The Biblical Examiner
An Examination of Biblical Precepts Involved in Issues at Hand

Fall, 2010


Blessing or Cursing, Genesis 12:11ff., 16:11ff. (Jacob/Israel vs Esau/Arab. Gen 12:3?)
Wantabe Cool Christianity (Jack Schaap, pastor of First Baptist Church)
Monsanto on the Move, Blood on our Farms

Sugar Beet Restriction
Woman fired for eating ‘unclean' meat
Marriage ; )

Military burns Bibles
Walid Shoebat,
I told you so... Obama
Tea Party movement lights fuse for Rebellion on Right
Cabbagegate - man fired 5K for growing too many vegetables
Real Estate Sales Tax to go into effect 2013 (Part of ObamaCare)
The New Janissaries -- Christian parents are volunteering their children as the new Muslim Janissaries as they send their children to the increasingly Muslim public schools financed by their property tax.

Let me introduce this issue with an explanation:


This Examiner is quite late. Bettie's oldest daughter, Jennie Chancey, organized and led a 10 day "Jane Austen" tour last year, where they participated in a Jane Austen Promenade in Bath, England. (Jennie designs patterns for modest dresses from that era of clothing. In fact, Simplicity Patterns has one of her patterns in their catalogue under "Costumes", Sense and Sensibility patterns.) She put together another tour for this year, and asked her mother, Bettie, to go as a nanny for her three daughters she was taking. We had to meet them at the Atlanta Airport, so we spent a night with one of her nephews in SC on our way down, spent Saturday night and Sunday morning with Joe and Becky Morecraft, and then I dropped Bettie off at the Atlanta Airport for their late Sunday night flight to England.

I was able to spent a few days with John Weaver in GA. I then went on to our son-in-law's (6 boys left at home) until the ladies returned from England. The next Sunday, the Lord worked it out that I could attend Mt. Zion Bible Church (Chapel Library) in Pensacola FL. The first contact I had with the founder, Bro Shelton, was probably 25 years ago. (Some years ago, I printed the little white salvation booklet, The Other jesus, in my printshop, and sent the flat stock to Chapel Library. They made the little booklets for me, and sent them back without charge, not even for postage.) At that time, he said the size of the church was about 35 people. He passed the mantle on to Bro. Jeff Pollard before the Lord called him home in 2003. Bro. Pollard said it feels that he is a bystander, along for the ride, as the Lord continues to prosper the printing ministry.

Mt Zion Bible Church (London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689) is only about 2-2.5 hours from my son-inlaw's, so I was finally able to visit the ministry there. It is impressive:

First, it was started by a man with a vision from the Lord. A good number of years ago, Bro. Shelton told me over the phone that the Lord promised to prosper a printing ministry if he would be faithful. The account of how the Lord fulfilled that promise is amazing, and can only be attributed to the Lord.

Second, it is an undeniable testimony to the power of prayer. The printing ministry has grown to an astounding size in answer to prayer. The Lord has provided them with the means of producing first class material with beautiful color covers.

Third, the church is also prospering through prayer, as they gain new young families a few at a time.

As with Larry Pierce of Online Bible whose goal was not to make money but to make a computer Bible program (Online Bible) within easy reach of anyone who wanted good study resources, Chapel Library is able to provide good, theologically sound, Bible based material from great authors of the past at no charge to the customer, authors such as Spurgeon, Pink, Bonar, &c. Those who order material from their extensive catalogue will receive the material with a statement of the cost of providing the material, but it is not a bill.

Fourth, the ministry shows that God is a God of the small things: Zechariah 4:10 For who hath despised the day of small things? Those of us with small ministries should be encouraged as we see what he has done through Mt. Zion.

If you are not on their mailing list, you should be. Contact them, and ask for their catalogue.

Chapel Library, 2603 West Wright Street, Pensacola, Florida 32505. email: phone: 850 438-6666

Before we left for Atlanta, Bettie's sister's oldest son, Jonathan, came from Brazil into Cincinnati in August. He spent a week with one of his aunts in Indiana, and her family. Then we picked him up at my daughter's house in Franklin, between Cincinnati and Dayton, and he spent enough time with us to visit two of Bettie's children, his cousins, and to take a lengthy motorcycle ride with me.

It has been terribly dry in our area; in fact, a drought disaster was declared in our county. But, of course, since we were ridding on Skyline Drive in VA, we had several hours of riding in the rain. (Lord willing, I hope to ride to my daughter's house in OH for my 70th birthday next August.)

Jonathan is majoring in music, and had won a national contest based on ability with the piano as well as ability with English. He has two "first" languages, Portuguese and English. The prize was an expense paid semester at Morehead College in Morehead, KY to study piano.

On our way to Morehead, we went through Cincinnati to take him to the Creation Museum. If you have not been there, plan to go. It will be worth your time and expense.

David, Bettie's son, and Bettie and I warned him of the girls at college who were there to gain a Mrs. Degree. Any doubts he might have had about our warnings disappeared on his third day there. A girl in a group of girls asked him for a date. ("Oh, you are from Brazil. Will you teach me some Brazilian dances?") He was shocked, and told David that our warning was true.

Though the school there is known as an agriculture school, they also have a music school. We took him to the college the day before freshman registration, and spent that night in Morehead before we started the 8 hour trip home. The motel clerk told us he had not seen one young man check in for college, but had seen several young ladies.

I am sure that godly young women are saying, "Where are the godly men who understand God's word about raising a godly family?"

Blessing or Cursing

Genesis 12:11 For the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house unto the land that I will show thee. 2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and will bless thee, and make thy name great, and thou shalt be a blessing. 3 I will also bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee, and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Genesis 16:11 And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

War in the Middle-East has been a problem in Palestine from my earliest memory. Every president has sought the answer, yet every president has continued financing the State of Israel in the name of "self-defense", so they could carry on the war.

Being a Muslim, Obama wants to abandon the nation called Israel, but he is between a rock and a hard place.1 Using Genesis 12:1-3, a great many Christians seem to support the aggressive State of Israel, believing that by doing so, they will inherit God's blessing. The logical conclusion is that if "we" do not support and finance that State, "we" will inherit God's curse.

Ignoring the violent anti-Christ and anti-Christian nature of that State, "Christian" ministries have used vv. 1-3 for the past 150 years to raise vast sums of both individual and Federal foreign aid to finance that State. Vv. 1-3 have been used to gain unqualified support for that State's aggression, as well as support for its lust for its neighbors' lands. Multiplied billions of dollars have been extracted in foreign aid for the State of Israel by Christians' misuse of v. 3 to pressure our political leaders to provide unlimited funds to finance Israel's "self-defense".

Christian and Federal foreign aid at work
Israel gets creative about stealing Lebanese soil, literally
Lebanon-Israel, Politics, 11/4/1998

In its occupation of south Lebanon and destruction of many towns and efforts to loot Lebanese water resources, Israel has something new to steal, rich Lebanese top soil, and the Lebanese government has finally brought this issue to light.

In messages addressed to the UN secretary-general, the UN Security Council and the Presidency of the European Union, Lebanese Foreign Minister Fares Boueiz demanded an end to the Israeli practices regarding stealing Lebanese soil from the occupied strip of south Lebanon, moving the soil to Israel.

This practice comes within the framework of the Israeli aggressive practices against Lebanon, the Lebanese minister said. He warned against the dangers of these practices that lead to damage to the environment and displace Lebanese citizens.

The message said that work on removing the top soil started two weeks ago, and hundreds of tons of soil were taken into Israel. [And sold to farmers.] 1998110413.html

"Bless the State of Israel" in order to finance its efforts to destroy its neighbors? By what stretch of the imagination can one expect God's blessings on such blatant anti-God activity, and upon those who finance that theft?

Psalms 50:16 But unto the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare my statutes, or that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth? 17 Seeing thou hatest instruction, and castest my words behind thee. 18 When thou sawest a thief, then thou consentedst with him, and hast been partaker with adulterers.

Scripturally, those who have supported and now support the State of Israel are under God's curse, not his blessing, or God's word is not true.

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. 12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. 13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

Who can honestly say that the State of Israel's actions are anything but the unfruitful works of darkness?

Moreover, how many profiting prophets have been made rich at the expense of those who do not consider the implications of the modern understanding of 12:1-3?

It was "Jews" who financed Schofield's book in which he promotes Zionism. The return to the Zionist State for financing Scofield's book has been many fold, enriching
many people at the expense of those who accept Schofield's notes as Scriptural truth. Thanks to a man with too much money and too little to do, Lewis Way, 1811, and a "converted Jew," (his dad was a rabbi) Joseph Wolff, the old Jewish hope was reestablished in the early 1800s, and put into print by Schofield 100 years later. It was then accepted by a vast multitude of Christians as the "gospel truth". Their acceptance provided the Christian support for the confiscation of Palestinian land by Britain in 1948. (Death, p. 136)

There is money in them thar hills

Some time ago, World Magazine (5/19/07) had a full page advertisement sponsored by VISION for ISRAEL. Their sub-title was "I will bless those who bless thee" as they sought donations "to help build the State of Israel." Admittedly, they said their funds are also to help relieve the suffering of both Jews and Arabs, as well as "assisting ... new immigrants." (P.20. What about aid to the Christians being expelled from the State of Israel? VISION made no mention of aiding Christians.) They used Genesis 12:3 to justify their plea for money.

The misuse of this verse, combined with failure to consider the logical conclusion, produces both big money and support for all kinds of evil activity for the Anti-Christian "State of Israel." Should we not find it strange that those who want to finance the State of Israel with taxpayer, church and personal funds include those who demand "separation of Church and State" in other areas?


Here are some obvious points to all who know Scripture:

First: The promise was to Abraham, not to Jacob-Israel.

Those living in modern Palestine ("the State of Israel") make no claim of being the blood descendants of Abraham. Those who move to "Israel" are not the seed of Abraham returning to their home-land, and they make no such claim. That claim is made by those desiring to fleece the flock. The promised return took place under Ezra and Nehemiah.

Those returning to the State of Israel today are followers of the Jew's religion, who moved into territory confiscated by Britain in 1948 from the Palestinians, and was given to a religious sect. It would be like our government confiscating Idaho by force of arms, (or Michigan) removing all its citizens, building a wall around it, and then giving it to the followers of Mohamad. How would we respond? Would there be peace between Muslim Idaho and the rest of the US? How can one hope for or expect peace between the Palestinians who had their land confiscated and those who now occupy it?

