphasize the Talmud. All who write about Talmudic (Orthodox) Judaism emphasize that the Talmud is the basis of all branches of Judaism. So, whether one agrees or not, officially from the time of Babylon, a Jew is defined as one who follows Talmudic law. Though the Talmud is not mentioned by name in the New Testament, there are many references to the traditions of the elders. ...
12. Unholy Hands on the Holy Word
Phasing-out obsolete versions, e.g., the Douai-Rheims and King
The theme of this Essay is how the Children of Ashkenaz, Orthodox Talmudic Jews, corrupted scripture in such a way as to make their doctrines of devils believable to many who profess to be Bible Believing Christians. (Scofield was financed by Jews.)
13 A New History Part I - History Changed
The Jews needed to rewrite a mythological history
so they could claim Palestine as their national homeland.
Hence, the myth of the wandering Jews was created in order to gain Christian sympathy for a national homeland in Palestine.
Here we look at the history of the Ashkenazi Jews, and how they have changed history to support their various Zionists causes. We are not generally dealing with conspiracies, though Psalms 2 certainly applies. We have shown that the self-identified Jews have told and are clearly telling us what they have been and are doing. However, since the early 1800s, the Jewish Public Relations effort has done a marvelous job of indoctrinating the Christian world about the superiority and authority of antichristian Judaism. The more Jewish millennialism increases its hold in the church, the more the church becomes committed to defending the Talmudic Jews, i.e., Orthodox Jews. It is disquieting that Talmudic Judaism is supported from many pulpits of self-proclaimed Bible Believing churches. ...
A New History II - History Rewritten
Skillful Memory Merchants reconstruct so history, so all historical
records will tell the same lie.
The Jews lie then becomes the truth
When a new history is needed to support a specific goal, it is quite easy to call in the memory merchants, the gifted reconstructors of history, who can skillfully exchange unwanted or unflattering truth for fiction. Then that new, fake history is promoted in history in books and museums. Fake history is especially prevalent in textbooks; the upcoming generations must have truth removed before they will believe a lie. ...
The Kabbalah, Demonism and U. S. Foreign Policy
Kabbalah, a book of Jewish Occultic Magic.
The word Kabbalah (or Cabbalah) is an almost completely unknown word outside of those committed to the Jews religionTalmudic Judaism. However, the Kabbalah has for decades played and continues to play a major role in United States foreign policy. It played a key part in President Trumps administration, and could lead to war.
Though we will look closer at Zionism, i.e., the desire to build a carnal nation of Israel, in another chapter, we will mention that the mystical, openly-professed demonic Kabbalah is a major force in Zionism. The Trump administration is strongly influenced, if not controlled by Zionists, with the full support of Dispensational Christians, e.g., VP Mike Pence, Pat Robertson, and multiplied thousands of Dispensational Christians who support the Zionist project. The Christian Zionist Southern Baptist megachurch Pastor Robert Jeffress prayed a blessing at the opening of U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem.
Star of David, Star of Bohemia
A powerful pagan occult symbol.
The Star of David appeared thousands of years ago in the cultures of the East. It was also a popular symbol in pagan traditions, and used as a decorative device in first-century churches and even in Muslim culture. In Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism, the two triangles represent the dichotomies inherent in a human being: good vs. evil, spiritual vs. physical, etc. The two triangles may also represent the reciprocal relationship between the Jewish people and God. The triangle pointing "up" symbolizes our good deeds which go up to heaven, and then activate a flow of goodness back down to the world, symbolized by the triangle pointing down.
World Peace and the Noahide Laws
The Mosaic law only applies to the Jews.
Sufficient social order within the gentile world is supposedly achieved through their adherence to the seven commandments specifically given to the heathen, meaning gentiles. Six of these laws were first given to Adam, according to Jewish law: the prohibitions against idolatry, blasphemy, murder, adultery, and robbery, plus the command to establish courts of justice. A seventh law was also supposedly given to Noah: the prohibition against eating the limb of a living animal. 3 Beyond this minimal list of seven laws, the gentiles" Noahides" or "Noahites," the descendants of Noah 4 - are not supposed to go in their inquiry into the ethical requirements of Old Testament law, which belongs exclusively to the Jews.
18. The Kuzari, The Heart and Soul of Judaism
Source of Jewish Philosophy and principles
The Origin of the Khazars or the Ashkenazi Jews who now claim
Palestine as their homeland.
