Online Bible, Latest version |
The DVD contians more than 30 English Bible versions including the Geneva updated text (only spelling updated) New King James Version, The Message, God's Word to the Nations and The English Standard Version.
In addition to all of the ready to use material on the DVD there are several versions that require royalty payment to unlock, notably NIV, NAS, NRSV and NLT. These are included on the CD-ROM but cannot be accessed until they are registered and the royalty of $15 ($22 Canadian) each is paid for the NIV or NASB or $5 ($7 Canadian) for the NRSV or NLT.
This DVD also contains 10 ancient languages texts (Greek, Hebrew, Latin and Syriac), 3 sets of Greek and Hebrew Lexicons, 20 Dictionaries, 45 commentaries and more than 350 Devotional, Theological, Historical and Creationist books as well as a set of Bible maps.
The program features an award winning search engine technology that can instantly find a word, phrase or even a Strong's number in a Bible version, book or commentary. With this program you can do complex or simple searches, synchronize the Scripture with the commentary and display as many versions as you wish at one time.
The Message, King James Version, Bible in Basic English, 21st Century KJV, J.N. Darby Translation, American Standard Version, Revised Standard Version, New Revised Standard Version, New American Standard Version, Green's Literal Translation, Young's Literal Translation, Modern KJV, New King James Bible, Weymouth New Testament, Jewish Publication Old Testament, New International Version, Revised Webster Bible, J.B. Phillips New Testament, God's Word to the Nations and The English Standard Version.
It contains more than 400 Bible versions, Commentaries, Lexicons
and Books in 35 other languages. -- French LSG, Geneve, Darby,
Haitian Creole, 6 Dutch, 6 German, 2 Italian, Norwegian 3 Spanish,
Finnish, Russian, Romanian, Turkish, Hungarian, Greek, Portugese,
Ukranian, Albanian, Danish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Chinese, Equador,
Swahili, Maori, Cebuano, 3 Indonesian, Philippines, Afrikaans,
plus Spanish RVR60 ($10/$14 royalty).
Unlock code available for Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, required for all serious Bible Students. It is well worth the money. I got the TWOT from Larry, and sold my hard copy, which was by Moody Press. It is a valuable study tool for the Old Testament.
We ship the newest version of Online Bible. $40 postpaid. Contact me about unlock codes for NIV, NAS, NRSV, NLT, TWOT.
ORDER FROM: Ovid Need, 2141 N River Rd, Baker WV 26801. Use PayPal (add $1 for PayPal payments), or Money Order.
Guaranteed to be the best Bible Program on the market, or your money back.
Locked 1977/1995 New American Standard Ver
Locked 1984 New International Version
Locked 1989 New Revised Standard Version
Locked 1996 New Living Translation
Locked 1933 George M. Lamsa Translation
Locked Complete Jewish Bible
Locked Preface to the Complete Jewish Bible
New King James Version
The Message Bible by Eugene Peterson
1901 American Standard Version
1769 Authorized Version
1769 Authorized Version Red Letter Edition
1965 Bible in Basic English
Calvin Partial Bible Translation & Comments
1884 Darby Version
1865 Diaglot NT
1899 Douay Rheims Version
English Standard Version
God's Word to the Nations
Jubilee Bible - Russel Stendal
Jewish Publication Society Old Testament
21st Century King James Version
1853 Leeser Old Testament
Living Oracles (Obsolete Version 6 Module)
Tyndale (Rogers, Coverdale) Bible
1833 Webster Bible
1912 Weymouth NT Translation
1936 Williams New Testament
William Tyndale New Testament 1525-1526
1898 Young's Literal Translation
An English translation of the LXX
Messianic NT by John McKee
851 Murdoch New Testament
1869 Noyes Translation (Job - Re)
Philips New Testament (1972)
Pidgin (Obsolete Version 6 Module)
1902 Rotherham Bible
1885 English Revised Version