Those who try to attach Genesis 12:3 to the modern residence of the State of Israel make no effort to follow any kind of justifiable lineage to that promise.

BTW, I have had people tell me they could trace their lineage all the way back to Noah, but no one has shown that lineage on paper. Besides, how could one verify their claim, even if it were on paper? What a foolish statement.

Second: Abraham was a Gentile called out of paganism through whom God would show himself strong. Joshua 24. It would be a good number of years before there would be an Israelite, and many more before the name "Jew" would be attached to Israel. All the fathers were Gentiles up until Jacob-Israel. Jacob and his twelve sons (the twelve patriarchs) were the first Israelites. Furthermore, there term Jew came from the location of Judah—the people were named for the location of their home. The first use of Jews to identify inhabitants of Jerusalem is 2 Kings 16:6 .

Abraham, the Hebrew, Genesis 14:13. It is generally supposed that the name came from Eber or Heber, who lived five generations prior to Abraham. The word means "one from beyond", and Abraham is only identified as a Hebrew after he moved at God's command. Accordingly, all of Abraham's descendants would have been Hebrews.

Third: I will bless them that bless thee , i.e., Abraham, is used to promise God's blessing upon those who bless the State of Israel with unqualified support, money particularly. Attempts to take the passage literally, the descendants of Abraham, in order to get gain for the State of Israel, must include other descendants of Abraham.

The corrupt use of the passage means support for those who hate the Christian God and his Son Christ Jesus. Those who use "I will bless those who bless thee [Abraham]" to raise money are asking God to bless:

Ishmael, Abraham's first born son, whom the Arab followers of Mohammad claim as their father. Genesis 16:11, 12.

How can Christians ask God to bless the ungodly, particularly the Arabs who follow Muhammad? The promise to them was that his hand would be against every man, and every man's hand wold be against him. Ishmael has a particular hatred against those who will not worship "Allah, according to Muhammad". There are Christian Arabs, and they suffer greatly at the hands of the followers of Muhammad.

Esau, Jacob's twin brother, whom God hated, Romans 9:13. Those who use "I will bless those who bless thee [Abraham]" to raise money are asking Christians to support and God to bless those whom he declared hatred toward, and had cursed. Obadiah and Malachi give us the details of God's hatred toward Esau/Edom, as pointed out in the last Examiner:

"Antipater, the father of Herod the Great, the King of the Jews, was an Edomite. These descendants of Esau occupied the deserts of Southern Judea. And from the beginning of their existence they had been antagonistic to Israel. They had a habit of swooping down on Jewish settlements and making slaves of the people.

"Indeed, the Edomites were such a problem they were denounced by the prophets: Amos, Joel, Obadiah, and Ezekiel. A psalmist also pointedly wrote: 'Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said Rase it, rase it to the foundations thereof' (Psalms 137:7).

"The Edomites, however, had been conquered in the second century B.C. by the Jewish high priest and king, John Hyrcanus. Hyrcanus then forced them to be circumcised and to become Jews. Thus, Antipater was a Jew merely because his ancestors had been forced into Judaism. (Ludwig's Handbook of New Testament Rulers & Cities. Pp. 29-30. Accent Books, 1983.)

"Moreover, Antipater's wife was a Nabatean Arab. Accordingly, the King of the Jews in Christ's day was an Edomite Arab."

Thus, any effort to use "I will bless those who bless thee [Abraham]" to raise money and to pronounce any blessing on the State of Israel is totally contrary to the Word of God, as well as contrary to common sense. With no Scriptural justification, they separate Abraham's seed into three parts, and apply the blessing to only one of those three.

How can a Christian seek God's blessings on the Arab followers of Mohammad who believe it is their duty to God to kill "infidels"; that is, Christians?

How can a Christian seek God's blessings on the nation God cursed and removed from the face of the earth. It was an Edomite who condemned Christ to death, and Christians are raising money asking God to bless such people!!

When it comes to the modern State of Israel, Christians seem to have left their brains at home, and opened their pocketbooks with no consideration of what they are doing according to Scripture.

Why will not people, especially Christians, think things through to their Scriptural conclusions?

Fourth: The promise was and is identified in Abraham's seed.

Genesis 22:17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; (26:4, Exodus 32:13.)

Deuteronomy 1:10 does tell us there was to be a literal, physical fulfillment in the physical nation of Israel, and the promise of a literal land was to be fulfilled in them.
Nehemiah 9:23. There was both a physical fulfillment, and then a spiritual fulfillment of that promise. The end of the physical promise came in 70 AD, when the nation of Israel was totally destroyed.2

Galatians 3:16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. 29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

How could the Lord make it any plainer? Abraham's promise in 12:1-3 was a promise of the coming Redeemer. The promise was and is blessing or cursing according to the attitude toward Christ and his people, the redeemed. Is this where Abraham saw Redemption in Christ? John 8:56. We know that Job, who lived at about the same time, knew that his Redeemer lived. Job 19:25.

The children of promise are not those born Israelites after the flesh, but are those born after the Spirit. That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. For this is the word of promise, At this time will I come, and Sara shall have a son. Romans 9:8, 9.

Note that though this verse speaks of physical and provable lineage to Abraham, i.e., children of the flesh, it applies even more so to the modern claimers of the promise who simply have only the Jews' religion. If I understand the situation properly, the State of Israel makes no claim upon Genesis 12:1-3, nor do they have any conceivable right to that promise. Rather they use Genesis 17:8 to justify confiscating and keeping the Palestinians' land. I have heard no claim of any blood relationship to Abraham, so they are neither children of Abraham by blood nor by faith.

They are usurpers of God's promise to Abraham and his seed, Christ Jesus, and Christians support that usurpation. The Spirit leaves no doubt about his meaning in Romans 9, saying in Galatians 4 that the child of the bondmaid (Agar and Ishmael) represents the physical seed of Abraham, i.e., natural Israel. On the other hand, the child of the free woman (Sarai and Isaac) represents the spiritual seed of Abraham, i.e., spiritual Israel, the redeemed in Christ. We, the redeemed of all ages, are the children of promise, regardless of where in the world we live.

Romans 9:8. Notice that the promised war between Ishmael, the flesh, and Isaac, that spirit of war, is being carried out today in the war of the Arab Muslims against infidels, Christians, and all that Christianity stands for. Sadly, Christians are yielding Christian ground to Ishmael with little or no opposition. Those who hate Christ are even encouraging the flesh, the Ishmael side of the war, against Christ, the spiritual side of the war, as seen in this article:

[Hartford, Con] City Council Meetings to begin with Muslim Prayers

[9/8/10] The Council announced Tuesday that it has invited local imams to perform Islamic invocations at the beginning of the Council meetings in September.

Though meetings don't regularly begin with any form of prayer, an email from the Common Council called it "an act of solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters."... Council-Meetings-to-Begin-with-Muslim-Prayers102387499.html

Clearly, the physical Israel of old was not the children of God, represented by Ishmael and Esau. Though the physical lineage of Abraham through Isaac was considered God's chosen people, that lineage did not assure them of God's favor. However, that physical lineage did carry with it extra godly responsibility. John 8:33-45.

The true children of God have always been represented by the children of promise, Isaac and Jacob. Galatians 4:21-31. Throughout holy Scripture, the children of God
have always been identified by their circumcision of heart, and not by their physical location, e.g., in the land of Palestine. Deuteronomy 10:16, 30:6, Jeremiah 4:4, Romans 2:28, 29, Philippians 3:3, Colossians 2:11.

According to Romans 9, Hagar/Agar is exalted when a supposed physical seed of Abraham is exalted over the clearly defined spiritual seed of Abraham, Galatians 3:29, and that supposed physical seed is given the promise found in Genesis 12:1-3.

There is no way to prove any physical seed of Sarai today who might receive the promise if it were literal. Those who desire to be physically identified rather than spiritually identified with Abraham, exalt Agar over Sarai. Galatians 4. Those who do such things must ignore the clear Word of God. Moreover, Paul clearly said that those outside of the Christian faith, though they might be born of the physical line of Abraham through Sarai, are actually the children of the bondwoman, Agar. Thus "Freemen" are those who have been set free from the power of sin by Christ—they are not free because of any physical birth, but because of the new birth.

Fifth: It is totally anti-Christ to make Abraham's blessing, 12:3, cover any supposed physical descendants. "I will bless those who bless thee", so send us your money "to help build the State of Israel". The promise of Genesis 12 is that God would justify the Gentiles through faith when they come to Christ, for Christ alone is the fulfillment of the promise —, which blessing is through Christ, the seed of Abraham.

Galatians 3:6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. 7 Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. 8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed. 9 So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham. 16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. 29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Clearly, the promise of Genesis 12:1-3 refers to Christ, and the blessings that were to come through him to all nations of the earth.

In addition, we have Paul's statement in

Galatians 3:13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: 14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

The Spirit could not be clearer — the blessings promised to Abraham in Genesis 12 have come upon the whole earth (Gentiles) through Jesus Christ, by the work of the Holy Spirit.

There is a Jews' religion, as mentioned by Paul, which was and is based upon the traditions of the Jewish fathers.Galatians 1:13, 14.

How sad that good, sincere people desire to rob the church of the many promises that belongs to it, e.g., Genesis 12:1-3, and give those promises to those who hate Christ and his followers, and do all they can to destroy every vestige of Biblical Christianity.

Furthermore, wealth is provided to God's people so they can expand the Kingdom of God into all the world. These false prophets who misuse Genesis 12:1-3 to raise money for the ungodly are taking God's money to expand the power of darkness against the Kingdom of his dear Son. Colossians 1:13.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20

God will certainly judge the wicked actions of those who call good evil, and evil good, as they raise money to support the powers of darkness under the name of righteousness.

Individual Christians are accountable to God as to whom they support with their money and time. Listen closely, and follow through the implications of what others are saying. Are the implications according to all Scripture which have been given by inspiration, or the implications according to what might seem right to man, yet the end thereof is death?


