These are books by Pastor Need that are available in printed form from us. Check our BOOK STORE for book and booklet list, ording and pricing.
These files can be downloaded, and printed out. I would ask you to remember the Lord's ministry here in your giving if you do download them. Please send $5.00 (US) for each book you download. As you can see, there is a lot of work in each book.
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Ovid Need PO Box 221 Thoms Brook VA 22660Matthew 24 has been and is used to teach an astounding amount of false doctrine. This book deals with the context of Matthew 24, revealing the many false teaching it is being misused to teach.
Israel's Identity/Israel's Conversion
This book deals with the Israel controversery. It proves the falicy of the "Christian Identity" religion, as well as the falicy of modern dispensationalism that holds to a "literal" national Israel.
Romans 13, Where is the Line Drawn
This book deals with the Romans 13 question, and proper submition to authority.
This book is just what it says it is.
A Commentary on the Book of Galatians
Proving that the Gospel Church is the Israel of God in these last days, and that a national Israel as offered by some (including "Anglo-Saxonism", or "Christian Identity") is a figment of someone's very vivid and fallen imagination.
Was Revelation written before 70 AD?
This is a study concerning infant baptism, covering a little history of paedobaptism and baptism in general. It resulted from study in Exodus 12:43-51. Moreover, this pastor must admit that, unlike many who write and speak on this subject, he does not have all the answers. Though the following has some inconsistencies, it fits together best for this pastor concerning the matter. The study was not intended to be so lengthy, but one thing led to another. Moreover, there was no intention at the time of doing anything with the following study other than personal research and information concerning paedobaptism, but others have asked for the study. It has not been closely proofed for punctuation and misused words. If the study goes to print, it will be proofed much closer.
Sadly, this Baptist pastor has generally found the Pedobaptists
more scholarly and receptive to serious theological works than
Baptists. Thus, he finds more acceptance and more kindred
spirits among the Pedobaptists.
My wife, Bettie, asked me what I was going to do with all of the commentaries I have studied for my personal information, and put together. I told her I would just put them on the Hard Drive, which did not set well with her. So, here they are, one book at a time as I can put them up.
Lord willing, I will be posting a great many more commentaries and general files. This is one reason I went "full time" with the Examiner, so I could spend the time making the material the Lord has freely provided for me available to all.
These are the studies that caused me to leave dispensationalism.
Some of the files are only a few pages long, but others are quite long, so allow time for them to download.
These files are presented without serious editing, though I did quickly glance through them for spelling. There is an abundance of good teaching material here. I will post them as I get the separate files ready. Some are in PDF, but those files are so large, I have done the rest in html. You will aslo see that my "theology" changed as I studied. What I put together in the late 90s is not the same as what I put together in the early 80s, nor should it be for anyone who studies Scripture. When we quit learning, we might as well be dead.
However, please remember that the workman is worthy of his hire, so remember us as you use the material you find on this site. (1 Timothy 5.)
I will post here my commentaries on various chapters. I have several commentaries available on entire books, so let me know if you find this material useful. I will post more material as you let me know its usefulness. Many of my messages and mailings took shape as I researched and wrote these commentaries. If you will contact me, I can also print them out for you.
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