Personal Note.
Bettie and I were married April 29, 2001. We moved to Indiana, where she fit in very well as a "pastor's wife." However, the Lord has since permitted us to pursue a desire I have had for many years that is, go full time writing.
Our last Sunday as pastor of the Linden Baptist Church was June 16th. We are now "full time" with the Examiner and other writing, dependent upon the Lord through these things for our upkeep. See updates. If you find this material helpful, please pray about supporting this ministry. For those desiring a giving record, you can give through The Linden Baptist Church (PO Box 6, Linden IN 47955). Be sure to designate what the funds are for.
Our new address:
The Biblical Examiner
PO Box 81
Bentonville VA 22610
Fay went home to Brazil just before Christmas, 2001. We went
with her, and were able to stay there for five weeks. We also
left Christina there with Bettie's sister for another four months.
Click here for the
letters I sent back to our home folks from Brazil.
Things have been at sort of a stand still for over a year. But the Lord has not forgotten me. I sent the following e mail to those whom we kept posted with updates last year.
Dear family and friends:
I am sending the e mail to all those who expressed an interest in Carol's condition last year. I thought you might like an update.
Through a mutual pastor friend, the Lord put me in contact with a godly widow who lost her husband four years ago in a plane crash. Obviously, she cannot replace Carol anymore than I can replace Jeff, her husband. And that is not our goal. Our common goal is to start over again.
Carol was a perfect pastor's wife (I got the "cream of the crop" from her college, though I was not a student). The woman I am seeing is 56, and is a perfect pastor's wife for this time in my life and ministry. She is totally different from Carol, except for her love for the Lord God, her desire to serve Him above all else, and her unconcern about money in the Lord's service. After Carol died, I was concerned that I would have to remain alone, for I never dreamed there would be other single women with Carol's attitude toward serving the Lord and money. And I could not remarry anyone without those attitudes in those important areas. And I have been praying for a help meet, as she has been doing, praying for someone to "help" in his ministry. She was not looking to be a pastor's wife, but she is excited at the prospect.
In fact, if I do not remarry, I must quit the ministry, for one of the qualifications of a pastor is the "husband of one wife." However, I was committed to marry a widow only, for divorces present too many problems, even though the other is at fault. (Bettie felt the same way. The Old Testament requirement was that the "priest" could only remarry a widow of a "priest." Being in the ministry, I felt that applied to me also.) So my request to the Lord was for a widow, preferably a widow of a pastor or someone familiar with the trials of the ministry. And the Lord answered that request above all I could ask or think.
Her name is Bettie Ethell. She grew up in Brazil, the oldest of 6 children of a Presbyterian pastor and former Baptist wife. At 17, she came to the States to finish her last year of high school and was "culture shocked." She met her husband at King College in Bristol, TN, and after they were married, they moved to Richmond, VA where Jeff studied at Union Seminary. They felt God sent them to the deadest seminary, so they could learn to trust God. From there, God called them into the drug ministry, and for 6 years they ran a home for girls, living by faith. There God showed them His great power to provide! (Jeff was ordained a minister by the Baptist church.)
After two of their three children were born, they left Richmond Youth Challenge and Jeff turned to aviation writing full time, and family counseling part time. (At his death, he had 54 books in print, and had published hundreds of aviation articles. Thus she is very familiar with the publishing industry and what it is to be married to a writer. This is only one very small aspect of the many things the Lord has put together for both of us. Our common grounds are astounding.) After their third child was born, God moved them to Front Royal, VA, where they spent time in several denominations before joining Rileyville Baptist Church.
Their family never bought into dispensationalism, from which the Lord removed me some time ago. Through lengthy communications with Bettie, both in person, mail and by phone, I have found that we agree at every point doctrinally; she is a committed Reformed Calvinist, excepting the infant baptism. In fact, it was her confidence in the Divine Sovereignty of God that saw her through the loss of her husband, Jeff.
And it was also my confidence in the Divine Sovereignty of God that saw me through the loss of my wife, Carol. During the many hours on the road with Carol, we many times discussed God's Sovereign Providence, and how everything we were going through was for His glory, and for our good. We were both confident, and I still am, that no matter what the outcome would be, the future only held good for both or either of us. God was only preparing us for an increased and widened ministry. She went to be with the Lord, and now the Lord is increasing the ministry He has given me. Bettie saw her experiences through the same eyes as I have seen mine.
Her husband died in June, 1997, in an airplane crash. Two years later, her parents died 4 months apart. (My dad, Ovid E. Need, sr, passed away about 6 weeks after Carol, the first of Aug.) They lived next door to her, and were her faithful prayer partners to the end. She has determined to be content to do whatever task God places before her. She did not think of remarrying until she found that her children and her pastor and his wife had been praying for a godly mate for her.
She presently lives in a 5 bedroom home she designed and built in 1984, at the north end of the Skineline Parkway in the Blue Ridge Mountains. She lives on the bank of the Shannonadoa river. And the view is breathtaking of the mountains from her front porch.
She homeschooled her three children; they all went to college, and all three families (including the men the girls married) are now self-employed from their homes. The two girls are keepers at home, yet make a good income through home industry.
She always opened her home for the Lord to fill-- and He did! Almost 2 years ago, she took in an 18 year old single mom with her 6 month old daughter. Though she thought it was to be a temporary thing, God graciously let her disciple Heather for a year and a half before she married her son. Then she opened her home for a 17 year old Brazilian exchange student that came in February, 2001, and will remain until December 11, 2001. Both Heather and Fay have exhibited a great hunger for the Word of God.
She is signing her house over to her son as his inheritance, and is coming out here by faith. We are both starting out again from nothing, except our love for God, and common desire to serve Him. I have taken no set salary for a couple of years now, and she is used to living by faith. However, my small house is paid for.
Bettie's desire is to teach girls and women to be keepers at home according to Titus 2.
Fay and Christina, who will be 16 next month, have hit it off like two sisters.
We plan to marry soon, and will live in this area, maybe in the parsonage. The house in the country is too small. If the Lord supplies, we would like to get a single story house in the country, but we will have to wait to see what the Lord will do in that area. His hand has been extremely evident throughout our "courtship," so there is no reason the feel He will let us down now. I will fill in the details if anyone so requests. Family, her e mail is <> You are welcome to contact her.
Here is a picture of this gorgeous lady the Lord has graciously brough my way. She is pictured here with her daughter in law, Heather.