(1) "My Muslim faith..." watch?v=iQqIpdBOg6I, "I am a Muslim", http://, "Obama admits he is a Muslim",

h t t p : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / watch?v=tCAffMSWSzY&feature=related. Also see, http:// w w w . m e t a c a f e . c o m / w a t c h / 1 7 5 2 1 1 1 / barack_hussein_obama_muslim_documentation/

(2) Downloadable e book that you will probably find very interesting. It is, "The Child's History of the Fall of Jerusalem", by Mrs. A. Hallock, Published by the American Tract Society, 1809. It is written as a father telling a story of the fall of Jerusalem to his son and daughter, as he makes them research facts also. It obviously follows Josephus' account of the event. It covers a history of the Jews' problems with Rome and its rulers after Christ. It follows the Roman conquest of Judea one city at a time, while including a good number of Old Testament prophetic references in their proper place in the account of the war. It also gives a history of Josephus, (a priest) and his war against the Romans in protecting the cities for which he was responsible. It follows his capture and experience with the Romans. It is certainly a "page turner", which you will not want to put down until you have finished. I have made this 192 page book available in its original size (4.5x5.5, two pages will fit on a "landscape" 8.5x11 sheet) in two PDF formats for downloading: 1) two up, booklet format which will make a booklet by saddle stitching when printed on both sides. (Ideal for duplex printers, requiring 24 sheets of paper.) 2) two up, consecutive pages, as it would be if you opened a book and copied the two pages that are opened. Contact me for hard copies. Download at http:/ /

Wannabe Cool Christianity

Those of my generation who "ran" with the crowd I was familiar with know of Jack Hyles, of First Baptist Church of Hammond. I attended his church several times
when I worked as a driver for a man in Western Indiana. I attended his "Pastor's School" several times both as a staff member in the early '70s, and as a pastor in the early '80s. I also attended Bus Workers conferences when my wife,
who worked a bus route, would win trips to the confer-
ences. I also attended the worker's conferences when Jim Vineyard was there as the Bus Director.

The following was forwarded to me, which should distress all who have followed the "fundamentalist" movement as led by Jack Hyles.


(Friday Church News Notes, August 20, 2010, 866-295-4143

Jack Schaap, pastor of First Baptist Church, Hammond, Indiana, recently praised a raunchy emerging rapper church and claimed to be its mentor. The church, the Richmond Outreach Center, is pastored by Geronimo Aguilar. Schaap said Aguilar has been attending Pastor's School for 10 years and was preceded there by his street biker father, Phil Aguilar, who, according to Schaap, "followed Brother Hyles to a T."

Phil's MySpace site features demonic-looking pictures of he and his friends decked out in their biker regalia, including Nazi helmet symbols. If there is such a thing as being "conformed to the world" (Romans 12:2), Phil has mastered it. Phil produces a line of clothing called SoldierMade, which is advertised with profanities and immodest models.

Schaap says that Geronimo sought his counsel when founding the ROC in 2001 and meets with him every year for a day or two of private counsel. "He and I are very dear friends." Schaap praises the ROC as the "sixth fastest growing church in America, running 4,000 every week." Schaap told his congregation that Aguilar "knows where to find how to build a church."

That's the bottom line for Schaap. His is an unscriptural, idolatrous pragmatism that worships "results." The results can be obtained by side-show promotionalism or by CCM and the contemporary no-standards, judge-not philosophy. Apparently it's all the same to Schaap. The worship leader at ROC is a rapper dude who goes by the moniker "Chill" Aguilar, and the "worship service" features raunchy performances by the congregation's rap dancers. Chill's web site praises filthy rockers such as Korn, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Prince, Morrissey, and Kid Rock.

We are thankful for every soul at ROC that has truly been born again and set free of drugs and alcohol, but they have not given up their raunchy music and sensual dancing, their immodest, unisex clothing styles, or their "be cool, live and let live" philosophy, and the result is a worldly confusion.

The following article is making its way around to those
with e mail. In case you have not seen it, here it is from the Wall Street Journal

The Perils of 'Wannabe Cool' Christianity


'How can we stop the oil gusher?" may have been the question of the summer for most Americans. Yet for many evangelical pastors and leaders, the leaking well is nothing compared to the threat posed by an ongoing gusher of a different sort: Young people pouring out of their churches, never to return.

As a 27-year-old evangelical myself, I understand the concern. My peers, many of whom grew up in the church, are losing interest in the Christian establishment.

Recent statistics have shown an increasing exodus of young people from churches, especially after they leave home and live on their own. In a 2007 study, Lifeway Research determined that 70% of young Protestant adults between 18-22 stop attending church regularly.

Statistics like these have created something of a mania in recent years, as baby-boomer evangelical leaders frantically assess what they have done wrong (why didn't megachurches work to attract youth in the long term?) and scramble to figure out a plan to keep young members engaged in the life of the church.

Increasingly, the "plan" has taken the form of a total image overhaul, where efforts are made to rebrand Christianity as hip, countercultural, relevant. As a result, in the early 2000s, we got something called "the emerging church"—a sort of postmodern stab at an evangelical reform movement. Perhaps because it was too "let's rethink everything" radical, it fizzled quickly. But the impulse behind it—to rehabilitate Christianity's image and make it "cool"—remains.

There are various ways that churches attempt to be cool. For some, it means trying to seem more culturally savvy. The pastor quotes Stephen Colbert or references Lady Gaga during his sermon, or a church sponsors a screening of the R-rated "No Country For Old Men." For others, the emphasis is on looking cool, perhaps by giving the pastor a metrosexual makeover, with skinny jeans and an $80 haircut, or by insisting on trendy eco-friendly paper and helvetica-only fonts on all printed materials. Then there is the option of holding a worship service in a bar or nightclub (as is the case for L.A.'s Mosaic church, whose downtown location meets at a nightspot called Club Mayan).

"Wannabe cool" Christianity also manifests itself as an obsession with being on the technological cutting edge. Churches like Central Christian in Las Vegas and Liquid Church in New Brunswick, N.J., for example, have online church services where people can have a worship experience at an "iCampus." Many other churches now encourage texting, Twitter and iPhone interaction with the pastor during their services.

But one of the most popular—and arguably most unseemly—methods of making Christianity hip is to make it shocking. What better way to appeal to younger generations than to push the envelope and go where no fundamentalist has gone before?

Sex is a popular shock tactic. Evangelical-authored books like "Sex God" (by Rob Bell) and "Real Sex" (by Lauren Winner) are par for the course these days. At the same time, many churches are finding creative ways to use sex-themed marketing gimmicks to lure people into church.

Oak Leaf Church in Cartersville, Georgia, created a website called to pique the interest of young seekers. Flamingo Road Church in Florida created an online, anonymous confessional (, and had a web series called, which featured a 24/7 webcam showing five weeks in the life of the pastor, Troy Gramling. Then there is Mark Driscoll at Seattle's Mars Hill Church— who delivers sermons with titles like "Biblical Oral Sex" and "Pleasuring Your Spouse," and is probably the first and only pastor I have ever heard say the word "vulva" during a sermon.But are these gimmicks really going to bring young people back to church? Is this what people really come to church for? Maybe sex sermons and indie- rock worship music do help in getting people in the door, and maybe even in winning new converts. But what sort of Christianity are they being converted to?

In his book, "The Courage to Be Protestant," David Wells writes:"The born-again, marketing church has calculated that unless it makes deep, serious cultural adaptations, it will go out of business, especially with the younger generations. What it has not considered carefully enough is that it may well be putting itself out of business with God.

"And the further irony," he adds, "is that the younger generations who are less impressed by whiz-bang technology, who often see through what is slick and glitzy, and who have been on the receiving end of enough marketing to nauseate them, are as likely to walk away from these oh-so-relevant churches as to walk into them."

If the evangelical Christian leadership thinks that "cool Christianity" is a sustainable path forward, they are severely mistaken. As a twentysomething, I can say with confidence that when it comes to church, we don't want cool as much as we want real.

If we are interested in Christianity in any sort of serious way, it is not because it's easy or trendy or popular. It's because Jesus himself is appealing, and what he says rings true. It's because the world we inhabit is utterly phony, ephemeral, narcissistic, image-obsessed and sexdrenched—and we want an alternative. It's not because we want more of the same.

Mr. McCracken's book, "Hipster Christianity: Where Church and Cool Collide" (Baker Books) was published this month.

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By By Byrd

Sen. Robert Byrd of WV went to meet his maker. I am sure that though he was the longest serving senator, his "public service" will have no influence with the Lord, and he will finally have to face the truth. In fact, his accountability will be according to the responsibility he had here.

All of that to say this: Some years ago, probably in the late 80s, a friend, who was a precinct committee man, asked me to work the precinct voting polls for which he was responsible. I have worked the polls since, including in VA and now in WV. I am writing this part of the personal column while at the polls for a special primary for someone to be on the November ballot to replace Byrd. It is afternoon, and only about 15 people have been in to vote. Why?

My opinion: The WV law is very vague on how to fill a seat vacated by death, so the governor, Joe Manchin, was able to make up the rules as he went, and he wanted the seat. So, rather than letting his appointed man finish out Byrd's term to 2012, he called a special primary election on very short notice, just a few weeks, to place a candidate on the November ballot. The special primary is on a Saturday, totally unexpected by everyone. The candidates have had no time to get their names known, and Manchin is on the ballot. His name is the only one widely known, and he will be a shoo-in to be on the ballot in November. Thus, he is costing the state multiplied millions of dollars to have this special election, so he can get his name on the November ballot, rather than waiting until his term expires in 2012.

A WV paper, since the primary, ran an unofficial poll, and Manchin was 2 to 1 behind the Republican nominee.

Corruption is rampant in both parties. We have exactly what we deserve in Obama and those in power who support him. What makes us think the Republicans will be any different if they get in "power."

Notice Palin... She supported the worst Republican in the Senate against someone who was not part of the machine. Why do you suppose she supported the Republican machine?


Forwarded to me. Though there is no documentation, the statements are true no matter who said them:

Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets; "Go back to Boston ! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die . . Through love of having children, we are going to take over.

Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas ; "We have an aging white America . They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population . . . I love it. They are sh—ing in their pants with fear. I love it."

Americans are losing this nation because they want small families, if any families at all. The love of money has ended our once great nation.

See of Life

Monsanto on the Move

Blood on our Farms:

Is Monsanto Responsible for 1 Suicide Every 30 Minutes?