1947 Revised Standard Version
Revised Webster Bible by Larry Pierce
Ben Asher Morphological Hebrew Text
Ben Asher Hebrew Text
Interlinear Greek New Testament
1991 Byzantine Majority Greek Text
872 Tischendorf Greek NT
TR. 1550 - Texts Receptus Text
1881 Westcott Hort Greek Text
LXX Septuagint
EXAM Analytic Septuagint
1905 Syriac Peshitta New Testament
Jerome's 405 A.D., Latin Vulgate
1769 Oxford Apocrypha
1957 RSV Apocrypha
LXX Apocrypha
Jerome's Latin Apocrypha
1899 Douay Rheims Apocrypha
Apocrophal Book of Jasher
New Testament Apocrypha
Online Bible Greek Lexicon
NAS Greek - English Lexicon
Strong's Greek - English Lexicon
Online Bible Hebrew - English Lexicon
NAS Hebrew - English Lexicon
Strong's Hebrew - English Lexicon
American Tract Society Bible Dictionary
The Scripture Alphabet of Animals
Word Dictionary for Archaic Words
Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Theology
Concise Bible Dictionary - Month
Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia
Dictionary of Theology
Easton's Revised Bible Dictionary
Fausset's Bible Dictionary
Greek Index on Greek-English Lexicon
Definitions & Symbols from: Two Babylons
Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary
International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia
Latin Vulgate Dictionary
Nave's Topical Bible
English Words often Misused
1999 Smith's Revised Bible Dictionary
Shall/Herzog Encyclopedia Biblical Terms
New Unger's Bible Dictionary
Abbott's Illustrated New Testament
PS, ISA and ACTS by J.A. Alexander
St. Augustine Homilies,Tracts, Expositions
Barnes NT Notes
St. Basil's Homilies on Genesis 1
Bengel's commentary on Philemon
A commentary on Leviticus by Sonar
Matthew Commentary - Gijs van den Brink
Matthew - Broadus, John A.
Calvin's Commentaries
Bible Difficulties by Gleason Archer
Eclectic Notes on the Bible - Greenhough
Expositor's Bible Commentary
Family New Testament Notes
The Four Fold Gospel
1599 Geneva Bible Footnotes
John Gill's Expositor
Commentaries by Charles Hodge
Jamieson, Fausset, Brown Commentary
BW Johnson Commentary - Gospel of John
Exposition of Genesis - H. C. Leupold D.D.
Ga, Php, Col, Phm, 1&2Th, Ro, 1Co & Eph1 John Lightfoot
commentaries on the NT
Luther's Commentary on Galatians
Expositions of Holy Scriptures
Revised Matthew Henry Commentary
Matthew Henry Concise Commentary
New American Standard Cross References
Newell on Romans
Newell's Commentaries on Rom-Heb-Rev
Pink's Gleanings
Pink on Hebrews
Peoples New Testament Notes
Matthew Poole's Commentary
Candlish; Bunyan, Ryle & Hodge
Robertson's NT Word Pictures
Gospels (1816-1900) - Ryle, J. C.
1917 Scofield Reference Bible Notes
Various Sermon Outlines
Popular Exposition of Matthew
Treasury of David - Charles Spurgeon
John Trapp's Commentary
Parables & Miracles by our Lord by Trench
Word Studies in the New Testament Verse
Theme Index
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
The New Answer Book AiG
One Blood AiG
Gay Marriage AiG
Revised Quote Book AiG
Modern Tracts AiG
On Cleaving to God Albert the Great
State of the Dead Alford, Henry
The Works of J. Arminius Arminius
The Incarnation of The Word Athanasius
City of God Augustine
Confessions Augustine
Augustine Life, Work, Confessions, Letters
Daily Light of the Daily Path Bagster, J.
The Epistle of Barnabas Barnabas
The Atonement Barnes, Albert
The Reformed Pastor Baxter, Richard
The Saints' Everlasting Rest Baxter, Richard
Sermons Baxter, Richard
Acts (Codex Beazae)
Inspiration of Scripture Boettner, Loraine
The Reformed Faith Boettner, Loraine
God's Way of Peace Bonar, Horatius
Sermons Boston. Thomas
The Crook in the Lot Boston, Thomas
Prayer Bounds. E. M.
The Weapon of Prayer Bounds, E. M.
When the Holy Ghost is Come Brengl, Col S. L.
The Practice of the Presence Brother Lawrence
NT Documents Bruce, F. F.
Training of the Twelve Bruce, A. B.
Appendices to the Companion Bible. Bullinger
How to Enjoy the Bible Bullinger, E. W.