I cannot describe the goodness of God to this preacher at this point in his life. Keep us in your prayers. I continue to be confident that God has great things in store for us, in His good time. Bettie and I both agree that the school the Lord has put us through is too important to let lie dormant. (She is completing a very extensive course in sign language, and she speaks Portuguese, as well as some of several other languages. She will work on Spanish when she gets over here. We have a lot of Spanish speaking people, so the door is wide open in that area.)
I have brought her and Fay here to meet the folks of the church, and they are all excited about her joining with me in the ministry the Lord has given us here.
I am 59 (8/14/41) and she is 56. It is kind of late by man's terms to start over again, but it is in God's hands.
Other family news:
Jessica and her husband moved to Dayton OH a couple weeks ago. Both were transferred by their companies. Corey is the manager of a Finish Line Store South of Dayton, and Jessica is an assistant manager of a very high class jewelry store just outside of Dayton OH, Beaver Creek, Rodgers Jewelers.
Thank you for your prayers.
I have had a difficult time getting my "heart" back into the ministry, but this has given me new heart for the Lord and His work.
After observing the Lord's marvelous work in this poor man's life, I can with even more heart say that I don't understand it, but rejoice in the fact that His blessings are upon me (not in a material sense, for we have very little), as I always sign,
By His Sovereign Grace Alone,
Bro Need
2 Thessalonians 3:1 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you... (is our prayer.)
Three days after Carol's funeral, Christina (15) and I left on "vacation." We have stopped by an evangelist friend's place in Ga for a few days, will continue on to Disney World (someone gave us 2-five day "park hopper" passes), and then on to my sister's house in Va. Beach.
Problem: though I can log on and receive e mail from other dialup addresses, my server will not allow me to answer any e mail that is not on my server. So I cannot answer e mail at this time.
We should be back home about July 10 or so.
Bro Need
IF YOU WOULD LIKE, leave your name and e mail address, and I will contact you when we get this updated again.
The following is a continuing update on my wife, who has Breast Cancer. From the start, she has refused Chemo and surgery, but we now have no choice except the chemo. The tumor has completely taken over the right breast, and is taking over the lung area. I will update this file for those interested.
Did you know Carol? If so, drop me a note. I plan to do an issue of The Biblical Examiner in her memory, and I would like some notes about her to put in it. (We received enough gifts in her memory to almost pay the total for the next mailing.)
Thank you so much for all your prayers, and don't stop. As I have said below, the Lord has shown his hand in everything that has taken place in the last 8 months. I don't know how I can be more effective without a wife like Carol was, but Romans 8:28-30 is still in the Scriptures.
My dad, who is now 82, lost his wife (our mother) in 1967. Since then, he has been anxiously awaiting the day he can see her again - and the older he gets, the more he looks forward to death, to where now he is praying that he will die, so he can go be with her (as he longingly looks at an old family picture). I really do not know any place in Scripture that tells us to look forward to death, so we can be with loved ones. Rather, we are to look forward to life and more effective service to our Lord. I am looking forward to what the Lord has in store. And this is the attitude Carol would want, for her continual desire was the same - to be more effective for the Lord.
The funeral went as well as such things can go, with our two girls playing a major part in it. Christina and I are away for a couple weeks. Someone gave us two five day passes to Disney World and my sister lives in Va. Beach, and Christina loves the beach. And we also are spending a couple days with an evangelist friend in Ga. So I will probably not be back in the office until July 10 or after. I would like to have Examiner together and maybe even printed by the time I get back to Linden.
Please drop us a note.
Note to former class mates or those who knew Carol. Jessica, our oldest daughter, is planing to take all the e mail notes we have received and read highlights from them at the funeral (if she can do it). So if you knew Carol, drop us a note.
Someone who knew us said that she was one of a kind, and she was. She was an unusually great asset to every ministry where the Lord has had us. Her presence will be impossible to replace. The major priority of her life was to help others. I don't know how many times as we would be visiting folks, she would say, "I am doing what I have wanted to do since I was a small girl, even before I was saved." That is, visiting folks to be an encouragement to them.
She exemplified the gift of service and mercy showing. (Luke 22:27, Rom. 12:8.) She was as opposite of my personality as any two people could be, but that is the way the Lord works so we can balance each other out.
I honestly do not know how the ministry the Lord has given me can be more effective for him without her, but by faith, I know that Romans 8:29, 30 are true.
Carol's viewing is Friday, 4-8:00 PM, at Hahn Funeral Home, located on E. South Street (1000 N). South Street is the first street going into Linden from the South (from I74). The funeral service will be Saturday, 10:00 AM, at the Linden Baptist Church, 120 E. Plum St. There will be a lunch after the funeral at the Church.
The interment will be at the Nevada Cemetery. Her dad bought four plots there years ago; he is there, and there is one for his wife, Masie (Carol's mom, who is still living), then Carol and one left for me. The grave site is located North of 28 on 19, then Right on 600 N. 28 runs through Tipton, and 19 is on the East side of Tipton. We will meet at the grave side at 2:30, which should allow plenty of time for the service, then for lunch and travel. Pastor Hufhand will have the grave side. After the grave side service, we will meet at First Baptist Church (where we were married in 71) for a time of fellowship and refreshment. There is a sign pointing North off 28 toward the Church.
Carol's heart was in the printing ministry (she loved to read, so she realized the value of printing), so we ask that instead of flowers, gives be sent for the printing ministry of Linden Baptist Church.
Prayer: pray for Bro Riker - Carol's desire was for the gospel to be preached at a good church service. The salvation of souls is our goal.
I certainly feel at "loose ends," not really knowing what to do with myself. (Of course, the worse is not yet here.) By God's grace, however, I will continue on in what he has given me to do. Carol left our 15 year old daughter behind (her fear was that she would be around to raise Christina), but she is a very good girl, and has not given us a moment's problem. God will supply. (We had no life insurance on Carol.)
The Lord has used many people to be extremely good to us; I cannot thank him enough.
The following was sent by a pastor friend:
Would you like to know where I am?
I am at home in my Father's house, in the mansion prepared for
me there.
I am where I would be.
No longer on the stormy sea, but in the safe and quiet harbor.
My working time is done and I am reaping;
My joy is as the joy of harvest.
Would you know how it is with me?
I am made perfect in holiness.
Grace is swallowed up in glory.
The top-stone of the building is brought forth.
Would you know what I am doing?
I see God.
I see him as He is, not as through a glass darkly, but face to
And the sight is transforming, it makes me like Him.
I am in the sweet enjoyment of my blessed Redeemer.
I am here singing hallelujahs incessantly to Him who sits on the
And rest not day or night from praising Him.
Would you like to know what company I keep?
Blessed company.