They act like the farmers' friends. But they're not. That's why they hope you never look inside and read about the greatest farming scam of all, killing 46 farmers a day and posing a serious health risk. Finally this celebrity is taking them to task... archive/2010/09/03/monsanto-caused-an-estimated150000-farmer-suicides.aspx

Licensed To Kill

Dust Regulations, No Till, and Monsanto's Food Monopoly

Farmers are being targeted with new dust regulations. Normal farming methods include tilling the ground, which produces dust. What type of farming method doesn't produce dust? No till. What company endorses no till farming methods for crop production? Monsanto. Don't till to get rid of weeds, just apply Roundup. So, it looks like our friends in the Monsanto-controlled government corporation are up to their eyeballs in promoting GMOs again. This time by making it so costly and difficult to grow normal crops, that farmers are shoved right into the waiting maws of Monsanto again. And the march to control the world's food supply marches on. ...


Food Firms Jarred by

Sugar-Beet Restriction


A federal judge's decision Friday to undo the government's five-year-old approval of genetically modified sugar beets, from which roughly half of U.S. sugar is derived, won't disrupt supplies for at least a year, but could pose headaches for food companies after that.

The order by U.S. District Judge Jeffrey S. White— who had concluded in September 2009 that the U.S. Department of Agriculture hadn't lived up to its obligation to fully consider whether the weedkiller-tolerant sugar beets might harm the environment—effectively blocks farmers from planting the seed next spring, but leaves alone the crop already in the ground, which can be harvested this fall, processed and sold as sugar.

"In the short term, at least, we're aren't going to see any disruption in the marketing of this year's crop," said Luther Markwart, executive vice president of the American Sugarbeet Growers Association, a Washington, D.C., trade group.

However food companies that depend on a steady supply of U.S. sugar face uncertainty over where they will source their sugar beets after next year.

It is far from clear how soon U.S. sugar-beet farmers can return to planting the seeds, which are genetically modified the same way as the vast majority of the corn, soybeans and cotton grown in the U.S. The plants are genetically modified with Monsanto Co. genes that give them immunity to glyphosate-based herbicide, which the St. Louis biotechnology company sells as Roundup weedkiller.

The Roundup-resistant trait is popular with many farmers—it is present in 95% of the sugar-beet plants grown in the U.S.—because it enables them to chemically weed their fields without harming their crops, saving time and the expense of mechanical cultivation.

Monsanto licenses several sugar-beet seed companies to use its herbicide-tolerance gene in their breeding programs. The business isn't big enough to be material to the company's financial results.

The lawsuit against the USDA was filed by activist groups including the Center for Food Safety and the Sierra Club, among others. Biotechnology critics worry that the transplanted gene could spread to conventional sugar-beet plants through cross-pollination, and that the herbicide-tolerance trait permits a heavy enough use of Roundup to spur the evolution of weeds that can survive glyphosate, the active ingredient in the weedkiller.

Glyphosate-tolerant weeds are already appearing in southeast U.S. farm fields where farmers have long grown Roundup-tolerant cotton and soybeans.

Sugar-beet industry officials say it would be difficult for U.S. farmers to quickly switch back to non-genetically modified seed. Some farmers have already sold off their cultivation equipment—which kills weeds by digging into the dirt—and it isn't clear how much conventional seed is available anymore.

Genetically modified sugar-beet seed won't be legal to plant again until the Agriculture Department repeats its regulatory review process. Sugar-industry officials widely expect the USDA's biotechnology regulators—who are charged with protecting U.S. agriculture from plant pests— to come to the same conclusion and eventually re-clear the seed for planting. But getting there again will include the time-consuming process of writing the environmental-impact statement ordered by Judge White, who sits in San Francisco.

The draft environmental-impact statement that the USDA published in December on Roundup–tolerant alfalfa, for example, ran to about 1,500 pages. The USDA has estimated that completing an environmental-impact statement on Roundup-tolerant sugar beets could easily take until April 2012.

Sugar-industry officials say they believe the USDA has the authority to implement interim measures to permit some planting of the genetically modified sugar beets. A USDA spokesman said the agency was "reviewing the judge's order in order to determine appropriate next steps."

US funds restoration of global Islamic sites

Aug 24, 2010

WASHINGTON – The good will tour of the Middle East by the imam behind the proposed mosque near ground zero is just part of the U.S. government's efforts to reach out to the Muslim world.

This year, the Obama administration will spend nearly $6 million to restore 63 historic and cultural sites, including mosques and minarets, in 55 nations, according to State Department documents. ...

h t t p : / / n e w s . y a h o o . c o m / s / a p / 2 0 1 0 0 8 2 4 / ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/us_nyc_mosque_state_department_2

Where is the funding to restore Christian churches that have been destroyed by the Muslims?

Military burns unsolicited Bibles sent to Afghanistan

May 22, 2009

(CNN) — Military personnel threw away, and ultimately burned, confiscated Bibles that were printed in the two most common Afghan languages amid concern they would be used to try to convert Afghans, a Defense De-partment spokesman said Tuesday. ... us.military.bibles.burned/

Consider Obama's plea not to burn the Koran!! Christians who supported him are getting what they asked for.

Chemical Lobotomy, water and food
(From an e mail.)

Over the years I have not been that impressed with Alex Jones, but in this video clip he is sharing something that is true. I have been studying this subject for many years and what he brings up here is something, that all of us are going to have to face.

Please take 15 minutes out of your time and watch this video clip. Then do what I did, look up these things on the Internet and be shocked at the information that is there.

Remember this: If you do not know that something exists, you are not going to search for it!


Republican Socialists of America:

Names of seventy members of US Congress who are Self-Declared Socialists: philosophy/ dsa members.htm

Check this out: New Olympic Sport??

Woman Fired For Eating 'Unclean' Meat

Attorney: 'It's A Classic Case Of Religious Discrimination'

August 4, 2004

ORLANDO, Fla. — A Central Florida woman was fired from her job after eating "unclean" meat and violating a reported company policy that pork and pork products are not permissible on company premises, according to Local 6 News.

Lina Morales was hired as an administrative assistant at Rising Star — a Central Florida telecommunications company with strong Muslim ties, Local 6 News reported.

However, 10 months after being hired by Rising Star, religious differences led to her termination.

Morales, who is Catholic, was warned about eating pizza with meat the Muslim faith considered "unclean," Local 6 News reported. She was then fired for eating a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich, according to the report.

"Are you telling me they fired you because you had something with ham on it?" Local 6 News reporter Mike Holfeld asked.

"Yes," Morales said.

Holfeld asked, "A pizza and a BLT sandwich?" " Yes," Morales said.

Local 6 News obtained the termination letter that states she was fired for refusing to comply with company policy that pork and pork products are not permissible on company premises.

However, by the company's own admission to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, that policy is not written, Local 6 News reported.

"Did you ever sign to or agree to anything that said I will not eat pork?" Holfeld asked Morales.

"Never," Morales said. "When I got hired there, they said we don't care what religion you are."

Attorney Travis Hollifield is representing Morales in a lawsuit against the company.

"It's just un-American," Hollifield said. "It's not in compliance with the laws of this country."

Local 6 News reported that the case has precedent-setting issues because it addresses employee rights and religion in the workplace.

"It's a classic case of religious discrimination," Hollifield said. "They have not articulated a single reason other than religious reason behind the policy."

The CEO of Rising Star, Kujaatele Kweli, told Local 6 News that they have tried to create an office that accommodates anybody's religion — not just Islam.

"Clearly you're accommodating," Holfeld said. "Yes." Kweli replied.

"And you have an ecumenical philosophy," Holfeld said. " Yes," Kweli replied.

"(Then) shouldn't you be able to accommodate all faiths in the same lunch room?" Holfeld asked.

"We do, we can," Kweli said.

"But you've dismissed one of your employees for eating pork in the lunch room," Holfeld said.

"Yes, pork is considered unclean," Kweli said.

The Koran forbids Muslims from eating pork. And according to Kweli, Morales and every employee at the company is advised of the no pork policy.

"Our point of view is to respect the laws of the land and the laws of the land as I understand it is to the accommodate people's right to practice their religions if you can," Kweli said.

"Even if it impacts other people?" Holfeld asked. "Well, it always impacts other people," Kweli replied.

Orlando attorney Mark Nejame is close to the Muslim community, Local 6 News reported. He said Kweli's intentions may cross constitutional parameters, according to the report.

"They're making it seem that if you don't follow a certain set of religious practices and beliefs then you're going to be terminated and that's wrong," Nejame said. "If this case prevails, what it will mean — the implications of this case — is it will eliminate accommodations of religion."

Both sides are steadfast in their belief that they are right. Morales is taking the company to court charging discrimination, Local 6 News reported.

"We believe that the Baptists are the original Christians. We did not commence our existence at the reformation, we were reformers before Luther and Calvin were born; we never came from the Church of Rome, for we were never in it, but we have an unbroken line up to the apostles themselves. We have always existed from the days of Christ, and our principles, sometimes veiled and forgotten, like a river which may travel under ground for a little season, have always had honest and holy adherents. Persecuted alike by Romanists and Protestants of almost every sect, yet there has never existed a Government holding Baptist principles which persecuted others; nor, I believe, any body of Baptists ever held it to be right to put the consciences of others under the control of man..." (Note Baptist principles, not Baptist name. Charles H. Spurgeon The New Park Street Pulpit, Vol.VII, Page 225)Marriage ; )

Wife: 'What are you doing?' Husband: 'Nothing.'

Wife: 'Nothing...? You've been reading our marriage certificate for an hour.'

Husband: 'I was looking for the expiration date.'

*** Wife: 'Do you want dinner?'

Husband: 'Sure! What are my choices?'

Wife: 'Yes or no.'

*** Stress Reliever

Girl: 'When we get married, I want to share all your worries, troubles and lighten your burden.' Boy: 'It's very kind of you, darling, but I don't have any worries or troubles.'

Girl: 'Well that's because we aren't married yet.'

*** A newly married man asked his wife, 'Would you have married me if my father hadn't left me a fortune?'

'Honey,' the woman replied sweetly, 'I'd have married you, NO MATTER WHO LEFT YOU A FORTUNE!'

*** A wife asked her husband: 'What do you like most in me, my pretty face or my fabulous figure? He looked at her from head to toe and replied: 'I like your sense of humor!'

Walid Shoebat

Converted Terrorist or Charlatan Tale-Spinner?

