Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5

11/8/09, #1. Introduction. Matthew 5.

11/15/09, #2. Matthew 5:1-12

11/22/09, #3. Spiritual Poverty. Matthew 5:3.

11/29/02, #4. Matthew 5:3-9

12/13/09, #5. Matthew 5:10-16

1/3/09, #6. Matthew 5. Salt and Light

1/10/10, #7. Matthew 5:10-20

1/17/10, #8. Matthew 5:21-26

1/24/10, #9. Matthew 5:27-30

1/31/10, #10. Divorce, Matthew 5:31, 32

Snow all of Feb. No services (72 in total)

2/28/10, #11. Divorce and the Net Testament, Matthew 5:27, 28

3/7/10, #12. Divorce, 1 Corinthians 7:10ff.

3/21/10, #13. Swearing. Matthew 5:33-37

3/28/10, #14. Mercy, restitution and Justice. Matthew 5:7, 38-42

4/11/10, #15. Love/hate. Matthew 5:43ff.


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