Witness of the Stars Bullinger, E W.
The Life and Death of Mr. Badman Bunyan, John
Life and Work of Christ Banyan, John
Grace Abounding Bunyan, John
The Holy War Bunyan, John
The Pharisee and the Publican Bunyan, John
Pilgrim's Progress Bunyan, John
Acceptable Sacrifice Bunyan, John
A Few Sighs from Hell Bunyan, John
Latin and French Bibliography of Calvin
Institutes of the Christian Religion Calvin, John
Calvin's Book Introductions Calvin, John
Obligations of Christians Carey, William
Trail of Blood Carroll, Dr. J. M.
Satan Chafer, Lewis
My Utmost for His Highest Chambers, Oswald
The Superstition of Divorce Chesterton, G. K.
Heretics Chesterton, G. K.
Orthodoxy Chesterton, G. K.
The Plan of This Book Chesterton, G. K.
What's Wrong with the World Chesterton, G. K.
Baptist Church History Childs, Scott
Fifty Years in the Church of Rome Chiniquy
Bible Studies, Lectures and Tracts Christiaanse
Clavis Biblica Clarke, Adam
Adam Clarke's Indexes Clarke, Adam
Christian Theology Clarke, Adam
1 Clement Clement
2 Clement Clement
Definitions of Doctrine Cole, C. D.
The Biblical Doctrine of Election Cole, C. D.
The Life and Epistles of St. Paul Conybeare, W. J.
The Five Points of Calvinism Dabney, R. L.
Synopsis of the Books of the Bible Darby, J. N.
Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah Edersheim
The Bible History of Old Testament Edersheism
Sketches of Jewish Social Life Edersheim, Alfred
The Temple Edersheim, Alfred
Freedom of the Will Edwards, Jonathan
Religious Affections Edwards, Jonathan
Sermons Edwards, Jonathan
Book of Enoch
Church History Eusebius
The Writing of Eusebius Eusebius
Typology of Scripture Fairbain, Patrick
Justification by Faith Finney, Charles
Some Lectures Finney, Charles
Series of Lectures in Outline Form Finney
Lectures to Professing Christians Finney
Memoirs of Revival Finney, Charles
Lectures on Pastoral Theology Finney, Charles
ower from on High Finney, Charles
Systematic Theology Finney, Charles
Revival Fire Finney, Charles
Revival Lectures Finney, Charles
Sermons on Gospel Themes Finney, Charles
Sermons on Important Subjects Finney, Charles
Some Selected Sermons Finney, Charles
An Autobiography Fox, George
Fox's Book of Martyrs Fox, John
Work of Christ Gaebelein, A. C.
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Gibbon
The Cause of God and Truth Gill. John
Body of Divinity Gill, John
Prefaces to John Gill's Works Gill, John
Sermons Gill, John
The Doctrine of the Trinity Gill. John
Hebrew Vowels Points Gill, John
Sermons Goodwin, Thomas
Sermons Griffin, Edward
Christian's Great Interest Guthrie
Briefs or Addresses in Sermon Outlines Harris
Why Won't They Listen Ham, Ken
The Lie Ham, Ken
I Want the Earth Hannigan, Larry
History of the Church of God Hassell
The Heidelberg Catechism
The Two Babylons Hislop, Alexander
Essays and Reviews Hodge, Charles
Systematic Theology Hodge, Charles
Outlines of Theology Hodge, A. A.
Hymnal for the with Words and Music Spelman
A History of the English Baptist Ivimey, J.
Prefaces to the Vulgate Jerome
Revised Works of Josephus Josephus
The School of Calvary Jowett, Dr. J. H
Imitations of Christ Kempis, Thomas a
Theologia Germanica Kingsley, Charles
Many Thoughts of Many Minds Klopsch
Koran Topical Material
The Way to Divine Knowledge Law. William
Of Justification of Faith and Works Law, William
A Serious Call To A Devout And Holy Life Law
Grounds And Reasons Of Regeneration Law
The Spirit Of Love Law, William
An Appeal To All Who Doubt Law, William
A Demonstration of the Errors Law, William
The London Baptist Confession of Faith
The Didache Lightfoot, J. B.