By Thomas Williamson

One of the newest stars on the Christian speaking circuit is Walid Shoebat, allegedly a former Palestinian terrorist who has become a Christian and is now sharing his inside knowledge of the plans by Palestinians and Muslims to kill all Jews and destroy America.

Shoebat has been promoted by such organizations as Focus on the Family, Christians United for Israel and Chosen People Ministries, has appeared on numerous radio and television programs, and has written a book called "Why We Want to Kill You." He has a fund-raising foundation in Pennsylvania, to help fund his work and "fight for the Jewish people."

An article in the March 30, 2008 Jerusalem Post entitled "The Palestinian 'Terrorist' Turned Zionist" by Jorg Luyken questions the truthfulness of Shoebat's stories: "When he was 16, says Walid Shoebat, he was recruited by a PLO operative by the name of Mahmoud al-Mughrabi to carry out an attack on a branch of Bank Leumi in Bethlehem. However, Shoebat's claim to have bombed Bank Leumi in Bethlehem is rejected by members of his family who still live in the area, and Bank Leumi says it has no record of such an attack ever taking place....

"Shoebat's claim to have been a terrorist rests on his account of his purported bombing of Bank Leumi. But after checking its files, the bank said it had no record of an attack on its Bethlehem branch anywhere in the relevant 1977-79 period....

"If the Bank Leumi bombing claim is unfounded, it is unclear why Shoebat would have wanted to manufacture a terrorist past. True or not, however, it has plainly brought him some prominence and provided him with a means to speak in favor of Israel and be paid for doing so."

The Jerusalem Post article also referenced a New York Times article entitled "Speakers at Air Force Academy Said to Make False Claims," which questioned the truthfulness of the stories told by Shoebat and his sidekicks Kamal Saleem and Zachariah Anani in an event at the Air Force Academy.

Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation stated, "These 3 jokers are as much former Islamic terrorists as 'Star Trek's' Capt. James T. Kirk was a real Starship captain."Chris Hedges, former New York Times reporter, said, "These men are frauds. . . The 3 men tell lurid tales of being recruited as children into Palestinian terrorist organizations, murdering hundreds of civilians and blowing up a bank in Israel. Saleem says that as a child he infiltrated Israel to plant bombs via a network of tunnels underneath the Golan Heights, although no incident of this type was ever reported in Israel. He claims he is descended from the 'grand wazir' of Islam, a title and a position that do not exist in the Arab world."

Avi Katz, on the "Tikun Olam" web site, describes Shoebat as "Ex-PLO Terrorist, Muslim Apostate, Evangelical Convert, Arab Zionist -and Now, Charlatan."

Charles Carlson of "We Hold These Truths" in Scottsdale, Arizona states that he "caught Walid's trail through the good fortune of discovering a credible witness who says Shoebat could not have done any of these things he claims. We have good reason to believe this man who we will call Ali. 'All' and Walid knew each other as high school mates in the late 1970s in Beit Sahour, a village of only 250, near Bethlehem. Ali says none of the events Walid testified to happened, and there were no secrets in his village. Shoebat was an ordinary high school student from a well-to-do, nominally Muslim, religiously mixed family. There were no bombings or soldiers' kidnappings."

Supporters of Walid Shoebat insist that his story is true and that he provides correct inside knowledge of the motivations of Palestinian terrorists. Is he telling the truth, or is he just another imposter in the dishonorable tradition of such men as Mike Warnke, Johnny Todd and Alberto Rivera who have deceived Christian people over the years with their sensational, concocted tales of pre-conversion wrongdoing? It is recommended that Christians check out Shoebat before promoting and using him as a speaker - just Google "Walid Shoebat fraud" and draw your own conclusions.


The Governor of California is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out, bites the Governor and attacks his dog.

1. The Governor starts to intervene, but reflects upon the movie "Bambi" and then realizes he should stop; the coyote is only doing what is natural.
2. He calls animal control. Animal Control captures coyote and bills the State $200 testing it for diseases and $500 for relocating it.
3. He calls a veterinarian. The vet collects the dead dog and bills the State $200 testing it for diseases.
4. The Governor goes to hospital and spends $3,500 getting checked for diseases from the coyote and on getting his bite wound bandaged.
5. The running trail gets shut down for 6 months while Fish & Game conducts a $100,000 survey to make sure the area is free of dangerous animals.
6. The Governor spends $50,000 in state funds implementing a "coyote awareness" program for residents of the area.
7. The State Legislature spends $2 million to study how to better treat rabies and how to permanently eradicate the disease throughout the world.
8. The Governor's security agent is fired for not stopping the attack somehow and for letting the Governor attempt to intervene.
9. Additional cost to State of California : $75,000 to hire and train a new security agent with additional special training re: the nature of coyotes.
10. PETA protests the coyote's relocation and files suit against the State.

The Governor of Arizona is jogging with her dog along a nature trail. A Coyote jumps out and attacks her dog.

1. The Governor shoots the coyote with her State-issued pistol and keeps jogging. The Governor has spent $0.50 on a .45 ACP hollow point cartridge.
2. The Buzzards eat the dead coyote. And that's why California is broke.

Barack Hussein Obama:

I Told You So - Yes I Did

By Howard Galganov Montreal, Quebec , Canada

h t t p : / / w w w . b i n g . c o m / i m a g e s / search?q=Galganov#focal8d200795e6b26f56aaf4108af3fc3&furl=http:/ /

When Obama won the Presidency with the help of the LEFTIST Media,Hollywood And Entertainment Liberals, Ethnic Socialists (ACORN), Stupid Non-Business Profes sionals and Bush Haters, I wrote: It won't take six months until the People figure this guy out and realize how horrible a mistake they've made.. And when they come to that realization, the damage to the United States of America will be so great it will take a generation or more to repair - IF EVER.

The IDIOTS who not only voted for the Messiah, but also worked [hard] to promote his Lordship, are now left holding the bag.

Here are two things they will NEVER do: They will NEVER admit to making a Blunder out of all proportion by electing a snake-oil salesman with no Positive social history or management experience of any kind. They will NEVER take responsibility for the curse they've imposed upon the immediate and long-term future of their country.

In essence, the people responsible for putting this horror show in power are themselves responsible for every cataclysmic decision he makes and the Consequences thereof.

In just six months, the Messiah's polls are showing the following: 1. On Healthcare Reform - He's going under for the third time with polling well Under 50 percent, even within his own Party. Even though he might be able to Muscle a Healthcare Reform Bill by using Chicago BULLY tactics against his Fellow Democrats, it will just make things worse. 2. On Cap and Trade (Cap and Tax) - The Fat-Lady is already singing. 3. On the Stimulus Package (Tax and Spend) - His popularity is in FREE-FALL. 4. On the TARP package he took and ran with from President Bush - It's all but Good-Night Irene. 5. On the closing of GITMO and "HIS" war on what he no longer wants called the War On Terrorism - He's standing in quicksand with his head just about to go under. 6. On a Comparison between himself and George W. Bush at the same six months into Their respective first term Presidencies - Bush is ahead of him in the Polls. 7. On a comparison between He Who Walks On Water and the 12 preceding Presidents between WW II and now - Obama ranks 10th. 8. On a Poll just Conducted, that asks who would you vote for today between Obama and Mitt Romney - It's a dead heat. Between Obama and Palin - Obama's ONLY ahead by 8 Points and she hasn't even begun to campaign. It seems to me that Obama Wants to be everywhere where he shouldn't be.

He's personally invested in 'totally insulting' America's ONLY REAL Middle Eastern ally ( Israel) in favor of Palestinian Despots and Murderers. He's traveling the world apologizing for the USA while lecturing others on how to do it right, when in fact and truth he has no experience at doing anything other than getting elected.

He went to the Muslim world in Egypt to declare that America IS NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION while he heaped praises on Islam, where he compared the "plight" of the Palestinians to the Holocaust.

The Russians think he's a putz, The French think he's rude.

The Germans want him to stop spending.

The Indians want him to mix his nose out of their environmental business.

The North Koreans think he's a joke, The Iranians won't acknowledge his calls.

And the British can't even come up with a comprehensive opinion of him.

As for the Chinese, he's too frightened to even glance their way. [After All, China now owns a large portion of the United States .]

Maybe if America's first Emperor would stay home more, travel less, and work a little bit instead of being on television just about everyday or stop running to "papered" Town Hall Meetings, perhaps he would have a little bit of time to do the work of the nation.

In all fairness, it wasn't HARD to be RIGHT in my prediction concerning Obama's presidency, even in its first six months, so I'm going to make yet another prediction:

OBAMA WILL PROBABLY NOT FINISH HIS 4- YEAR TERM, at least not in a Conventional way.

He is such a political HORROR SHOW, and so detrimental to the USA and his Own Democratic Party, that the Democrats themselves will either FORCE him to Resign or figure out a way to have him thrown out.

Who knows, maybe he really isn't a BORN US Citizen and that's a way the Democrats will be able to get rid of him. [He is a citizen, but not a naturalized citizen with both mother and father being US citizens.]


I don't believe the Democrats have nearly as much love for their country as they do for their own political fortunes. And with Obama, their fortunes are rapidly becoming toast.

February 16, 2010

Tea Party Movement Lights Fuse for Rebellion on Right


SANDPOINT, Idaho — Pam Stout has not always lived in fear of her government. She remembers her years working in federal housing programs, watching government lift struggling families with job training and education. She beams at the memory of helping a Vietnamese woman get into junior college.

But all that was before the Great Recession and the bank bailouts, before Barack Obama took the White House by promising sweeping change on multiple fronts, before her son lost his job and his house. Mrs. Stout said she awoke to see Washington as a threat, a place where crisis is manipulated — even manufactured — by both parties to grab power.

She was happily retired, and had never been active politically. But last April, she went to her first Tea Party rally, then to a meeting of the Sandpoint Tea Party Patriots. She did not know a soul, yet when they began electing board members, she stood up, swallowed hard, and nominated herself for president. "I was like, 'Did I really just do that?' " she recalled.

Then she went even further.

Worried about hyperinflation, social unrest or even martial law, she and her Tea Party members joined a coalition, Friends for Liberty, that includes representatives from Glenn Beck's 9/12 Project, the John Birch Society, and Oath Keepers, a new player in a resurgent militia movement.

