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Title, Author, Binding, Pages, Retail

The Life of Archibald Alexander, J. W. Alexander. Biography of a great servant of Christ. Cloth 712 $28.00

Practical Truth, Archibald Alexander. Forty spiritually edifying articles. Cloth 396 $23.00

The Grace of Christ, William S. Plumer. Practical work showing Christ all in all. Cloth 454 $25.00

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Handbook of Revivals, Henry Fish. Covers aspects of revival, the need of the church. Cloth 428 $17.00

Revival Sketches and Manual, Heman Humphrey Cloth 422 $32.00

The Year of Grace, History of the Ulster Revival, 1859. William Gibson Cloth 256 $15.00

The Sermons of Benjamin Morgan Palmer, constitute a near complete body of divinity. Cloth 1136 $55.00

Theology of Prayer, B.M. Palmer Threefold Fellowship & Assurance. Cloth 504 $20.00

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The Five Points of Calvinism, R.L.Dabney & Jonathan Dickinson. Clear presentation. Cloth 332 $16.00

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Wesley's arminianism. Cloth 574 $22.00

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Four Volumes Cloth $220.00
Individual Volumes Cloth $55.00

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Treatise on the Right Use of the Fathers in the Decision of Controversies in Religion. John Daille Cloth 418 $30.00 2

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