There are now 8 letters below. #7 is an accounting of the funds.
Update #9 3/14/06
Update #10, 3/16/06 -- Dorquitas released from Hospital
Update #11, 3/22/06. No more funds needed
Update #12, from Pastor Fransciso Neyra. The supprise of the doctros over the quick recovery
Update #13, about how well the girl is dong, and the desire for books.
Please remember this young girl, Dorquitas, in your prayers.
March 2, 2006
The following is an e-mail from the Pastor Francisco's oldest daughter where we were in Peru. Christian keeps in touch with her.
Hello, Christina:
Thanks for praying for my little sister Dorquitas. The accident happened on Friday the 24th at 7:30 pm, right before church. We were about to take a big pot of boiling water outside, one that my mom had momentarily put on the floor, when the phone rang. My mom went to answer it and then called my dad because the call was for him. I started playing with Dorquitas by putting our hands over our eyes while we closed them. When I opened my eyes I saw that she was walking backwards right into the pot. She fell in it. I started screaming that she was drowning, my mom and dad ran into the kitchen and we all took her out. Mom & Dad took her clothes off and my older sister and I started to pour water on her body. As we did that we could see how the skin was peeling off her body. It was such a desperate time for us as we saw her and heard her scream and cry.
Quickly we took her to the closest clinic, from where she was transferred to the Children's Hospital. There they took care of her at 3 am. There is a doctor's strike going on right now and everything is slow. My dad says they are not taking care of her there and she needs to be transferred to another hospital where she can be helped and surgeries performed. The problem is that to be able to transfer her to that hospital my father has to have a bank account with 5 'soles' (peruvian monetary unit) in addition to 3 thousand for the surgery.
The church here is trying to help, but it is not enough. My parents are heartbroken. This is why I would like to ask you for a love offering, if it is possible, and for continued prayers. Please send me your phone number and area code so I can call you with an update.
Yessenia Teti (with Christina in this picture)
Note: The exchange rate is about 3 to 1.Thus, the current price would be a little over $900 US. However, we received another letter that I do not have translated yet, that says the need is for 3,000 US. That sounds much more reasonable for what needs to be done. As many of know from experience, there is much more expense as one tries to commute to a hospital or even live there, as I did for many weeks before Carol died.
If you can help meet the hospital expense and personal expenses, please send any funds to:
Providence Baptist Church
PO Box 1008
Harrisonburg VA 22803
Or you can send it to us here at the Biblical Examiner, and we will get it to the church to send to Peru, probably by wire transfer.
9017 Stonewall Jackson Hwy, Front Royal VA 22630
By His Sovereign Grace Alone
Bro Need
The little girl is Dorquitas. Yessenia is standing next to Christina in this picture.
Dear Brother Need:
I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying that
your life be protected and blessed by our Heavenly Father. Dear
Pastor, I share with much sadness the news about the accident
that our Pastor Francisco Neira's little daughter suffered. Following,
I share the letter that we have circulated among the various churches
in our area:
Dear Pastors:
Receive greetings from the leaders of the Baptist Bible Church
"Pan de Vida", desiring that the peace, love and blessings
of our Lord Jesus Christ overflow for each one of you, your families
and every member of your congregations. The purpose of this letter
is to share with you the trial that our Pastor Francisco Neira,
their family and our congregation has been going through since
Friday, February 24th, 2006. Their 2 1/2 year old daughter, Dorcas,
has been at the Children's Hospital in our area since that day
due to having suffered 3rd degree burns on 40% of her body, from
her knees to her chest. All along she has not received appropriate
medical care due to a long-standing strike at the hospital. The
only treatment applied to her during the past week has been the
cleansing of her wounds. The pain she is suffering is sad and
depressing for her and her parents.
Dear Pastor, we have been praying without ceasing for Dorcas'
healing and are also organizing a series of activities and pledges
to help the family with the medical expenses. At this time, we
are looking into transfering Dorcas to a hospital in the city
of Lima were better medical treatments are available.