Better than the best on earth.
Here are holy angels and the spirits of just men made perfect.
I am set down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the Kingdom of
With the blessed Paul and Peter, James and John, and all the saints.
And here I meet with many of my old acquaintances with whom I
And with whom I prayed who came hither before me.
And lastly . . .
Would you know how long this is to continue?
It is the dawn that never withers,
The crown of glory that fades not away.
After millions and millions of ages It will be as fresh as it
is now,
Therefore, weep not for me
For I am in the presence of my blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus
Whom I loved and served on earth.
Ascribed to Matthew Henry, 18th century Bible commentator.
Carol and I took a different pathway this morning about 11:30; she went to be with our Lord, and I stayed here. She laterally went to sleep (no pain) yesterday afternoon, and woke up with the Lord this morning. At this point, the viewing will be at Hahn Funeral Home in Linden, Friday evening, 4-8:00 PM, with the funeral at the Linden Baptist Church, 10:00 AM Saturday morning. We are not sure yet about the internment.
Carol's heart was in the printing ministry, and she personally
financed with money the Lord sent to here more than one printing
of "The Other Jesus," so we may ask for gifts to the
Examiner instead of flowers.
Bro Gene Ryker will have the message, with Bro Aldrich and Bro
Hufhand also involved (Bro Hufhand was her pastor, and Bro Aldrich
has the school where our girls have attended for the past 15 years).
Carol was very firm that I could not do her funeral, because I
could not even get through the marriage off of our oldest daughter.
I know that I could not even get through the opening Scripture
verse. Bro Ryker wife, Dody and Carol have been best friends for
probably 25 years. He knew Carol from Indiana Bible College, where
I met Carol when I was a layman on the staff of Life Gate Baptist
Church under Dr. Ford Proter, 1967. Bro Gene recommended me to
Linden 18 years ago, and has been a very good friend. (They live
100 miles South of us.)
I told Bro Gene today after Carol went home that I am confident that both Carol and I are in God's perfect will at this point in my life. God's purpose has been and is being worked for his praise, honour and glory.
For those who are not on my update list, I will place the details on the web site after we know them tomorrow, so if you are interested, you can check it. We have not yet met with the funeral director.
Thank you all for your prayers.
It does not look good at all. Carol's blood pressure dropped very low last night, and she has lost control of her body functions. An infection has set in, with her temp over 101. They are doing some tests to see what the problem is today.
There is no apparent reason for her to be so out of touch with reality. Her pain medication is very minimal, so it cannot be blamed on the medication. Her breathing is VERY labored, and it seems she is having to gasp for each breath. To complicate matters, Christina both have bad colds, so we should not be around her AT ALL. I am sure mine set in because I became "run down."
I shared with the dr last night that I thought Carol had given up, and she said she got that feeling a couple days ago when she was in. (The dr has an intestinal infection, so she can't go in either.)
Our (Carol's and mine) whole experience from the start with all of this last November has been that no matter what we tried, matters got worse. The type of cancer she has grows so fast that though a treatment may have some effect, the cancer retakes whatever ground might have been gained from a treatment before the next treatment can be administered, even daily treatments. On the other hand, a slow growing cancer (lung, bone, &c.) grows so slowly that it does not regain the ground between treatments.
I have shared with the dr, our church people and others that from our research, it seems that there are those who do nothing with cancer except pray, and they are delivered from it. On the other hand, there are those who do everything the medical profession knows to do, yet they die. Then you have everyone in between who survive and who do not. In the end, it is in the Lord's hands, and he alone knows why things turn out as they do.
As I said the other day, the only thing that has kept me going has been the sure confidence that both Carol and I are in the Lord's perfect will as best we have known it (which has been our hearts' desire since we have been married, 29 years this Aug.) - we are in his hands, and we are walking the paths he has for us. We both have tried to serve the Lord to the full extent of the grace he has provided, and she had sincerely prayed about the way she should "attack" the cancer (since I have known her, she has been a woman of prayer). So I am confident we are both on the path established for us by the Lord, Proverbs 3:5, 6.
But it looks like our paths may separate, and we will go different directions. We both had promises concerning the outcome of all this, but evidently we misunderstood the Lord, for we know his promises and his word will not fail; however, we fail regularly. God is just, good, merciful and righteous in all his actions, but his justice, goodness and righteousness are so far above what we know of these things that we cannot put it all together in our minds.
Ephesians 1:10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him: 11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will: 12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.
Carol and I have both trusted Christ. And both of our prayers have been that we should be to the praise of his glory. And he has worked and is working all of this to the praise of his own glory.
Thanks for your prayers. It is not over, and will not be over until the Lord says so. And we do know it will all reach a just and righteous conclusion, according to the purpose of his own good pleasure, his mercy and goodness towards his saints.
Report today is no change for the better. If anything, she is more out of touch with reality each day. It takes about 30 min to talk her into drinking 6 oz of protein drink, and she needs about 4 a day. (The dr said her protein is up from 2 to 2.7. She needs her protein up to above 3 to get the water out of her body.)
Jessica had to go back from her leave of absence from work, and she was staying here a couple times a week. (She is also carrying 9 hours of school this summer.) And Christina (15) also tries to help, but the girls are unable to persuade here as well to do what she needs to do.
I am the one being worn down (6 weeks Monday). A bad cold has set upon me to where I cannot sleep for the misery with it.
If it was not that I know the Lord is in all of this, I would surely throw up my hands and quit.
Ps 142:1 <<Maschil of David; A Prayer when he was in the cave.>> I cried unto the LORD with my voice; with my voice unto the LORD did I make my supplication. 2 I poured out my complaint before him; I shewed before him my trouble. 3 When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou knewest my path. In the way wherein I walked have they privily laid a snare for me.
By faith, I know that he knows the path we are walking at this point in our lives, and it is the path ordained for us. That faith would seem "empty," if it was not for the generosity of some good friends. The funds that come in, if nothing else, confirm that the Lord knows who we are, where we are and what is going on. If it was not for that confidence, I do not know how I would react as I sit here and helplessly watch Carol.
Thanks for your prayers. Not only does Carol need your prayers,
but so do I.
The Dr just left. There was not as much melting of the tumor this time as was the first time. Evidently, cancer "adapts" quickly to whatever is attacking it. So she will change the drug next time.
She also made it clear to Carol that SHE MUST want to get over this, or she will not. Admittedly, the narcotics have her "zonked," but she must reach down within herself and force herself to do what she is not wanting to do: eat, drink, walk, &c.