When Friends for Liberty held its first public event, Mrs. Stout listened as Richard Mack, a former Arizona sheriff, brought 1,400 people to their feet with a speech about confronting a despotic federal government. Mrs. Stout said she felt as if she had been handed a road map to rebellion. Members of her family, she said, think she has disappeared down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories. But Mrs. Stout said she has never felt so engaged.

"I can't go on being the shy, quiet me," she said. "I need to stand up."

The Tea Party movement has become a platform for conservative populist discontent, a force in Republican politics for revival, as it was in the Massachusetts Senate election, or for division. But it is also about the profound private transformation of people like Mrs. Stout, people who not long ago were not especially interested in politics, yet now say they are bracing for tyranny.

These people are part of a significant undercurrent within the Tea Party movement that has less in common with the Republican Party than with the Patriot movement, a brand of politics historically associated with libertarians, militia groups, anti-immigration advocates and those who argue for the abolition of the Federal Reserve.

Urged on by conservative commentators, waves of newly minted activists are turning to once-obscure books and Web sites and discovering a set of ideas long dismissed as the preserve of conspiracy theorists, interviews conducted across the country over several months show. In this view, Mr. Obama and many of his predecessors (including George W. Bush) have deliberately undermined the Constitution and free enterprise for the benefit of a shadowy international network of wealthy elites.

Loose alliances like Friends for Liberty are popping up in many cities, forming hybrid entities of Tea Parties and groups rooted in the Patriot ethos. These coalitions are not content with simply making the Republican Party more conservative. They have a larger goal — a political reordering that would drastically shrink the federal government and sweep away not just Mr. Obama, but much of the Republican establishment, starting with Senator John McCain.

In many regions, including here in the inland Northwest, tense struggles have erupted over whether the Republican apparatus will co-opt these new coalitions or vice versa. Tea Party supporters are already singling out Republican candidates who they claim have "aided and abetted" what they call the slide to tyranny: Mark Steven Kirk, a candidate for the Senate from Illinois, for supporting global warming legislation; Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida, who is seeking a Senate seat, for supporting stimulus spending; and Meg Whitman, a candidate for governor in California, for saying she was a "big fan" of Van Jones, once Mr. Obama's "green jobs czar."

During a recent meeting with Congressional Republicans, Mr. Obama acknowledged the potency of these attacks when he complained that depicting him as a would-be despot was complicating efforts to find bipartisan solutions.

"The fact of the matter is that many of you, if you voted with the administration on something, are politically vul nerable in your own base, in your own party," Mr. Obama said. "You've given yourselves very little room to work in a bipartisan fashion because what you've been telling your constituents is, 'This guy's doing all kinds of crazy stuff that is going to destroy America.' "

The ebbs and flows of the Tea Party ferment are hardly uniform. It is an amorphous, factionalized uprising with no clear leadership and no centralized structure. Not everyone flocking to the Tea Party movement is worried about dictatorship. Some have a basic aversion to big government, or Mr. Obama, or progressives in general. What's more, some Tea Party groups are essentially appendages of the local Republican Party.

But most are not. They are frequently led by political neophytes who prize independence and tell strikingly similar stories of having been awakened by the recession. Their families upended by lost jobs, foreclosed homes and depleted retirement funds, they said they wanted to know why it happened and whom to blame.

That is often the point when Tea Party supporters say they began listening to Glenn Beck. With his guidance, they explored the Federalist Papers, exposés on the Federal Reserve, the work of Ayn Rand and George Orwell. Some went to constitutional seminars. Online, they discovered radical critiques of Washington on Web sites like ("Home of the Patriotic Resistance") and ("Because there is a war on for your mind.").

Many describe emerging from their research as if reborn to a new reality. Some have gone so far as to stock up on ammunition, gold and survival food in anticipation of the worst. For others, though, transformation seems to amount to trying on a new ideological outfit — embracing the rhetoric and buying the books.

Tea Party leaders say they know their complaints about shredded constitutional principles and excessive spending ring hollow to some, given their relative passivity through the Bush years. In some ways, though, their main answer — strict adherence to the Constitution — would comfort every card_carrying A.C.L.U. member.

But their vision of the federal government is frequently at odds with the one that both parties have constructed. Tea Party gatherings are full of people who say they would do away with the Federal Reserve, the federal income tax and countless agencies, not to mention bailouts and stimulus packages. Nor is it unusual to hear calls to eliminate Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. A remarkable number say this despite having recently lost jobs or health coverage. Some of the prescriptions they are debating — secession, tax boycotts, states "nullifying" federal laws, forming citizen militias — are outside the mainstream, too.

At a recent meeting of the Sandpoint Tea Party, Mrs. Stout presided with brisk efficiency until a member interrupted with urgent news. Because of the stimulus bill, he insisted, private medical records were being shipped to federal bureaucrats. A woman said her doctor had told her the same thing. There were gasps of rage. Everyone already viewed health reform as a ruse to control their medical choices and drive them into the grip of insurance conglomerates. Debate erupted. Could state medical authorities intervene? Should they call Congress?

As the meeting ended, Carolyn L. Whaley, 76, held up her copy of the Constitution. She carries it everywhere, she explained, and she was prepared to lay down her life to protect it from the likes of Mr. Obama.

"I would not hesitate," she said, perfectly calm.

A Sprawling Rebellion

The Tea Party movement defies easy definition, largely because there is no single Tea Party.

At the grass_roots level, it consists of hundreds of autonomous Tea Party groups, widely varying in size and priorities, each influenced by the peculiarities of local history.

In the inland Northwest, the Tea Party movement has been shaped by the growing popularity in eastern Washington of Ron Paul, the libertarian congressman from Texas, and by a legacy of anti-government activism in northern Idaho. Outside Sandpoint, federal agents laid siege to Randy Weaver's compound on Ruby Ridge in 1992, resulting in the deaths of a marshal and Mr. Weaver's wife and son. To the south, Richard Butler, leader of the Aryan Nations, preached white separatism from a compound near Coeur d'Alene until he was shut down.

Local Tea Party groups are often loosely affiliated with one of several competing national Tea Party organizations. In the background, offering advice and organizational muscle, are an array of conservative lobbying groups, most notably FreedomWorks. Further complicating matters, Tea Party events have become a magnet for other groups and causes — including gun rights activists, anti_tax crusaders, libertarians, militia organizers, the "birthers" who doubt President Obama's citizenship, Lyndon LaRouche supporters and proponents of the sovereign states movement.

It is a sprawling rebellion, but running through it is a narrative of impending tyranny. This narrative permeates Tea Party Web sites, Facebook pages, Twitter feeds and YouTube videos. It is a prominent theme of their favored media outlets and commentators, and it connects the disparate issues that preoccupy many Tea Party supporters — from the concern that the community organization Acorn is stealing elections to the belief that Mr. Obama is trying to control the Internet and restrict gun ownership. trumpets "exclusives" reporting that the Army is seeking "Internment/Resettlement" specialists. On, bloggers warn that Mr. Obama is trying to convert Interpol, the international police organization, into his personal police force. They call on "fellow Patriots" to "grab their guns."

Mr. Beck frequently echoes Patriot rhetoric, discussing the possible arrival of a "New World Order" and arguing that Mr. Obama is using a strategy of manufactured crisis to destroy the economy and pave the way for dictatorship.

At recent Tea Party events around the country, these concerns surfaced repeatedly.

In New Mexico, Mary Johnson, recording secretary of the Las Cruces Tea Party steering committee, described why she fears the government. She pointed out how much easier it is since Sept. 11 for the government to tap telephones and scour e-mail, bank accounts and library records. "Twenty years ago that would have been a paranoid statement," Ms. Johnson said. "It's not anymore."

In Texas, Toby Marie Walker, president of the Waco Tea Party, stood on a stage before several thousand people, ticking off the institutions she no longer trusts — the federal government, both the major political parties, Wall Street. "Many of us don't believe they have our best interests at heart," Ms. Walker said. She choked back tears, but the crowd urged her on with shouts of "Go, Toby!"

As it happened in the inland Northwest with Friends for Liberty, the fear of Washington and the disgust for both parties is producing new coalitions of Tea Party supporters and groups affiliated with the Patriot movement. In Indiana, for example, a group called the Defenders of Liberty is helping organize "meet_ups" with Tea Party groups and more than 50 Patriot organizations. The Ohio Freedom Alliance, meanwhile, is bringing together Tea Party supporters, Ohio sovereignty advocates and members of the Constitution and Libertarian Parties. The alliance is also helping to organize five "liberty conferences" in March, each featuring Richard Mack, the same speaker invited to address Friends for Liberty.

Politicians courting the Tea Party movement are also alluding to Patriot dogma. At a Tea Party protest in Las Vegas, Joe Heck, a Republican running for Congress, blamed both the Democratic and Republican Parties for moving the country toward "socialistic tyranny." In Texas, Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican seeking re_election, threw his support behind the state sovereignty movement. And in Indiana, Richard Behney, a Republican Senate candidate, told Tea Party supporters what he would do if the 2010 elections did not produce results to his liking: "I'm cleaning my guns and getting ready for the big show. And I'm serious about that, and I bet you are, too."

Turning Points

Fear of cooption — a perpetual topic in the Tea Party movement — lay behind the formation of Friends for Liberty.

The new grass-roots leaders of the inland Northwest had grown weary of fending off what they jokingly called "hijack attempts" by the state and county Republican Parties. Whether the issue was picking speakers or scheduling events, they suspected party leaders of trying to choke off their revolution with Chamber of Commerce incrementalism.

"We had to stand our ground, I'll be blunt," said Dann Selle, president of the Official Tea Party of Spokane.

In October, Mr. Selle, Mrs. Stout and about 20 others from across the region met in Liberty Lake, Wash., a small town on the Idaho border, to discuss how to achieve broad political change without sacrificing independence. The local Republican Party was excluded.

Most of the people there had paid only passing attention to national politics in years past. "I voted twice and I failed political science twice," said Darin Stevens, leader of the Spokane 9/12 Project.

Until the recession, Mr. Stevens, 33, had poured his energies into his family and his business installing wireless networks. He had to lay off employees, and he struggled to pay credit cards, a home equity loan, even his taxes. "It hits you physically when you start getting the calls," he said.He discovered Glenn Beck, and began to think of Washington as a conspiracy to fleece the little guy. "I had no clue that my country was being taken from me," Mr. Stevens explained. He could not understand why his progressive friends did not see what he saw.