Dear Pastor, in the brotherhood that unites us through the blood
of our Lord Jesus Christ, we ask you and your congretation for
prayers and support through monetary offerings. Your love offerings
will allow us to put together the necessary resources to place
Dorcas under the best medical care. The Word of our Lord says...
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another
as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all
will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another".
John 13:34-35
Dear Pastor, we are certain that with much faith we will be able
to be strong in the Lord through this trial and that Dorcas will
be able to join us again as a healed little girl. May the name
of our Lord Jesus Christ be glorified! Phil 4:13.
May God bless you and keep you alwaysl
Pastor Ovid:
I just received the US $1,000.00 offering. Everything went well.
Tomorrow, Saturday, we will be depositing this offering as the
second payment for Dorcas medical care.
Today, Dorcas was admitted to a new hospital and they are taking
good care of her. We will be holding a prayer meeting, in behalf
of Dorcas, tonight at 8 pm. We will bring Dorcas medical needs
and her family's financial needs to our Lord in prayer. They will
be needing approximately $13,000 (US) dollars for her care.
Brother Ovid, thanks so much for your love and support. Do, please,
continue to pray for us and sharing our requests with other churches
in your country. I will be sending a picture of Dorcas and the
updated medical diagnosis to you tomorrow.
I give thanks to God for allowing us to meet you personally. The
time that we spent with you during your time in Peru was wonderful.
God continues to show us that there were many more reasons for
your coming here than what we had fathomed.
May our Lord continue to bless and keep you, your family and all
the saints in the US . May His perfect will be always done.
We give thanks to God for everything, for the good and even that
which is bad before our eyes, knowing that He has a purpose for
everything, His purpose for his children is always good. We pray
that He helps us to walk according to the foundations and statutes
that are written in His Word and guided by his Holy Spirit. We
ask all of these in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God bless you, our beloved brother Ovid,
Bro. Cesar Cabezas
FOURTH LETTER, with pictures
(Translated by Sandy Groves)
Dear brethren:
We greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying that
His grace and blessings are given to you abundantly.
We send you pictures of Dorcas, taken at the clinic, so you all
can see the gravity of her burns. We ask that, in the Lord, you
continue to pray for her and her family and that you consider
giving a love offering to be utilized for the treatment of this
little girl. We pray that she completely heals and that she soon
be able to join us again.
Brethren, we ask that you re-send this letter with the attached
photo to the churches that you have fellowship with. Perhaps they
will also be willing to help us with some donations to help cover
the costs of Dorcas treatment.
On Saturday, the doctors were able to operate on her and they
have said that it was succesful. Dorcas is in a lot of pain and
cried all night. Other surgeries will follow.
Thanks again for what you have all done already. We are seeing
the hand of God during this time and we know that His will be
done and His name is being glorified.
May our Lord continue to prosper and bless your hearts and may
He keep you.
Pastor Francisco Neira, Cesar Cabezas, Hno. Freddy del Valle and
the congregation of the Bible Baptist Church "Bread of Life",
Villa El Salvador, Lima, Peru
----- Original Message -----
From: César Cabezas PRODIC JIREH <>
Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2006 10:40 AM
Queridos hermanos:
Les saludamos en el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, esperando que su gracia y bendiciones sobreabunden en sus vidas.
Les envíamos una de las fotos que le han tomado a Dorquitas en la clínica, a fin de que puedan ver la gravedad de sus quemaduras, y en el Señor, nos sigan apoyando en oración y con sus ofrendas económicas, que serán utilizados en el tratamiento de Dorquitas para que se sane completamente y pronto pueda estar con nosotros en la iglesia.
Hermanos por favor, reenvíar esta foto a todos las iglesias e instituciones que tengan comunión con ustedes para que puedan ayudarnos a juntar el dinero que se necesita para cubrir todos los gastos del restablecimiento de Dorquitas. Ella el día de ayer a sido intervenida para su primera operación, el dolor de esta operación para Dorquitas es grande, no ha dejado de llorar toda la noche, pero por la gracia y misericordia de Dios los médicos nos informan que la operación ha sido un éxito. Después de esta operación vienen otras de acuerdo a los informes médicos.