She has told me many times how she wants many more years to serve the Lord. I will remind her of that, and tell her that "service" starts by drinking water and eating what she should.
Prayer request: That the Spirit of God would move her by his grace to give a stronger than the drugs desire to do what she is not doing, eating, walking, &c.
We still do not know what the breathing problem is. The dr said she would order a cat scan soon to see what happened to the tumor.
Things look very poorly this morning. They removed fluid from off her lung yesterday, but here breath is still extremely short. The dr did not come in last night, but my guess is the tumor is taking over her lungs. (I'm afraid to ask, though the dr did say the other day that the cancer cells get into the lung tissue, and make it hard .) From what I understand, the chemo only works for about a week, and then it takes two more weeks for the body to recover. In the mean time, the tumor grows during those two weeks. In other words, the plan is to knock the tumor back with the chemo more than it can recover in the two week rest period - three steps forward and two back (or something like that), is the way it should work.
She is out of her mind with the medication she takes to help her breath. She keeps asking for water, but refuses to drink it because she says it tastes bad, so she pleads for "fresh" water. She says she knows water will help her, but still won't drink it. She won't eat anything, probably for the same reason. She is starving herself to death, though she knows she must eat and drink to live.
It reminds me so much of the way folks look at the Lord and his word. They know the Lord can and will help, and they know that his word is the water of life, but they refuse to listen to it and heed its instructions.
The Lord alone is the only way this situation can be turned around.
Again, all I can say is that only the Lord knows what is taking place. All I know is,
Just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints (Rev. 15:3), and we are two of his saints.
BTW, I have a mailing about ready, but it is hard to get the time to do the layout, and get it to the printer.
Carol had a very bad night last night. Trying to get off the drugs created a great amount of anxiety, which created even more breathing problems. Lord willing, she will get some fluid off her lungs today, then we can try to get her off the pain killer, which is a strong narcotic. At this point, she does not seem to need it for pain, but to help "relax" her so she can breath.
The dr did say last night that coming off that drug will cause withdrawal problems. Evidently, those problems cannot be dealt with until she can breath better.
Thanks for remembering us.
They could not remove the fluid this morning because Carol is on blood thinner; they will tomorrow, Lord willing.
She is feeling very "low," I suppose because we are trying to get off the pain medication (a stron narcotic) as much as possible. She has cut back dramatically on it.
She is still having great difficulty eating and drinking (primarily because she cannot breath), and she needs to do a lot of both. There was some dissolving of the tumor from the Chemo, but nothing like it was the first time. The reason for only one treatment every three weeks is because it takes that long for the body to recover and heal from the previous treatment.
Only the Lord knows what is taking place. All I know is,
Just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints (Rev. 15:3), and we are two of his saints.
Carol seems to be very slightly better, in that she is breathing no worse. Other than that, not much to say. Her oxygen saturation was down to 87% this morning, which is not good.
Chemo was this morning, and seemed to go good (as such things go). Carol is trying to sit up more, and work on her breathing. The dr was in this morning before the treatment, and was insistent that Carol get off of some of the pain mediation. She told her to use a nerve medication, Zantac, instead of pain mediation to help control her breathing (stress causes breathing difficulty). She holding off the pain medication, and she seems to be doing a little better, more alert.
The ruff day last time was two days latter. That will be Wednesday evening.
Btw, Jessica went back to work today after a four week leave of absence to be with her mother here. That means she is about 30,000 behind on sales at the store. She has been the top sales person since she has been there, and was second to the top for 1999 for her division, which goes as far as Memphis. Pray for her that the Lord will provide the customers so she can catch up in her sales.
Thanks for remembering us as we claim the grace of God during this time.
Everything is about the same. Carol is "distressed," for lack of a better term, over the Chemo tomorrow. The medication does not seem to be working to remove the water from her feet and legs. But I am no doctor. She uses a lot of the pain medication to help her breath; it seems to make her chest not as tight.
She is also distressed that she cannot stay awake long enough to read her Bible nor pray. There is a good lesson in this for those who can't find time in good health to spend with the Lord. They have no guarantee that in poor health they will be able to spend time with him. They then will have to go from memory.
I must confess that I am getting weary of living at the hospital, but not near as weary of it as Carol is.
I see no end in sight at this point, but I know there is. Our confidence is still in him.
Job 23:10 But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath
tried me, I shall come forth as gold.
Carol is so sleepy she cannot stay awake. I am sure it is the pain killers. It hurts when she tries to eat, so she takes the pain medication so she can eat and drink.
She is greatly concerned about the chemo Monday. She almost died the last time they did it. So remember this matter before the Lord. Also, I am sure she would like for you to remember here as she tries to do her breathing and physical exercises.
She is able to walk around her room unaided, and down the hall with a cane (tubes attached).
Remember our church services tomorrow also.
Dr was in late today. She said that evidently Carol's lungs are filled up again, and will x ray Monday to see how bad. She plans chemo Monday, and then drain the fluid again Tuesday. Sometimes, the chemo will deal with the tumor enough that the body seals itself and removes the fluid itself.
She sounded encouraging, but again that is her job.
Thanks for your prayers. We are well into 5 weeks in the Hosp. Our folks have been very good at church in supporting us in this situation. God is in charge, and I have no doubt that he will do some great things out of all this.
PS. The publisher is about half done preparing the book for
printing (self-publish). They are encouraged enough about it to
send it to a books on tape publisher. They have only recommended
one other book for taping, and it was fiction. They said they
would like to do it in a book volume, a chapter at a time. They
are also looking at overseas rights for the book. I retain the
copyright, and thus the ownership of the text.
Carol seems to have a little more energy today. She has been working on her breathing exercises, which should help increase her breathing. She is due for another Chemo treatment Monday. The dr said it would not be as bad as the first one was.
However, there is a lot of fluid in her legs and ankles, which the dr does not seem to be able to get out. Also, the medication is so strong that she is unable to think clearly, making it difficult to even remember to do her breathing exercises (which should increase her lung capacity). She has asked for prayer that she would be able to do her breathing exercises. Also, pray about the fluid on her legs.
We are starting our fifth week in the hospital, and the Lord has worked it out where we have been able to stay with her almost every day and night.
Only the Lord knows what is going on, but by his grace, we will leave it in his hands.
