The Home Schooler
A Biblical Light on Education - With Special Emphasis on Home Schooling |
The Home Schooler is a newsletter published and distributed with The Biblical Examiner. It provides a hands-on approach to Education, with its primary focus being home schooling from a Biblical perspective.
All articles are written by Dr. Paul Cates, Administrator of
Faith Christian Ministries, unless otherwise
noted. Dr Cates holds a B.A. in Psychology; a M.A. in Special
Education: Teaching the Child with Learning Disabilities, and
a P.H.D. in Curriculum Instruction. He is available for meetings.
Please Contact: Dr. Paul Cates, EFEA, Rt 2, Box 61 A, Poplar Creek
Rd., Oliver Springs, TN 37840. (615) 435-6185 or 435-6739.
Volumes On-Line |
Home Schooler, Home Schooling in the United States, 8/2002 Examiner (PDF) |
Home Schooler, 4/02
Home Schooler, 15 reasons to home school teenagers. Answers to "Ask Marilyn." |
Volume II, Num. 10 | Teachers, Curriculum, Control: A "World of Difference"/ Witchcraft in the government schools |
Volume II, Num. 9 | Under His Wing/Parents Certainly are Misunderstood/Sowing and Reaping/The Six-Lesson Schoolteacher |
Volume II, Num. 8 | How To Respond to the New-Age Movement, Nutrasweet |
1998 |
Volume II, Num. 7 |
The Education Block -- "He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future! Adolf Hitler Who are the real "movers and shakers" of the educational establishment? Who initiates and funds our educational studies? Who has all the solutions to our educational woes? Who stands at the schoolhouse door with check in hand waiting to lure us onto the educational-reform bandwagon? The answers to these questions may surprise you. |
Dr Cates' Schedule
March 1998 - Volume II, Number 6
1) What Can Children Learn & When
2) Let's Teach It --- "Rite"???
3) FCM Ministries
November 1997 - Volume II, Number 11:
1) Dyslexia
2) Foundations to Teaching
3) News and Information
4) Teaching it -- "Right" ??
October 1997 - Volume II, Number 10 :
1) Home Schooling
2) What is the Verdict #2
3) Faith Christian Ministries
June 1997 - Volume II, Number 6 :
1) A.D.D. - Fact or Fraud?
2) Dyslexia
3) Psychology Redefines Religion
4) Dying to Self!
5) Home-schooler triumphs
December 1996 - Volume I, Number 12 :
1) Scope and Sequence
2) Spiritual Olympics - Olympic Christians
3) Mathematics - What Do Our Children Need?
4) Mathematics - What Do Our Children Need? - Part II (Don't miss this article)
5) Dr. Cates' Itinerary
March 1997 - Volume II, Number 3 :
1) Twelve Teaching Guidelines for Basic Linguistic Skills
2) Principles and Practices of Teaching Reading
3) Bring the Cow into the Classroom
4) Mathematics - What Do Our Children Need?
5) John Dewey and the Russians!
Faith Christian Ministries is dedicated to meet the special needs of each individual child. The FCM staff tours to major cities in the United States to conduct one-on-one consultations with home schooling students and teachers. A child's abilities and learning techniques can be evaluated individually using key diagnostic tests. Many of these tests are taken orally or involve using manipulatives. Children are evaluated in 15 areas in reading including 5 areas to determine what they can do idependently, 5 areas with a teacher, and 5 areas of frustration. They are also evaluated in math, depending on age in up to 209 different areas.Further Information on Faith Christian Ministries