Muchas gracias hermanos por lo que hasta hoy vienen haciendo por nosotros (Dorquitas), estamos viendo como la mano del Señor se viene moviendo en estos momentos, y finalmente sabemos que todo saldrá de acuerdo a la voluntad de Dios, y el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo seguirá siendo glorificado al ver la restauración total de nuestra Dorquitas.
Hermanos que Dios siga prosperando sus corazones, y todo lo demás les sea añadido, pedimos a Dios que bendiga y guarde la vida de cada uno de ustedes, sus familias y sus congraciones, aquí en el Perú, en los Estados Unidos y el mundo entero.
Pastor Fracisco Neira, Hno. César Cabezas, Hno. Freddy Del Valle y toda la congregación de la Iglesia Bíblica Bautista "Pan de Vida" - Villa El Salvador - Lima Perú.
Para contactarse con nosotros vía telefónica, llamar a los siguientes números:
Pastor Francisco Neira Telf. (511) 493-1579 Cel. (511) 9847-2249
Hno. César Cabezas Telf. (511) 276-5722 Cel. (511) 9677-8210 Ofic. (511) 315-7613 <>
Hno. Freddy Del Valle Telf. (511) 288-0085
Update #5
Thanks for your prayers and financial support. I've informed Pastor Francisco Neira about the $5,000 you all have been able to gather for little Dorcas.
We are so thankful to our
Lord for what he is doing and how he is supplying the needs. We
continue to pray for you all in the USA.
With urgency we do need a deposit of $2,000 to arrive here between
Tuesday and Wednesday, which you could send via Western Union.
This deposit will be used for the next grafting surgery and the
expenses of the medical care after it. I did not have any problems
picking the last check up and depositing it into the bank account.
The rest of the money can be wired directly to my bank account
if that allows you to save money. This money could then be saved
in the account for the near-future expenses.
Dorcas had the first of the skin-graft surgeries (pig-skin) on
Saturday and it went well. She is in a lot of pain but doing well
considering her situation. Both parents are staying with her at
the hospital.
Pastor Neira will be e-mailing me the latest medical reports which
I will forward to you as soon as I can. In this way you will be
able to have a medical update of our little Dorcas' state.
May God bless you and keep you for always in His grace and mercy,
Bro. Cesar Cabezas
Update #6
Note: the white skin in the pictures is dead skin that must be replaced. -- Bro Need
From Pastor Neira:
Sister Christina:
I give thanks to the Lord for all of you, and ask Him to always give you well-being in all areas of your life and in the ministry that God has given you.
Sister, give thanks to your dad for the donation he sent, it was very useful for the surgery that Dorquitas had yesterday. She will have to be operated on within the next four days. Pray that she might not have to have many more surgeries, since she is left in a lot of pain and she and the whole family is suffering much. But, we know that the name of our Lord is being praised through all of this.
What they are doing during the surgeries is taking off all the white skin you see in the pictures. This white skin areas are actually dead skin that must be taken off.
Sister Christina, tell your dad that through all the brethren up there he help us raise approximately $12,000 (USA). Thanks. We will be praying that God blesses all your efforts.
I am writing to your e-mail address because I have not been able to access your dad's. Give my love and hugs to your family.
(Though I have told Bro Cesar I am no longer a pastor, and that
Bro. Sprinkle, Providence Baptist Church, is the pastor, he still
calls me pastor.)
Pastor Ovid:
I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, hoping that
God continues to keep you in his grace.
I'm sending you an attached file with the first itemized bill
from the Children's Hospital, which covers 7 days of hospitalization,
surgery, medications and treatments. [See the itemized bill. This is a 1meg PDF file.] This bill
amount to a total of US$3,682.71 (from March 4th - 10th). On Thursday
the 9th they will give us a medical report which will inform us
with more detail the treatments and results of all medical interventions
on Dorcas. The medications being used for her healing process
are not included in this bill. Those are being directly paid by
the love offerings given through the churches here in Peru, an
approximate amount of US$100.00 per day. God has been supplying
all our needs and nothing is wanted by Dorcas so far. We trust
that God will provide all her needs.