The dr was just in, and indicated she was pleased with Carol's progress. However, Carol's legs and feet are swelling badly, which is a sign of malnutrition. We have a high nutritional, fermented soy drink which was developed to use with chemotherapy, as well as a nutritional rice bran (the dr wrote into her orders here in the hospital that we could use supplements as we saw fit - an unusual compromise on the hospital's part, to say the least; when we first checked in on this floor, the head nurse had a problem with anything not from the hospital's pharmacy). The Thrush (infection resulting from the low white cell count) causes great pain to eat and drink, so Carol has had problems with eating and with the rice bran; hence, undernourish. So now she MUST eat and drink these high nutrition foods.
Her breathing is still quite labored. So she is still in quite a bit of danger.
Oh yes, another pastor (where Christina goes to school) was in yesterday, and he said he also was roused out of bed the Tuesday night Carol was in so much danger. He said when he is awaken like that, he assumes that the Lord has done it for a purpose, so he got up and prayed for her that night also. That makes at least three pastors (one in Ind, one in Fl. and one in Ga) who have said the Lord stirred them up to pray that night.
The dr did say that Carol was out of danger for now, so if I needed to do anything, I needed to do it in the next couple of days, because she will get another Chemo treatment Monday.
Thank you for all your prayers and concerns. I do not know
how it works -- that is, men's prayers and God's sovereignty --
but that is not my problem; that is HIS responsibility to work
all of these things out. My responsibility is to pray and depend
upon him to hear and answer prayer.
Carol had a worse night last night; she slept very little because of breathing difficulties. The dr has not been in yet (10:00 AM), so we know nothing more yet. She is so short of breath that she must sleep most of the time. I don't know what the "turn around" for the worse was, but it has been bad since yesterday morning.
She has been asking for prayer that if the Lord is not going to bring her through this, that he would be merciful to her in death. (Her dad died of lung cancer, and suffocated; she has always had a fear of suffocation and of breast cancer.)
She did get up and walk around a little with help. She is on a pain medication pump.
I visited my dad yesterday in Greencastle. He has had cancer for 20 years, but it is a slow growing cancer. My mother died of a rapidly spreading cancer in about 67. It only took about 4 months from the time it was found until she was gone. My dad is hoping he will die soon.
Carol and my prayer is that we will both come through this serving the Lord, and by his grace, we will continue to serve him. I pray that I will not end up as my dad has with nothing to look forward to.
I am continually reminded of Heb 12; Christ remained faithful "for the hope that was set before him." And that is our hope; our hope is in what lies ahead after this time of the testing of our faith.
Thanks for your continued prayers and support for us. We are starting our fifth week in the hospital.
It seems that Carol is getting better each day in the sense that she is able to stay up a little longer and breath a little better, but still very poorly (she is still on oxygen). She is better able to sleep through the night, where before she could not sleep at all at night. My UNTRAINED observation says that the tumor is still growing, but I am not qualified to know. The swelling has decreased dramatically in the other breast.
Monday will make four weeks WE have been in the hospital. I get home about once a week to check the mail, which is about 30 minutes from the hospital. (The Lord provided a good laptop computer, so I am able to continue many things from here in the hospital. Lord willing, I will try to get a mailing of the Examiner together and printed this next week.) Our oldest daughter and her husband live less than 10 minutes from the hospital, so we can go over there at times and wash clothes. But since we are on the first floor in the rehab department, as many as three of us can stay here at a time in the two room suite. (The Nuns run a "tight ship" on this floor; it is a Catholic hospital.)
She has been able to walk around some, and tries to spend a good deal of the time sitting up.
Let me mention that Carol was very close to death Tuesday night, 5/23. We had many of our church folks up her that night praying with her (her doctor said that night was going to be very critical, and she needed to be encouraged to hang on; they came and did that). I afterwards heard from two pastors, one in Georgia and one in Southern Indiana who was with his school seniors in Florida that night, that the Lord made them very restless, and they spent most if not all of that night in prayer. The Lord brought her through the night, and each day sense has been slightly better.
She took a shower today, June 3, 2000, with an apparatus they
have fixed up here to wheel people into a shower.
Carol seems to be doing a little better today. The tumor appears
to be continuing to grow in the right breast, but the left has
shrunk dramatically. I am not a doctor. The floor where we are
is a rehab floor where the doctor does not visit often.
Again, she is looking forward to being able to get up a walk a
little. She spent most of the day out of bed yesterday - a little
walking, but mainly sitting up in a wheel chair.
I will preach tomorrow, so pray for the services. One of our men is taking care of the Sunday School class that I normally teach.
[Streams in the Desert, 5/13]
"We know not what we should pray for as we ought."
(Rom. 8:26.)
Much that perplexes us in our Christian experience is but the
answer to our prayers. We pray for patience, and our Father sends
those who tax us to the utmost; for "tribulation worketh
We pray for submission, but God sends sufferings; for "we
learn obedience by the things we suffer."
We pray for unselfishness, and God gives us opportunities to sacrifice
ourselves by thinking on the things of others, and by laying down
our lives for the brethren.
We pray for strength and humility, and some messenger of Satan
torments us until we lie in the dust crying for its removal.
We pray, "Lord, increase our faith," and money takes
wings; or the children are alarmingly ill; or a servant comes
who is careless, extravagant, untidy or slow, or some hitherto
unknown trial calls for an increase of faith along a line where
we have not needed to exercise much faith before.
We pray for the Lamb-life, and are given a portion of lowly service,
or we are injured and must seek to redress; for "he was led
as a lamb to the slaughter and ... opened not his mouth."
We pray for gentleness, and there comes a perfect storm of temptation
to harshness and irritability. We pray for quietness, and every
nerve is strung to the utmost tension, so that looking to Him
we may learn that when He gives quietness, no one can make trouble.
We pray for love, and God sends peculiar suffering and puts us
with apparently unlovely people, and lets them say things which
rasp the nerves and lacerate the heart; for love suffereth long
and is kind, love in not impolite, love is not provoked. Love
BEARETH ALL THINGS, believeth, hopeth and endureth, love never
faileth. We pray for likeness to Jesus, and the answer is, "I
have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction." "Can
thine heart endure, or can thine hands be strong?" "Are
ye able?"
The way to peace and victory is to accept every circumstance,
every trial, straight from the hand of a loving Father; and to
live up in the heavenly places, above the clouds, in the very
presence of the Throne, and to look down from the Glory upon our
environment as lovingly and divinely appointed. Selected.
I prayed for strength, and then I lost awhile
All sense of nearness, human and divine;
The love I leaned on failed and pierced my heart,
The hands I clung to loosed themselves from mine;
But while I swayed, weak, trembling, and alone,
The everlasting arms upheld my own.
Ai prayed for light; the sun went down in clouds,
The moon was darkened by a misty doubt,
The stars of heaven were dimmed by earthly fears,
And all my little candles flames burned out;
But while I sat in shadow, wrapped in night,
The face of Christ made all the darkness bright.