The Legends of the Jews Louis Ginsberg
Commentary on Galatians Luther, Martin
Large Catechism Luther, Martin
Romans Luther, Martin
The Life and Works of MacDonald MacDonald
The Deity of Christ Machen, J. Gresham
Christian Faith in the Modern World Machen
Christianity & Liberalism Machen, J. Gresham
The Virgin Birth of Christ Machen, J. Gresham
Selected Works Mackintosh, C. H.
Sermons Maclaren, Alexander
Sermons Manton, Thomas
Maps & Charts
Seventy Weeks and the Great Tribulation Mauro
Evolution at the Bar Mauro, Philip
The Gospel of the Kingdom Mauro, Philip
The Hope of Israel Mauro, Philip
A Study of the King James Version McAfee
A Guide to Bible Study McGarvey, J.W.
Class Notes on Sacred History McGarvey, J.W.
Sermons M'Cheyne, Robert Murray
Bible Lands McGarvey, J. W.
Jesus and Jonah McGarvey, J. W.
McGuffy's Eclectic Readers Primer to Sixth
The Way into Holiness Meyer, F. B.
The Secret of Guidance Meyer, F. B. Note Prefaces
Atonement Sufficiency Examined Mink, O. B.
Heaven Moody, D. L.
The Secret Power Moody, D. L.
Prevailing Prayer: What hinders it? Moody, D L.
10 Commandments Moody, D. L.
Way To God Moody, D. L.
Questions & Answers on Bible & Science Morris
The Young Earth Morris, Dr. John
Outlines of Christian Doctrine Moule, HCG
The Deeper Christian Life Murray, Andrew
Divine Healing Murray. Andrew
The Master's Indwelling Murray, Andrew
Helps to Intercession Murray, Andrew
The Lord's Table Murray, Andrew
School of Obedience Murray, Andrew
Studies on Prayer Murray, Andrew
With Christ in the School of Prayer Murray
Absolute Surrender Murray, Andrew
The True Vine Murray, Andrew
The Two Covenants Murray, Andrew
Working for God Murray, Andrew
Essays on Marriage Need, Ovid
Antidote to Arminianism Ness, Christopher
Daniel & Revelation Commentary Newton, Issac
The Only Defense Noe. John
Revelation Articles Ogden, Arthur M.
Bible Prefaces
Catechisms and Confessions of Faith
Jeanne d'Arc Her Life and Death Oliphant
History of Canada Ontario Dept. of Education
Ontario Reader Primer to Book 5
On Prayer Origen
Cases of Conscience Owen, John
Duty of a Pastor Owen, John
Evidences of the Faith of God's Elect Owen
The Glory of Christ Owen, John
Gospel Charity Owen, John
Worship of God Owen, John
Of Communion With God Owen, John
Doctrine of The Trinity Owen, John
Christologia Owen, John
Exposition On Psalm 130 Owen, John
A Vindication of Some Passages Owen, John
Two Short Catechisms Owen, John
On Remarriage After Divorce Owen, John
Justification by Faith Owen, John
Mortification of Sin in Believers Owen, John
ermons Owen, John
The Enticement of Indwelling Sin Owen, John
Temptation Owen, John
Facts of Life Parker, Gary
Complete Work Philo
Sermons Philpot, J. C.
Essays on Chronology Pierce, Larry
The Attributes of God Pink, A. W.
The Beatitudes Pink, A. W.
The Christian Sabath Pink, A. W.
Comfort for Christians Pink, A. W.
The Life of David Pink, A. W.
Dispensationalism Pink, A. W.
Divine Healing: Is it Spiritual? Pink, A. W.
The Doctrine of Revelation Pink, A. W.
The Doctrine of Election Pink, A. W.
Eternal Punishment Pink, A. W
Eternal Security Pink. A. W.
Saving Faith Pink, A. W.
Gleanings in Paul Pink, A. W.
Gleanings in the Godhead Pink, A. W.
The Holy Spirit Pink, A. W.
The Divine Inspiration of the Bible Pink, A. W.
Interpretation of the Scriptures Pink. A. W.
The Doctrine of Justification Pink, A. W.
The Law and the Saint Pink, A. W.
The Life of Faith Pink, A. W.
The Lord's Prayer Pink, A. W.
The Prophetic Parable of Mt 13 Pink, A. W.
Profiting from the Word of God Pink, A. W.