We do know that Dorcas is responding wonderfully to the surgery,
the grafts are adhering and her skin is slowly being restored.
We thank you all for your prayers and financial support, we know
that the hand of God is over her little body and He will completely
heal her.
We will continue to inform you of any treatment changes and advances.
May God keep and bless you all in the USA.
Bro. Cesar Cabezas
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 1:11 PM
Pastor Ovid:
Lo saludo en el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, esperando que Dios lo siga guardando en su gracia y misericordia.
Le estoy enviando en archivo adjunto, la primera cotización de la Clínica del Niño, que cubre 7 días de hospitalización, cirugías, insumos y tratamiento, que asciende a un total de US$ 3,682.71 Dólares (del 04 al 10 de marzo 2006). El día jueves 09 de marzo nos entregarán un informe médico de Dorquitas, ahi nos informaremos con más precisión los avances, resultados de la operación, el tratamiento a seguir en la próxima semana y los costos que demandan. Todos los medicamentos e insumos de curación no están considerados en esta cotización, esos gastos lo está pagando directamente el Pastor Francisco con las ofrendas de amor de varias iglesias aquí en el Perú, por día estamos gastando aproximadamente US$ 100.00 Dólares, pero a Dios gracias hermanos Él está supliendo todas nuestras necesidades, y hasta el momento a Dorquitas no le falta nada y confiamos que Dios lo suplirá todo.
Lo que si sabemos que Dorquitas esta respondiendo bien a la cirugía, hay avances, los injertos están pegando bien, su pielcita se está restaurando. Agradecemos a todos por sus oraciones y apoyo económico, sabemos que la mano de Dios está sobre todo el cuerpecito de Dorquitas para que se restaure completamente.
Según se vaya avanzando con el tratamiento de Dorquitas seguiremos informándoles queridos hermanos.
Dios los guarde y bendiga a todos ustedes en USA.
Hno. César Cabezas
Update #8
March 10, 2006 1:52 PM
Dear Pastor Lloyd Sprinkle:
I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, knowing that
his love and grace are overabundant in your life and in the life
of your family.
We thank our God for opening your hearts. You have given so much
care and love through prayers and financial offerings that have
been sent our way for the complete recovery of Dorquitas and for
the strengthening of Pastor Francisco Neira, his wife Anita and
the entire congregation.
Dear Pastor, thanks to the first graft surgery baby Dorcas is
recovering very rapidly, her countenance is much better and her
body has started to regenerate skin. The grafts are adhering well
and there is no infection. This coming Saturday or Sunday the
doctors will be evaluating her to determine the second week of
treatment. We pray that her body continues to heal itself and
that there is no need for a second surgery. The surgery was very
painful for her. Nevertheless, we ask that God does his perfect
Please, continue to support us through your prayers. We also continue
to pray for all of you, that our Lord keep your lives, prosper
your hearts, that our ministries and congregations be full of
the glory of God through a life of holyness and godly testimony
and that our Lord bring many to the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Dear Pastor, in regards to the fourth and last hospital payment
for the first week of treatment, we were able to make the payment
thanks to donations from Peruvian churches. This coming Monday
we will be making a new commitment with the hospital for the second
week of treatment. We will then know the exact amount of money
needed for that treatment, and the funds sent by you will be available
on that day. We will send you more information as soon as we have
more details.
We thank God and every one of you for the love you have shown
through your unconditional support under the concept of "love
one another". Greetings to your wife, Pastor Ovid, Sister
Bettie, Sister Christina, Pastor Thomas, Pastor Héctor,
Sister Teresa, Sister Sandy and to all our brethren in the United
May God keep you and continue to bless you,
Brother César Cabezas
--- Original Message -----
To: ; ;
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 1:52 PM
Estimado Pastor Lloyd Sprinkle, lo saludo en el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, esperando que su amor y gracia sobreabunde en su vida y en su familia.