I prayed for peace, and dreamed of restful ease,
A slumber drugged from pain, a hushed repose;
Above my head the skies were black with storm,
And fiercer grew the onslaught of my foes;
But while the battle raged, and wild winds blew,
I heard His voice and perfect peace I knew.
I thank Thee, Lord, Thou wert too wise to heed
My feeble prayers, and answer as I sought,
Since these rich gifts Thy bounty has bestowed
Have brought me more than all I asked or thought;
Giver of good, so answer each request
With Thine own giving, better than my best.
-- Annie Johnson Flint.
Carol seems to be doing better today. She is looking forward to getting up and walking some. She slept good last night. Her breathing is better, but far from good. As I mentioned, everything we have tried on the human level since last Oct has failed to provide improvement.
Only the Lord knows what he is doing, and we rejoice in it.
BTW, the facilities here at the hospital are better than our wildest imagination for a hospital. You only hear about things like this - connecting rooms with shower and sleeping for the family, VCR, cable and closets. Jessica, Christina and I stayed her last night. We don't know how long it will last, however.
Carol's breathing is very poor this morning, making her almost unable to speak. I am sure the tumor is pushing against her lungs. She just told me that she did not want life support. Though she said she is not giving up, she said that I know she has fought a good fight.
Only the Lord knows what is in store for us. I must cry out with David:
Psalms 13:1 How long wilt thou forget me, O LORD? for ever?
how long wilt thou hide thy face from me? 2 How long shall I take
counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? how long
shall mine enemy be exalted over me?
Psalms 35:17 Lord, how long wilt thou look on? rescue my soul
from their destructions, my darling from the lions.
Job 19:25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: 26 And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: 27 Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.
Mark 7:37 And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well: he maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak.
Doctor was just in. Carol's white blood cell count has returned to normal. They are moving her today to the first floor to physical therapy to help regain her strength. The Doctor also said that Carol almost did not make it last week. The doctor did put her on a regular diet again; her white cell count is back to normal.
She is far from being out of the woods; her body is still dangerously full of the cancer, with another chemo treatment due in about a week and a half. They will try to work her off the pain medication within the next week.
The tumor feels like a belt around her chest, making it very hard to breath, so she is still in grave danger of the tumor suffocating her. It is very much in the Lord's hands, and we will praise him every step of the way.
We both, Carol and I with my heart problem, must say, "If we perish, we perish; blessed be the name of the Lord."
(She did ask the physical therapist if she could sing praises to the Lord Sunday on the first floor. As I said, she is the perfect pastor's wife; actually, she is an excellent example of what any wife should be.)
I must complement the nurses here in the hospital. We could not ask for better people to be with us.
The doctor was back today. She is working Carol toward discharge. The therapists was in today to see if she can stand up, and to test her strength. The next step is the first floor and physical therapy. Her breathing is still very ruff, but they said getting up and around will help. Also, the tumor is in her lung area. Her white blood cell count is returning to normal, 2.7 this morning, but it is to be 21. It was 0.5.
She is back on a normal diet, except NO fresh foods nor fruits because of the danger of picking up an infection from it.
She is by no means out of the "woods," but it is better than it was last Tuesday. There is an extremely long road ahead.
Carol asks for prayer about her breathing. And that the Lord will see fit to shrink the tumor that is in her lung area.
Again, thanks for your prayers, and pray for the work that the Lord has given us to do at Linden Baptist Church.
We know that the Lord does all things well.
Carol needs two more units of blood today. Here red cells are being destroyed somewhere. However, she is much more rational today, and is able to carry on a conversation, hold a cup, &c. In fact, she is noisely complaining that she is hungry. Jessica and Christina ate her jello that was on her tray, and she said for them to get their own food from now on. That is the most she has talked for a week.
The tumor is still desolving, but not as rapidly as it has
been. Sadly, her Dr is off this weekend and will not be back till
Tuesday. The dr on
duty is not near as aware of things as her regular dr.
Also, pray for our small church during this time, that the Lord will meet our needs.
The Lord knows all about these things, and he alone controles all events according to his own divine and sovereign purpose.
I had to go to the Church today to try to get some bills paid, so I missed the Dr. However, Jessica was here, and the dr told her that Carol's blood is returning to normal; she told Jessica that there is a "complete turnaround" in Carol's blood work (for the good). I do not know what all that entails. Maybe she will stop by this afternoon, and I will ask her more then.
Carol is in a great amount of pain, evidently from tumor shrinking. She is unable to talk coherently because of the pain medication, and spends most of the time on her back groaning ("Why are you groaning?" She answers, "I don't know," but she seems unable to stop). Though the blood is returning to normal (they put in a total of 5 units, almost a complete oil change), she is far from being out of the woods. It would be wonderful if the Lord would see fit to let her go home at the end of the white blood cell buster shots, which would be about next Wednesday.
Regardless, the Lord is good, and in his mercy, he has given us some good reports. Please continue to pray for Carol, as I know you are. God has a purpose in all this - things will never be the same, even when the Lord gets her out of this. I am looking FORWARD to what he has in store for us in his kingdom work. It will be wonderful.
The Love of Christ has certainly been shown to us by a great many brethren through all of this.
The doctor was just in. It appears the tumor is shrinking so fast that Carol is in danger of kidney failure. But the doctor said she can deal with that problem. Carol has had 3 units of red blood cells, and is due for at least one more today, and maybe another. (Use of blood is another issue -- faced with death or blood, there is not much time to think things trough. Carol was at the door of death for lack of blood.)
Carol is still so medicated that she is incoherent, but the dr said a miracle is taking place - "Carol, you hold on. There's something miraculous going on here." (We will certainly make sure she knows that the Lord answers prayer.) At the first, the dr said it would be 3-6 weeks before they could tell if the treatments were working, but it was obvious the next day - there is a visible reduction in the size of the swelling of the left breast which was caused by the tumor. We have been using the Haelan soy product, which was developed to use with chemo. The dr said to discontinue it for a while because the tumor was overloading her kidneys. The terrible pain in her chest is the tumor shrinking.
The major concern now is her kidneys and liver. It seems what she vomited up yesterday was the overload from her kidneys being dumped into her colon. The next few days will be critical over her kidneys.
We committed her to the Lord the other night according to Ps 21:1, in dependence upon him to do according to his will.