He felt compelled to do something, so he decided to start a chapter of Mr. Beck's 9/12 Project. He reserved a room at a pizza parlor for a Glenn Beck viewing party and posted the event on Craigslist. "We had 110 people there," Mr. Stevens said. He recalled looking around the room and thinking, "All these people — they agree with me."

Leah Southwell's turning point came when she stumbled on Mr. Paul's speeches on YouTube. ("He blew me away.") Until recently, Mrs. Southwell was in the top 1 percent of all Mary Kay sales representatives, with a company car and a frenetic corporate life. "I knew zero about the Constitution," Mrs. Southwell confessed. Today, when asked about her commitment to the uprising, she recites a line from the Declaration of Independence, a Tea Party favorite: "We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

Mr. Paul led Mrs. Southwell to Patriot ideology, which holds that governments and economies are controlled by networks of elites who wield power through exclusive entities like the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.

This idea has a long history, with variations found at both ends of the political spectrum. But to Mrs. Southwell, the government's culpability for the recession — the serial failures of regulation, the Federal Reserve's epic blunders, the cozy bailouts for big banks — made it resonate all the more, especially as she witnessed the impact on family and friends.

"The more you know, the madder you are," she said. "I mean when you finally learn what the Federal Reserve is!"

Last spring, Mrs. Southwell quit her job and became a national development officer for the John Birch Society, recruiting and raising money across the West, often at Tea Party events. She has been stunned by the number of Tea Party supporters gravitating toward Patriot ideology. "Most of these people are just waking up," she said.

Converging Paths

At Liberty Lake, the participants settled on a "big tent" strategy, with each group supporting the others in the coalition they called Friends for Liberty.

One local group represented at Liberty Lake was Arm in Arm, which aims to organize neighborhoods for possible civil strife by stockpiling food and survival gear, and forming armed neighborhood groups.

Also represented was Oath Keepers, whose members call themselves "guardians of the Republic." Oath Keepers recruits military and law enforcement officials who are asked to disobey orders the group deems unconstitutional. These include orders to conduct warrantless searches, arrest Americans as unlawful enemy combatants or force civilians into "any form of detention camps."

Oath Keepers, which has been recruiting at Tea Party events around the country and forging informal ties with militia groups, has an enthusiastic following in Friends for Liberty. "A lot of my people are Oath Keepers," Mr. Stevens said. "I'm an honorary Oath Keeper myself."

Mrs. Stout became an honorary Oath Keeper, too, and sent an e_mail message urging her members to sign up. "They may be very important for our future," she wrote.

By inviting Richard Mack to speak at their first event, leaders of Friends for Liberty were trying to attract militia support. They knew Mr. Mack had many militia fans, and not simply because he had helped Randy Weaver write a book about Ruby Ridge. As a sheriff in Arizona, Mr. Mack had sued the Clinton administration over the Brady gun control law, which resulted in a Supreme Court ruling that the law violated state sovereignty by requiring local officials to conduct background checks on gun buyers.

Mr. Mack was selling Cadillacs in Arizona, his political career seemingly over, when Mr. Obama was elected. Disheartened by the results, he wrote a 50-page booklet branding the federal government "the greatest threat we face." The booklet argued that only local sheriffs supported by citizen militias could save the nation from "utter despotism." He titled his booklet "The County Sheriff: America's Last Hope," offered it for sale on his Web site and returned to selling cars.

But last February he was invited to appear on "Infowars," the Internet radio program hosted by Alex Jones, a well-known figure in the Patriot movement. Then Mr. Mack went on "The Power Hour," another Internet radio program popular in the Patriot movement.

After those appearances, Mr. Mack said, he was inundated with invitations to speak to Tea Parties and Patriot groups. Demand was so great, he said, that he quit selling cars. Then Andrew P. Napolitano, a Fox News legal analyst, invited him to New York to appear on his podcast.

"It's taken over my life," Mr. Mack said in an interview.

He said he has found audiences everywhere struggling to make sense of why they were wiped out last year. These audiences, he said, are far more receptive to critiques once dismissed as paranoia. It is no longer considered all that radical, he said, to portray the Federal Reserve as a plaything of the big banks — a point the Birch Society, among others, has argued for decades.

People are more willing, he said, to imagine a government that would lock up political opponents, or ration health care with "death panels," or fake global warming. And if global warming is a fraud, is it so crazy to wonder about a president's birth certificate?

"People just do not trust any of this," Mr. Mack said. "It's not just the fringe people anymore. These are just ordinary people — teachers, bankers, housewives."

The dog track opened at 5:45 p.m. for Mr. Mack's speech, and the parking lot quickly filled. Inside, each Friends for Liberty sponsor had its own recruiting table. Several sheriffs and state legislators worked the crowd. "I came out to talk with folks and listen to Sheriff Mack," Ozzie Knezovich, the sheriff of Spokane County, Wash., explained.

Gazing out at his overwhelmingly white audience, Mr. Mack felt the need to say, "This meeting is not racist." Nor, he said, was it a call to insurrection. What is needed, he said, is "a whole army of sheriffs" marching on Washington to deliver an unambiguous warning: "Any violation of the Constitution we will consider a criminal offense."

The crowd roared.

Mr. Mack shared his vision of the ideal sheriff. The setting was Montgomery, Ala., on the day Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat for a white passenger. Imagine the local sheriff, he said, rather than arresting Ms. Parks, escorting her home, stopping to buy her a meal at an all-white diner.

"Edmund Burke said the essence of tyranny is the enforcement of stupid laws," he said. Likewise, Mr. Mack argued, sheriffs should have ignored "stupid laws" and protected the Branch Davidians at Waco, Tex., and the Weaver family at Ruby Ridge.


A popular T-shirt at Tea Party rallies reads, "Proud Right-Wing Extremist."

It is a defiant and mocking rejoinder to last April's intelligence assessment from the Department of Homeland Security warning that recession and the election of the nation's first black president "present unique drivers for right wing radicalization."

"Historically," the assessment said, "domestic right wing extremists have feared, predicted and anticipated a cataclysmic economic collapse in the United States." Those predictions, it noted, are typically rooted in "antigovernment conspiracy theories" featuring impending martial law. The assessment said extremist groups were already preparing for this scenario by stockpiling weapons and food and by resuming paramilitary exercises.

The report does not mention the Tea Party movement, but among Tea Party activists it is viewed with open scorn, evidence of a larger campaign by liberals to marginalize them as "racist wingnuts."

But Tony Stewart, a leading civil rights activist in the inland Northwest, took careful note of the report. Almost 30 years ago, Mr. Stewart cofounded the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations in Coeur d'Alene. The task force has campaigned relentlessly to rid north Idaho of its reputation as a haven for anti-government extremists. The task force tactics brought many successes, including a $6.3 million civil judgment that effectively bankrupted Richard Butler's Aryan Nations.

When the Tea Party uprising gathered force last spring, Mr. Stewart saw painfully familiar cultural and rhetorical overtones. Mr. Stewart viewed the questions about Mr. Obama's birthplace as a proxy for racism, and he was bothered by the "common message of intolerance for the opposition."

"It's either you're with us or you're the enemy," he said.

Mr. Stewart heard similar concerns from other civil rights activists around the country. They could not help but wonder why the explosion of conservative anger coincided with a series of violent acts by right wing extremists. In the Inland Northwest there had been a puzzling return of racist rhetoric and violence.

Mr. Stewart said it would be unfair to attribute any of these incidents to the Tea Party movement. "We don't have any evidence they are connected," he said.Still, he sees troubling parallels. Branding Mr. Obama a tyrant, Mr. Stewart said, constructs a logic that could be used to rationalize violence. "When people start wearing guns to rallies, what's the next thing that happens?" Mr. Stewart asked.

Rachel Dolezal, curator of the Human Rights Education Institute in Coeur d'Alene, has also watched the Tea Party movement with trepidation. Though raised in a conservative family, Ms. Dolezal, who is multiracial, said she could not imagine showing her face at a Tea Party event. To her, what stands out are the all_white crowds, the crude depictions of Mr. Obama as an African witch doctor and the signs labeling him a terrorist. "It would make me nervous to be there unless I went with a big group," she said.

The Future

Pam Stout wakes each morning, turns on Fox News, grabs coffee and an Atkins bar, and hits the computer. She is the hub of a rapidly expanding and highly viral political network, keeping a running correspondence with her 400 members in Sandpoint, state and national Tea Party leaders and other conservative activists.

Mrs. Stout forwards along petitions to impeach Mr. Obama; petitions to audit the Federal Reserve; petitions to support Sarah Palin; appeals urging defiance of any federal law requiring health insurance; and on and on.

Meanwhile, she and her husband are studying the Constitution line by line. She has the Congressional switchboard programmed into her cellphone. "I just signed up for a Twitter class," said Mrs. Stout, 66, laughing at the improbability of it all.

Yet for all her efforts, Mrs. Stout is gripped by a sense that it may be too little too late. Yes, there have been victories — including polls showing support for the Tea Party movement — but in her view none of it has diminished the fundamental threat of tyranny, a point underscored by Mr. Obama's drive to pass a health care overhaul.

She and her members are becoming convinced that rallies alone will not save the Republic. They are searching for some larger answer, she said. They are also waiting for a leader, someone capable of uniting their rebellion, someone like Ms. Palin, who made Sandpoint one of the final stops on her book tour and who has announced plans to attend a series of high_profile Tea Party events in the next few months.

"We need to really decide where we're going to go," Mrs. Stout said.

These questions of strategy, direction and leadership were clearly on the minds of Mrs. Stout's members at a recent monthly meeting.

Their task seemed endless, almost overwhelming, especially with only $517 in their Tea Party bank account. There were rallies against illegal immigration to attend. There was a coming lecture about the hoax of global warming. There were shooting classes to schedule, and tips to share about the right survival food.

The group struggled fitfully for direction. Maybe they should start vetting candidates. Someone mentioned boycotting ABC, CBS, NBC and MSNBC. Maybe they should do more recruiting.

"How do you keep on fighting?" Mrs. Stout asked in exasperation.

Lenore Generaux, a local wildlife artist, had an idea: They should raise money for Freedom Force, a group that says it wants to "reclaim America via the Patriot movement." The group is trying to unite the Tea Parties and other groups to form a powerful "Patriot lobby." One goal is to build a "Patriot war chest" big enough to take control of the Republican Party.