Agradecemos a Dios por disponer sus corazones para brindarnos su amor y cuidado, a través de sus oraciones y ofrendas económicas que vienen haciendo a favor de nosotros, para la restauración total de Dorquitas, y el fortalecimiento en el Señor de nuestro Pastor Francisco Neira y su esposa Anita, y congregación en general.
Querido Pastor la bebé se viene recuperando rapidamente, está con un mejor ánimo y su cuerpecito viene regenerándose, los injertos aplicados en su primera operación están pegando bien y no presenta ninguna complicación. Este sábado ó domingo le estarán haciendo una nueva evaluación para su segunda semana de tratamiento en la clínica. Esperamos que su cuerpecito siga regenerándose por completo, a fin de que no requiera de una segunda operación que es bastante doloroso para ella, pero sobre todas las cosas, pedimos a Dios que haga su perfecta voluntad.
Sigan apoyándonos con sus oraciones, nosotros también estamos orando por ustedes, para que Dios guarde sus vidas, siga prosperando sus corazones, todo lo demás les sea añadido, que sus ministerios y congregaciones sean llenos de la gloria de Dios, a través de una vida en santidad y de testimonio de cada uno de sus miembros, para que así muchos más vengan a los pies de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
Querido Pastor, con respecto al cuarto y último pago de la clínica, que corresponde a la primera semana de tratamiento, ya realizamos la cancelación, gracias a la misericordia y provisión de Dios, que sigue utilizando ha otras iglesias aquí en el Perú. para ayudarnos a suplir con todas nuestras necesidades. Nosotros el día domingo ó lunes estaremos haciendo un nuevo compromiso con la clínica para su segunda semana de tratamiento de Dorquitas, ahí podremos saber con más exactitud los gastos que seguiremos realizando durante la próxima semana.
Seguramente, el día lunes 13 de marzo ya tendremos disponible los fondos enviados por ustedes, los cuales iremos informando detalladamente, según se vayan concretando los gastos.
Gracias a Dios y a cada uno de ustedes por su afecto y cariño que nos muestran a través de su apoyo incondicional, bajo el concepto de amáos los unos a los otros. Saludos para su esposa y familia, al Pastor Ovid, Hna. Betty, Hna. Cristina, Pastor Thomas, Pastor Héctor, Hna. Teresa, Hna. Sandy y a todos nuestros hermanos en los Estados Unidos.
Que Dios los guarde y siga bendiciendo grandemente,
Hno. César Cabezas
Sister Sandy:
I have just checked my bank account, and thanks to God, it does
register the deposit. I received the amount of US $4,920.00 from
which my bank subtracted US $22.00 for transaction fees. Thanks
to the brethren for all that they have done. Later, I will send
a detailed report of the hospital costs.
Dorcas is being operated on today. The doctors will be applying
a few small new grafts in about four or five areas of her body.
The rest of her body is healing wonderfully. The doctors are surprised
at how she is recovering. Thanks, brethren, for all your prayers.
We are all, in one spirit, praying to God for our little Dorcas.
His hand is showing itself forth as her skin heals so well. May
all be to the glory and honor of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I also ask that you pray for all the children that are hospitalized
in the Children's Hospital, Burn Ward, were Dorcas went without
care for six days. Sadly, we have received information that since
Dorcas left the Ward, four children have died for lack of care.
Pray for all the children that suffer in this world, in hospitals
and other places and for their parents. That their hearts be opened
to receive the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and that they in
turn teach and guide their children in truth.
May our Lord always bless and keep your lives. We love you very
much in the Lord,
Bro. Cesar Cabezas
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 7:06 AM
Subject: RE: Fw: Do they have the money?
Hna. Sandy:
El día de hoy acabo de revisar mi cuenta, y gracias a Dios ya registra el depósito, he recibido un monto neto de US$ 4,920.00, menos US$ 22.00 de gastos bancarios por la transacción, quedando un saldo disponible de US$ 4,898.00. Muchas gracias hermanos por todo lo que vienen haciendo, estaremos informando el detalle de los gastos, según se vayan realizando.