On the lighter side:
We have "bribed" her with Sprite to take medication she does not like. Yesterday, she said "Sprite makes life worth living." Today, the nurse was bribing her again with a soda, and she got a Sprite. Carol said, "You lied; you told me you would give me a Shasta."
Thanks for your prayers. We serve a prayer hearing and answering God, who is good and righteous in all he does.
By His Sovereign Grace Alone,
May 24, 2000
Carol is about the same this morning. Her breathing is slow, but she seems to be taking deep breaths. She is still so drugged up for pain that she seems in a coma. But she is not. She will speak once in a while. I suppose that when they start decreasing the pain medication, she will become more rational. Lord willing, that may be today. The major pain was where they removed the fluid yesterday. Her red blood cell count seems to be low, so she may need an unit of blood. We will know shortly.
The Lord is good, and he is doing all things right.
Carol had a ruff night last night. The morphine makes her sick, so she cannot eat. Today, they did a cat scan, and took more fluid off her lung. The pain has been great. I guess the chemo's work on the tumor hurts badly, plus where they took out the fluid. We have found that anything we did to help destroy the tumor made it hurt. They finally have the pain back under control, but Carol is completely "zonked" out.
The Dr told us we had to make life support decisions tonight. She said that life support just to prolong life without healing was no use, she has found. Moreover, she has found that the patient must desire to live, or there is no need to prolong life. So we will spend the night with her, encouraging her to fight it through. It will be three to six weeks before we know if the chemo is doing any good. It will be a difficult time, to say the least.
But God is good, kind and gracious. He makes no mistakes, and we will rejoice in whatever he has for us - this is a day the Lord has made, and we will be glad and rejoice in it.
Carol woke up last night unable to breath. The problem lasted for a time, and after a "breathing" treatment, she was able to sleep again. The x-ray this morning showed pneumonia in her right lung, the lung that had been filled with fluid (the cavity, that is). So now they must treat that problem before we can go the next step. She had a tooth cap repaired today, so that is now out of the way. There is also an infection in the open sore in her breast where the tumor is.
Pray that our testamony will be loud and strong for the Lord to those around us.
The following is a note a dear pastor friend sent to my wife and I. I know you will find it helpful, particularly if you are going throgh some deep waters. The note reads as follows:
I found the following to be a source of blessing and encouragement. I trust it will do the same for you.
The following is taken from Streams in The Desert A devotional for July 19
"The cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?" John 18: 11
The cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?
(John 18: 11). This was a greater thing to say and do than to
calm the seas or raise the dead. Prophets and apostles could work
wondrous miracles, but they could not always do and suffer the
will of God. To do and suffer God's will is still the highest
form of faith, the most sublime Christian achievement. To have
the bright aspirations of a young life forever blasted; to bear
a daily burden never congenial and to see no relief; to be pinched
by poverty when you only desire a competency for the good and
comfort of loved ones; to be fettered by some incurable physical
disability; to be stripped bare of loved ones until you stand
alone to meet the shocks of life; to be able to say in such a
school of discipline, "The cup which my Father has given
me, shall I
not drink it?" This is faith at its highest and spiritual
success at the crowning point. Great faith is exhibited not so
much in ability to do as to suffer.
We cannot do good to others save at a cost to ourselves, and our afflictions are the price we pay for our ability to sympathize. We who would be a helper, must first be a sufferer. He who would be a savior must somewhere and somehow have been upon a cross; and we cannot have the highest happiness of life in helping others without tasting the cup which Jesus drank, and submitting to the baptism wherewith He was baptized.
The present circumstance, which presses so hard against you
(if surrendered to Christ), is the best shaped tool in the Father's
hand to
chisel you for eternity. Trust Him, then. Do not push away the
instrument lest you lose its work.
Strange and difficult indeed
We may find it,
But the blessing that we need
Is behind it.
The school of suffering graduated rare scholars. lsaiah 49:2 says, "He made me into a polished arrow." Since God knows what niche we are to fill, let us trust Him to shape us to it. And since He knows what work we are to do, let us trust Him to grind us so we will be properly prepared.
O blows that strike! O hurts that pierce this fainting heart of mine! What are you but the Master's tools forming a work Divine.
The cancer is growing like wild fire. They had to put chest tubes in to drain a lung cavity. The tubes are out, and they "pasted" the right lung to the outer chest wall to hinder the fluid from coming in. We are between a rock and a hard place, so we need to start Chemo Monday. However, before she can do that, she must have a cap repaired on a tooth. The Dr just saw the white blood cell count increase dramatically, which implies a serious infection. So, here we are. It is in the Lord's hands.
Carol's cancer is Inflammatory Breast Cancer, and it moves like wild fire. It has taken over completely the right breast, is moving into the left, and is taking over the right lung. We have had to have fluid removed from her lungs, and she is now in the hospital (5/12/00) with a chest tube to drain the fluid from here lung cavity.
We had x-rays and bone scans done (at St. Francis in Indianapolis) the first of March to be sure the tumor was not expanding. They compared the March x-ray with the November 99 x-ray, and told us there was no change. Then the first of Apl., we had to have the fluid removed in the emergency room at St. Elizabeth in Lafayette. The Apl. x-rays showed the fluid build up, and when the doctor compared the Apl. x-ray with March x-ray, he showed us that the fluid was already starting to build then. The x-ray technician, however, in March failed to notice or mention it to us, or we would have taken different action (which was the reason for the x-ray-so we could keep a close eye on what was going on).
Now, with the chest tube in, she is unable to take chemotherapy, which is the next step. But they cannot take the tube out until the drainage decreases. And to get the drainage to decrease, they plan to "paste" the lungs to the chest wall. The doctor told us that many times the chemo will seal the chest wall so it does not "leak" so much, but we can not pursue that course of action until the tube is out. It seems we are like a dog chasing his tail.
Conclusion: it is now in the Lord's hands. If anything will be done, the Lord must do it. And really, that is the situation in every case, from beginning to ending.
Brethren, pray for us.
Heart Attack
I had a heart attack last October 25. It had been coming on for some time, and I was suspicious of what was going on. I took a shower, and went to bed Monday evening, about 9:00. The "pressure" went down my left arm, and I told my wife to take me right then to the hospital.
I got there at about 9:30, and they gave me nitroglycerin and a lot of blood thinner. The doctor on duty wanted to give me a "clot buster," but I asked them to wait until some of my men got there to pray with me. While waiting, the heart doctor on duty came in. I told him of my eye surgery (laser for a seeping capillary behind the left retina, 1992). So he decided to thin the blood, keep the nitroglycerin and see if we could wait until the next morning to do the balloon, rather than take a chance on making the capillary bleed again. They kept me flat on my back, even moving me on the sheet, and moved me to another hospital. The next morning they scheduled me first for the angioplasty, 8:00. They placed a "stent" in where the blockage was, made me lay still for another 9 hours, and sent me home with the only instruction being not to lift over 5 lbs. for a week. I'm sure there will be more as I go along. The Lord has provided the funds for "chelation," which I started a short time ago.