To follow this Essay, one will need the Table of Nations map on
the inside of the back cover.
Only the dedicated reader who wants to know the truth about the self-identified Jews of our day will appreciate this section; he will need to read it closely, for it will be hard to follow.
The Kuzari is regarded as one the most important apologetic works of Jewish philosophy. Though there is discussion as to its authenticity, it is used as an original resource by all the knowledgeable authors encountered by this writer, and all who write about the Ashkenazi Jews.
With The Kuzari in this writers hand, this Essay examines The Kuzari, c. 1140. This Essay may seem we are overemphasizing words, but the changed words created a new and false history. (We examine the change from the 1905 translation to the 2009 translation and how it created a new history in order to lay unjust claim to the land in Palestine.) We must not overlook what has been done with The Kuzari. Being the primary source of Jewish philosophy, it is indispensable for those who seek to teach or understand Talmudic Judaism or Orthodox Judaism, i.e., Orthodox Jews. The Kuzari describes the c. AD 740 conversion of the extremely vile Mighty Turkic Khazar Empire to Rabbinic, Talmudic Judaism. Over the centuries, the Talmudic Jews scattered world-wide, and are identified today as Jews 95% of those who claim to be Jews are Ashkenazi Jews from the Steeps of Russia. See map.
There are two translations of the Kuzari, 1905 and 2009. The 2009 translation was to first, create a firm connection with the Ashkenaz Jews with those who came out of Israel which the 1905 did not do, and second, to establish an imaginary yet clear claim to the land of Palestine in order to get public support for the confiscation of the land of Palestine.
The Ashkenazi Jewsthat is, the Children of Ashkenazneeded to create a homeland which would fulfill their faith as spelled out in the Talmud. However, the original homeland of the Children of Ashkenaz was between Gomer and Magog, grandsons of Noah which is now the modern states Ukraine and Russia.
Wealth, War & Wealth
By means of terror and bloodbaths, we will wage war against the
The Jew has understood how to make himself in economic relations master of the Christian population, which stands far below him in keenness of intellect, and whose hate he repays by plundering them in every conceivable direction . We cannot do otherwise than designate the Jews the very canker from which the lands of Eastern Europe suffer. All but one of the Russian Revolutionaries were Jews. The leader was Leon Trotsky, a Jew whose real name was Leyba Davidovich Bronstein.
Talmudic Judaisms hatred for the West
cannot be carried out by open warfare against the West, US particularly,
but is being carried out though the monetary system. Devastating
money lending policies have permitted the Zionists to control
if not own the vast amount of the worlds wealth. The American
monetary system, the FED, is owned by Jewish banks, More than
likely, if you have a church, home or car loan through a big bank,
that bank is Jewish owned. The borrower is slave to the lender.
Even smaller banks deposit their funds in the large Jewish owned
The US is currently paying 1 Billion a day or 1 Trillion a year
in interest on the fiat money created by the FED, i.e., the National
The Protocols of Zion
A program for the enslavement of the world and the destruction
of Christian religion.
The U.S. War Department considered the danger of International
Jewry worthy of investigation. It was compiled in August
1919 and given SECRET classification until 1973.
The Protocols of Zion are a list of plans and methods that Jewish leaders in the late 1800s planned to use for the Jews to take control and manipulate governments and their people around the world. This version was translated by Victor Marsden and includes an introduction which explains in detail why it's likely that the Protocols are not a forgery. Observe what is taking place: The Protocols are clearly being instated today. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are found here:
Gog and Magog & The Final War
The contest is "whether God's truth or man's sin is to have
possession of the field of battle.
Ezekiel 38, 39: This section speaks of the world-wide adversaries of Zion, the Gospel Church, moving against it. It records, as does Isaiah xxxiv, Joel iii. 12, 14, Zechariah xiv and Rev 20, the last conflict, which ends in a final triumph to the cause of God over the leagued hostility of the world. ... See the map in order to follow the events reordered here.
Our purpose in giving such a large amount of information in the Bibliography is to establish the qualifications of the authors of the various books used to document these Essays. What we offer, and must document, is completely beyond anything the average Christian has ever encountered, or even heard of, and has required multiplied hours of research. And despite the facts presented by competent authors in their various fields of endeavors, the facts will still be overruled by feeling and false teachings.
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