El día de hoy a Dorquitas le están interviniendo nuevamente, le van aplicar unos injertos, pero muy pequeños en unos cuatro o cinco puntos de su cuerpecito, porque todo lo demás esta restaurandose de una forma muy maravillosa, los médicos se sorprenden de la forma como Dorquitas se viene recuperando, hermanos gracias por sus oraciones, todos juntos en un solo sentir estamos clamando a Dios por Dorquitas, y la mano de Dios se está manifestando día a día regenerando su pielcita. Que todo sea para la gloria y honrra de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
Hermanos les pido también que nos apoyen en oración por todos los niños que se encuentran hospitalizados en el Hospital del Niño, en la sección quemados, donde Dorquitas estuvo sin atención por 6 días, nos hemos enterado tristemente que desde ese entonces hasta la fecha han fallecido 4 niños, por falta de atención y cuidado. Sus oraciones hermanos por todos los niños del mundo que sufren en los hospitales y en otros lugares, que sus padres dispongan sus corazones para poder recibir el evangelio de salvación de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, y que ellos enseñen y guién a sus hijos con la verdad, la Palabra de Dios.
Dios guarde y bendiga sus vidas por siempre. Los amamos mucho en el Señor.
Hno. César Cabezas
Pastor Ovid & Pastor Lloyd:
I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, desiring that
God fill you with peace and his great mercy.
Dorcas was released from the hospital yesterday, . Her recovery
is almost 100% complete. There are 4 or 5 small areas that need
to heal while at home. God has amazingly regenerated her skin
to its full. We thank God, my brethren, and thanks to all God's
people who have been praying for her recovery. Today we have witnessed
his power and mercy as we look at her cleaned and healed body.
The doctors are amazed by the way and speed in which she has recovered,
but we know, brethren, that God's hand is the one that has brought
From now on she will have to visit the hospital for appointments
with the doctors for follow-up care and physical and emotional
We, at the church, are preparing an area in the building with
better ventilation and comfort to aid her recovery were she will
be able to sit and enjoy fellowship with the church brethren.
In regards to the donation received, between the 13 and the 15th
of March we have had the following expenses: US$800.00 to pay
off the second hospital bill, US$130.00 to buy medications and
accessories for her care at home, US$490.00 for church tithing
and thanking God for the provisions given.
We will continue to inform you of any expenses as they come, including
doctor consultations, vitamins, medications and special stockings
(imported) that will be needed once her wounds are healed and
any other cost incurred during her rehabilitation.
Thank you brethren, we are also praying for all of you in the
name of our Lord, that he keep you and continue to bless you.
Pastor Francisco and his family, myself and my family and the
"Pan de Vida" Bible Baptist Church send their gratitude
to all the brethren in the US that have supported us with prayers
and financial gifts. May our Lord greatly prosper your hearts
and that all things be added unto you.
Greetings to Pastor Thomas, Sister Jackie, Sister Betty, Sister
Christina, Sister Teresa and husband, Pastor Héctor, Sister
Sandy and family and to all the brethren in the United States.
Brother César Cabezas
----- Original Message -----
To: ; ;
Cc: ; ;
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 3:33 PM
Subject: FW: Dorcas esta muy bien y en casa!!!!!!!
Pastor Ovid y Pastor Lloyd, les saludo en el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, esperando que Dios los llene de su paz y gran misericordia.
El día de ayer le dieron de alta a Dorquitas, su restauración está casi a un 100%, sólo en casa se tiene que curar unos 4 ó 5 puntos de su cuerpecito. Realmente es sorprendente lo que Dios a hecho en su piel, lo ha regenerado completamente. Gracias a Dios hermanos y gracias a todo el pueblo de Dios que ha estado orando por la restauración de Dorquitas. Hoy evidenciamos su poder y misericordia viendo el cuerpecito de Dorquitas casi limpio. Los médicos se han quedado sorprendidos por la forma y lo pronto de su recuperación, pero nosotros sabemos hermanos que es la mano de Dios quién una vez más ha glorificado.