My wife (a perfect pastor's wife, and this also, no doubt, can be attributed to the "stress") has been diagnosed with cancer. The tumor is so large that they said they had to do chemotherapy before they could do surgery. She is dead set against any "slash and burn" treatment, and we are looking into many other options (she has already started on some things see All of these things happened within a week or so, and they will leave us with two maximum insurance co-pay deductibles, several thousands of dollars. I believe I must spend as much time with her as she needs. She is seeking healing through the Lord using natural means. I had a set back the evening we were told the seriousness of her situation, 11/15. They did another angioplasty that evening, but everything appeared OK.
So here I am. I will need to cut back on the stress, obviously. This being a "one-man" operation of a very small church (from typing to printing), this one man must cut back. After some investigation, I found we can place the Examiner on news print for very few dollars more than what it now costs for paper alone to run it on the offset press. Whereas it takes me about 5 days to print the Examiner plus another long day to put it together for mailing, I can e mail the Examiner file to the printer, and he will deliver it back to me just a few miles South of us. (The press is several miles away, but the owner commutes from Crawfordsville.) It will still take a day to get it in the mail, but on this news print, it will not be near as time consuming. With the ease of news print, we may be able to get back to mailing once a month, depending on the funds than may come in, and the time I have to lay the material out for the printer. (I e mail a "PDF" file to him.) I realize the quality is not nearly as good, but it is a way we can continue with this ministry. LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK. I was going to say, NO MORE HARD COPIES OF THE EXAMINER, but I believe this will work.
Thanks to you who have supported this ministry. I pray that the Lord will confirm in your heart that his funds were well spent.
Daniel 4:26 ... the heavens do rule. 34... and I blessed the most High, and I praised and honoured him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation: 35 And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?
And I praise the Lord that he sees fit to do it a little longer with my wife and I.
Please keep us both in your prayers, for it is all in the Lord's
hands. If it is our time to "go," no amount of healthcare
nor treatments will change that time. (See Job 23.)
By His Sovereign Grace Alone
Bro Need
I have been taking chelation. That, along with diet and supplement, has seen my blood pressure drop dramatically without prescribed medication. I am learning to "live" with new physical feelings, e.g., sharp pains at times from the stents in my heart and a pressure at times across my chest. I have had both checked out, and I guess these "new" things are things I will have to learn about. I have tried to cut back on my hours, down to about 10 a day. My wife and I continue to go for chelation a couple times a week. (The Lord provided in unusual ways for us to do this, or we would never be able to afford this treatment.) I have been going to a M.D. who tries to get and keep the body in "balance." Check out his web site <> for more information. I just had two root canals removed (January 25, 2000), and my doctor said that should lower my blood pressure. The root canals had probably nickel caps on mercury fillings, a VERY DANGEROUS combination. The older tooth with the root canal was quite brittle, i.e., rotten, and it broke as he tried to remove it - think of the poison it put into my system. From our experiences, it seems that the ADA is out to kill as many people as they can get away with.
There are several treatments that appear to be effective against cancer, e.g., AM2, Haelan, Richard Schulze, Lorraine Day, M.D., The Hallelujah Diet - there are several testimonies at this site concerning the marvelous results of various things, including Haelan <>. In my opinion, the AMA condemns any treatment that does not bring in big bucks to their members. I also wonder if the "environmentalists" also want to keep illnesses on the market to cut down the population and to create jobs in the health care industry. I know these are strong charges, but the facts speak for themselves. Many have been cured of cancer by non-AMA approved means. However, the Lord is the one who makes any "plan" work, and those who depend on any "plan" without realizing that healing and life come from him and that our days are numbered in his book, are looking to the wrong source for their help.
Those facing cancer should check into the Haelan Soy product.
It is approved by the FDA as a nutritional food, though it has
the worse taste and smell imaginable. Haelan Soy product information,
1 800 275 4530, free video and book, including testimonies. Order
information: 1 800 542 3526
It appears that Carol's breast cancer could be the result of two
root canals, both of which were on the "breast meridian."
(One of the many we have spoken with said that 89% of breast cancer
patients have root canals. I need to get the documentation on
that. We also spoke with a lady who had Inflammatory Breat Cancer,
and as soon as she had a root canal removed, the inflammation
left.) The many mercury fillings she has had over the years loaded
up her body with mercury, and the last root canal she had (just
got the bill paid off when the cancer was found) was the final
step which the body could not handle. We will have more facts
soon. (Let me also mention the e mail that is going around concerning
anti-perspirant.) Normal mercury level is 2, and her's was 110.
Our insurance may cover the chelation for the removal of her high
mercury level. (We met one man who lost his speech because of
high mercury levels. His insurance [works for UPS] is paying for
his chelation.) My advise to one and all -- have the root canals
removed, and the mercury fillings replaced. However, when the
fillings are replaced, one needs to have chelation to get the
mercury out of his system.
Teeth? More (February 4, 2000)
The more one becomes involved in the truth about teeth, the more he should be concerned. We sent Carol's two teeth that had root canals to a lab. The results were quite sickening.
One of the more "amazing" things about dental is the fact that mercury is still the standard fillings for teeth. However, if one watches closely, he will find that mercury is considered a serious toxic chemical, yet the ADA still approves it to be placed in the mouth. (I understand that a student in a High School lab in Indianapolis broke a mercury filled thermometer -- the EPA came out in their "moon suits" to clean up the mercury, and took some of the students to the hospital to be examined. Yet dentists insist on placing it in peoples mouths. Yes, I am upset about the whole mess over the ADA's use of mercury and root canals.)
I have placed on this site documenation of dangers of mercury fillings. Here are some facts we have found on my wife. Look for yourself:
The following tests were preformed by Affinity Labeling Technologies, INC. <> The dentist's address is wrong on the first report. His correct address is on the second report,Tooth problems.
Toxicity problems . This is a report about the danger to one's system brought about by root canals. The poisons put out by root canals hinder the body's absorbiton of its needed 5 enzymes.
Mercury problems . This is the scale of mercury poisoning brought about by the mercury fillings in Carol's teeth.
Tooth problems. Two root canals were pulled, and here is the reprot for each. First , Second .
Report on the first