Regeneration or the New Birth Pink, A. W.
The Doctrine of Sanctification Pink, A. W.
Satisfaction of Christ Pink, A. W.
An Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount Pink
Seven Sayings from the Cross Pink, A. W.
Sovereignty of God Pink, A. W.
Spiritual Growth Pink, A. W.
Man's Spiritual Impotance Pink, A. W.
Ten Commandments Pink, A. W.
Tithing Pink, A. W.
The Total Depravity of Man Pink, A. W.
Why Four Gospels Pink, A. W.
People's NT Book Introductions Johnson, B. W.
Don't Call it Worship Unless... Pontier, Arthur
Bible Studies by Acts 17:11 Porter, Mick
Can God Tell Time? Preston, Don, K.
Archaeology of Old Testament Pritchard, James
1650 Scotish Psalter
Queensland Fifth Reader
The Letters to the Seven Churches Ramsay
Paul the Traveler & Roman Citizen Ramsay
The Blood of Jesus Reid, Rev William
Sketches of Church History Robertson, J. C.
Ward Pictures' Prefaces Robertson, A. T.
The Parousia Russell, James
The Duties of Parents Ryle, J. C.
Holiness Byte, J. C.
Practical Religion Ryle, J. C.
Tracts and Sermons Ryle, J. C.
Warnings to the Churches Ryle, J. C
The Divine Art of Soul Winning Sanders, J. O.
Refuting Compromise Sarfati, Jonathan
Refuting Evolution Vol 1 Sartati, Jonathan
Refuting Evolution Vol 2 Sartati, Jonathan
History of the Christian Church Schaff
Nonsuch Professor Secker, William
The Doctrine on Hell Shedd, William
Homiletics Shedd, William
Sermons to the Natural Man Shedd, William
Pastoral Theology Shedd, William
In His Steps Sheldon, Charles
The Shepherd of Hermas
Unmasking Pre-Trib Fallacies Simmons, Larry
Preparation for the Lord's Supper Snaddon, Dan
Commenting on Commentaries Spurgeon, C. H.
Selections from Autobiography Spurgeon, C. H.
Death of the Christian Spurgeon, C. H.
Faith's Checkbook Spurgeon, C. H.
Farm Sermons Spurgeon, C. H.
The Greatest Fight in the World Spurgeon, C. H.
All of Grace Spurgeon, C. H.
John Ploughman's Talk Spurgeon, C. H.
Lectures to My Students Spurgeon, C. H.
Morning and Evening Spurgeon, C. H.
The Soul-Winner Spurgeon, C. H.
Till He Comes Spurgeon, C. H.
Around the Wicket Gate Spurgeon, C. H.
What Happened in AD 70 Stevens, Edward
Sermons Sunday, Billy
Commentary on Revelation Taylor, Elder Charles On Prayer Tertullian
Verse Themes Larry Pierce
The Life of Dr. John Owen Thompson, Andrew
The Primitive Teacher Thompson, G. M.
Revival Sermons Torrey, R. A.
New Topical Text Book Torrey, R. A.
Vest Pocket Companion Torrey, R. A.
Why I believe - Bible is the Word of God Torrey
Preface and Index to Trapp's Commentary Trapp
Strange Fire Travers and Jewel van der Merwe
Tabernacle of Israel Tyler, Chris
The Mercies of a Covenant God John Warburton
Selected Works Warfield, B. B.
Beatitudes: Exposition of Mt 5.1-12 Watson
he Body of Divinity Watson, Thomas
Sermons Watson. Thomas
Journals Wesley, John
A Token for Children Wesley, John
Sermons Wesley, John
The Westminster Confession of Faith
Wycliffe Historical Geography Bible Lands
Prefaces Prefaces to Weymouth N.T. Weymouth
Sermons Whitefield, George
Lord Teach Us To Pray Whyte, Alexander
Stones and Bones Wieland, Dr. Cad
Faith that Prevails Wigglesworth, Smith
Manners and Customs of Bible Lands Wight
The ABC's of Biblical Archaeology Wilson
Thoughts on Prayer , Windridge, F.
The History of Protestantism Wylie, J. A.
Papacy Wylie, J. A.
Prefaces - Living Oracles Owen, John
Ovid Need, The Biblical
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