De aquí para adelante ella tiene que visitar la clínica en los días que los médicos la citen, para que le hagan seguimiento y cuidado de su cuerpecito, así como su rehabilitación motriz y emocional.
Se está preparando un ambiente más adecuado en la iglesia para que Dorquitas pueda tener un espacio adecuado y ventilado, y por lo tanto pueda recuperarse lo más pronto posible.
Con respecto al uso de los fondos recibidos, entre los días del 13 al 15 de marzo se han realizado los siguientes gastos: US$ 800.00 Dólares cancelación a la Clínica de la segunda cotización, US$ 130.00 en compra de insumos y accesorios para el cuidado en casa de Dorquitas, US$ 490.00 Dólares, se entregó como diezmo a la iglesia en agradecimiento a Dios por su provisión.
Seguiremos informando los gastos que se van realizando, vienen los gastos de consultas externas, medicamentos y vitanimas, las mallas especiales (importadas) que se usarán una vez que las 4 héridas hayan sanado completamente, entre otros que incurran dentro de su rehabilitación.
Muchas gracias hermanos, nosotros también estamos orando por ustedes para que el Señor los guarde y les siga bendiciendo grandemente. Por favor transmítales nuestra gratitud del Pastor Francisco y familia, mi persona y familia, y de toda la congregación de la Iglesia Bíblica Bautista "Pan de Vida" a cada unos de nuestros hermanos allá en los Estados Unidos que nos han apoyado con sus oraciones y ofrendas. Que Dios próspere sus corazones grandemente y todo lo demás les sea añadido.
Saludos al Pastor Thomas, Hna. Jackie, Hna. Betty, Hna. Cristina, Hna. Teresa y esposo, Pastor Héctor, Hna. Sandy y familia, y a todos nuestros hermanos en Estados Unidos.
Hno. César Cabezas
Good day, sister Sandy:
I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, thanking him
for your lives and that of all the brethren in the US. We know
that his mercies are plentiful and that he blesses with overabundance.
The numbers that Dorcas' doctors had come up with when diagnosing
her came up to US$9,100.00. And, do you know sister, God has provided
all of it through the offerings of brethren from the U.S., Puerto
Rico, Mexico, Spain and Peru. Not only did he provide the financial
funding, but he restored Dorcas health much faster than was humanly
expected. Therefore the funds that were received the first time
were more than sufficient to cover the costs of Dorcas' treatments.
We thank you for your generosity, but we need to inform you that
we feel that the future treatments will be covered by the funds
available in the bank account right now.
I can not deny, though, that our church does have other financial
needs. If it is God's will, we ask you all to consider giving
us the permission and approval to use the additional funds for
the physical needs of the Bible Baptist Church "Pan de Vida"
God bless your life and that of your family, Pastor Lloyd's and
his family, Pastor Thomas' and his family and the lives of Pastor
Ovid, his family and that of each one of our brethren in the United
Brother Cesar Cabezas
Letter #12, from Pastor Fransciso Neyra to Christina. He did not have my e mail address.
Dear Sister:
I pray that you and your loving parents and brethren in Christ
are enjoying God's richest blessings which he knows how to give,
it is my hope that you are all in communion with one another and
with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Every day I give thanks to the Lord for each one of you, and for
the special way that he has joined us. We are very happy to see
how God's hand has worked miracles when we look at how Dorcas
We went to her first treatment on Monday, where the surgeon became confused at seeing the quick recovery of my daughter. He had predicted that she would need five months of clinic visits, but now he has given appointments for every 15 days. Give my thanks to your parents for their prayers and donations. Tell them that there are funds still available. I will like to know if he has given Bro. Cesar the administration of these funds. I ask that your father determines who is going to administer the funds, because we will be needing treatments for a year and I feel uncomfortable having to ask Cesar for money every time it is needed.
Without anything else to ask, I say goodbye, asking again that
you include us in your prayers and that our Lord continues to
bless your efforts in being faithful.
Pastor Francisco Neyra
[NOTE: We know from past experience that the hospital bill is just the start. There will be untold expenses involved as the needed medication and visits to the clinic take place. We have been impressed with the honesty of the people we have tried to help. They have sent detailed accounting for the funds they have spent, and have told us that the medical needs have been met. It appears that the there has been an overabundance of funds sent to meet their needs, and they have asked for permission to use the excess funds to fix the church building. The pastor and his family live in poverty on the second floor, which does not have a roof, though his one room is covered. Bro Sprinkle & I agreed that they could use the excess funds to help with the building, keeping in mind the continued medical expenses.]
Dear Pastor Ovid:
Thanks so much for trusting us. Be assured that we will always
strive, no only with our strength, but guided by God, to do all
for his glory and honor. Just last week I spoke with Pastor Francisco
and we decided to transfer the money from my account to a new
savings account that we will be opening in his name by Thursday,
March 30th.
Dear pastor Ovid, Dorquitas is now running around at church, her
recovery is marvelous, we are thankful to God for this and to
each of you who supported us with prayers and financial offerings.
Last week was a busy one for us at the church. Because of this
we hope to have the book list ready this week instead. We will
be sending it to you by e-mail. We are excited to know that soon
we will be able to have a church library. Thanks, Pastor, for
all that you have been doing for us.
May God keep and bless your life and that of each one of our brethren
in the United States.
Brother Cesar Cabezas
Note: In our visit last year, all of us were distressed at the lack of good literature available in Peru, especially to this group of believers. The Pentecostals pretty well control the book stores in Lima, and they do not permit any sound doctrinal material. They only have fluff n' stuff, such as the Left Behind series and Rick Warren. Our desire has been to get good material to them, but we could not find any good sound Spanish books. However, at a Baptist meeting last year, Bro Sprinkle met a man who translates and publishes doctrinally sound material in Spanish. We have tried to contact him for some time, and finally made contact. Here is his letter:
R Wayne Andersen wrote:
Dear Pastor Ovid,
Greetings from Mexico City and Publicaciones
Faro de Gracia. We are a reformed Spanish publishing house and
book distributor with a warehouse and office also in Burlington,
NC. I am also a Reformed Baptist pastor planting a church in
Mexico City.
I received a letter last week from Thomas Williamson informing
me of your trip to Peru and desiring literature to take back there.
(His letter was mailed last Nov.) We will be happy to help you
in any way we can with good literature. Our web site and warehouse
in NC has about 150 titles available, however our bookstore in
Mexico has over 1400 titles which would conform to the reformed
Please let me know how we can be of help to you. Our literature
web site is <>
and our church planting site is <>
We asked the folks in Peru to check the web site, and let us know what they could use. They are getting a book list together, and will forward it to us. We will do what we can.
I have reproduced the above to let any interested have a part in being a blessing to the Christians down there. As we mentioned in the July 05 Examiner, the door is wide open to the gospel in that area, and the Christians we have contact with are doing all they can to preach Christ. The pictures, including of the burned girl, and letters are on the web site.
The medical needs seem to have been met. But if you would like to share in the blessing of helping other Christians who are trying to do a work in their own land, you can help improve their pastor's living conditions and/or provide sound theological material. Send funds to:
Providence Baptist Church
PO Box 1008
Harrisonburg VA 22803
Or you can send it to us here at the Biblical Examiner, and we will see that it gets wired to Peru.
9017 Stonewall Jackson Hwy, Front Royal VA 22630
By His Sovereign Grace Alone
Bro Need
NOTE: Evidently, and at this point, they need no more funds for the medical need, so no need to send anything. We must complement his honesty. However, having been there, we know the pastor, his wife and two daughters live in poverty in a single room above the church. If you would like to help improve his living conditions or help finish that floor of the church, or help with books, you can send help through us.
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