Not long ago, Mrs. Stout sent an e_mail message to her members under the subject line: "Revolution." It linked to an article by Greg Evensen, a leader in the militia movement, titled "The Anatomy of an American Revolution," that listed "grievances" he said "would justify a declaration of war against any criminal enterprise including that which is killing our nation from Washington, D.C."

Mrs. Stout said she has begun to contemplate the possibility of "another civil war." It is her deepest fear, she said. Yet she believes the stakes are that high. Basic freedoms are threatened, she said. Economic collapse, food shortages and civil unrest all seem imminent.

"I don't see us being the ones to start it, but I would give up my life for my country," Mrs. Stout said.

She paused, considering her next words.

"Peaceful means," she continued, "are the best way of going about it. But sometimes you are not given a choice." 6/us/politics/ 16teaparty.html?th&emc=th

For Engineers

The US standard railroad gauge (width between the two rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches. That's an exceedingly odd number. Why was that gauge used? Because that's the way they built them in England, and the US railroads were built by English expatriates.

Why did the English build them like that? Because the first rail lines were built by the same people who built the pre-railroad tramways, and that's the gauge they used.

Why? Because the people who built the tramways used the same jigs and tools that they used for building wagons which used that wheel spacing.

Okay! Why did the wagons have that particular odd wheel spacing? Well, if they tried to use any other spacing, the wagon wheels would break on some of the old, long distance roads in England, because that's the spacing of the wheel ruts.

And why were there wheel ruts? The first long distance roads in Europe (and England) were built by Imperial Rome for their legions. The roads have been used ever since.

And the ruts in the roads? Roman war chariots first formed the initial ruts, which everyone else had to match for fear of destroying their wagon wheels. Since the chariots were made for (or by) Imperial Rome, they were all alike in the matter of wheel spacing.

Thus, the United States standard railroad gauge of 4 feet, 8.5 inches derives from the original specification for an Imperial Roman war chariot. Specifications and bureaucracies live forever. So the next time you are handed a specification and wonder what horse's ... came up with it, you may be exactly right, because the Imperial Roman war chariots were made just wide enough to accommodate the back ends of two war horses. Thus, we have the answer to the original question.

Now the extraterrestrial twist to the story...

When we see a Space Shuttle sitting on its launch pad, there are two big booster rockets attached to the sides of the main fuel tank. These are solid rocket boosters, or SRBs. The SRBs are made by Thiokol at their factory in Utah. The engineers who designed the SRBs would have preferred to make them a bit fatter, but the SRBs had to be shipped by train from the factory to the launch site.

The railroad line from the factory had to run through a tunnel in the mountains. The SRBs had to fit through that tunnel. The tunnel is slightly wider than the railroad track, and the railroad track is about as wide as two horses' behinds.

So, the major design feature of what is arguably the world's most advanced transportation system was determined over two thousand years ago by the width of a horse's ... .

Beware of "Whole Child Education"

by Erica Carle

Using Children For Community Takeover. Legislators, School Boards, Parents, and Teachers — BEWARE! "Whole Child Education" is here and it is dangerous. In fact, all education that claims to be "child centered" should be avoided. It is toxic to everyone involved. A better name for child centered education would be "Psychological Vandalism." What does child centered education mean? It means that to the "educator" the child is a product

They're doing it:

U.N. makes its move into your school

Program already operating in hundreds of U.S. locations

By Michael Carl. August 10, 2010

The Brown Academy of Chattanooga, Tenn., the 3,000th International Baccalaureate World School

The agenda of the United-Nations-funded and run International Baccalaureate Curriculum is making massive inroads into America's public schools, with operations already established in more than 1,000 locations.

Worldview Weekend President and Founder Brannon Howse says the program is trying to train American students to embrace an anti-Christian worldview.

"This U.N. curriculum is extremely hostile to Christians. It's hostile to American values and ideas and very big on humanism, redistribution of wealth, and very big on pluralism and that all religions are equal," Howse told WND.

Howse says one of his radio program's listeners is frustrated that there is no outcry from the public.

Here's the instruction manual on an alternative to public schools, in "You've Decided to Homeschool, Now What?"

"The man wrote me an e-mail, and he said, 'It's crazy how we're not informed and how so many parents, Christian parents, are shuffling their kids into these programs thinking it's a good thing, a positive thing," Howse said. ...

h t t p : / / w w w . w n d . c o m / index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=189413


man fined 5K for growing "too many vegetables"*

A man in Georgia was recently fined over $5000 for growing 'too many vegetables' in his backyard. Another man was fined $375 because a chicken was found on the road near his property. Meanwhile, tour guides in Washington DC are facing as much as 90 days in jail for speaking publicly about monuments without a license. Will the pocket picking never end? 79/577/ 90_Days_In_Jail_For_Unlicensed_Talking_In_D.C..html


So, this is "change you can believe in"?

Under the new health care bill - did you know that all real estate transactions will be subject to a 3.8% Sales Tax? The bulk of these new taxes don't kick in until 2013 (presumably after obama's re-election). You can thank Nancy, Harry and Barack and your local Democrat Congressman for this one. If you sell your $400,000 home, there will be a $15,200 tax. This bill is set to screw the retiring generation who often downsize their homes. Is this Hope & Change great or what? Does this stuff makes your November and 2012 votes more important?

Oh, you weren't aware this was in the obamacare bill? Guess what, you aren't alone. There are more than a few members of Congress that aren't aware of it either (result of clandestine midnight voting for huge bills they've never read). AND, there are a few other surprises lurking.

The New Janissaries

The Janissaries, Yen-Cheri, or 'New Soldiers' were one of most extraordinary inventions of the Ottoman Empire. It is fair to call them an 'Invention', for they were unlike any type of soldier known to history, before or since. The most unusual thing about this corps d' élite was that none of them were Turkish by birth. All were the children of Christian parents who lived within the confines of the Ottoman Empire. Once every five years a general conscription was made throughout the Empire, and all the sons of Christians who had reached the age of seven were subject to inspection. Those who seemed to show the most promise in physique and intelligence were taken to Constantinople. If they passed a further examination, they were—in the words of W. H. Prescott—

...removed to a different quarters and placed in seminaries where they might receive such instruction as would fit them for the duties of life. Those giving greatest promise of strength and endurance were sent to places prepared for them in Asia Minor. Here they were subjected to a severe training, to abstinence, to privations of every kind, and to the strictest discipline which should fit them for the profession of soldier.... Their whole life may be said to have been passed in war or in the preparation for it. Forbidden to marry, they had no families to engage their affections, which, as with the monks and friars of Christian countries, were concentrated in their order.... Proud of the privileges which distinguished them from the rest of the army, they seemed desirous to prove their title to them, through discipline and by their promptness to execute the most dangerous and difficult services....

Christians by birth, Spartan by upbringing, and fanatical Moslems by conversion, the Janissaries were one of the most amazing military corps in history. (The Great Siege of Malta 1565. Clash of Cultures. Christian Knights defend Western Civilization against the Moslem Tide. Ernle Bradford. 1961. Pp. 80-81.)


Christian parents are volunteering their children as the new Muslim Janissaries as they send their children to the increasingly Muslim public schools financed by their property tax. A simple web search will turn up more instances of the new Muslim leaning, and even supporting more public schools than one wants to admit.

"But not my kids' schools". How do you know? Have you closely examined their textbooks?


Texas Debates "Pro-Islamic" Bias in Textbooks
By KARI HUUS, Sep 23, 2010It appeared that Texas had finished battling over textbooks — with social conservatives winning a clear victory in May — but the Texas State Board of Education is taking up another explosive curriculum question: Are Texan youth being fed a sugar-coated version of Islam while Christianity is unfairly taken to task for its sins?...

h t t p : / / w w w. n b c w a s h i n g t o n . c o m / n e w s / p o l i t i c s / Texas_debates__pro_Islamic__bias_in_textbooks_103642184.html

*** There are 400,000 Muslims in Texas alone and Islam is the fastest growing religion in the USA. Since 9/11 there have been more converts to Islam than ever. Eric believes that people are trying to understand Muslims and want to learn about their religion. Yasmine says: 'America should not be afraid. If it would be better Muslims were the majority. If a child asks me: "Who made this leaf?" I say, "Allah. Allah made everything."'

BTW, he converted to the Muhammad faith because of its strict enforcement of its laws. Modern lawless, fluffy Christianity is lossing the battle for men's minds.

*** Muslim Prayer in Public Schools

Are Public Schools Accommodating Islam Over Christianity?

Aug 19, 2007 Barbara Pytel

For years, Christian prayer has been banned in public schools. Now, Muslims are demanding prayer time and getting it.

Public Schools And Prayer

In 2000, Congress passed the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act. This act demanded many religious accommodations to be made on public property. In 1993, a federal court mandated a San Diego district to allow students to have religious activities during lunchtime.

In spite of this, we hear of teachers being fired for silently reading a personal Bible during a study hall. Students are not allowed to have student_led Christian prayer at graduations. Students from parochial schools are denied open gym time at the local public school in their district.

New Accommodations

There are pockets throughout the country that have concentrations of Muslim students.

San Diego, CA Dearborn, MI
Dallas, TX

New York City, NY

These schools are giving the Islamic students breaks to pray during the school day. In fact, the complaint has been made that an extra recess was created in the San Diego district just for prayer....

Read more at Suite101: Muslim Prayer in Public Schools: Are Public Schools Accommodating Islam Over Christianity? http://


BTW, not only are schools and colleges making accommodations, but public government buildings are also making accommodations for the followers of Muhannad with prayer rooms and foot baths.

*** Praying by pupils at mosque decried

Wellesley Public Schools [Atlanta] conducts school trip to attend prayer service at Mosque to pray to Allah

September 17th, 2010

Teach them when they are small and when they are grown, they will remember

Does the rule of separation of church and state only apply to school students who wish to say a blessing over their lunch; or read their Bible in free reading time; or should it include a field trip of non-Muslim students to a Mosque to participate in a prayer service during school time to learn how to pray to Allah? ... welleslsy_public_schools_conducts_school_trip_to


UK: School forces children to attend mosque

*** A Roman Catholic schoolgirl has been labelled a truant after she refused to wear a headscarf during a compulsory trip to a mosque. Parents_outrage_children_told_dress_Muslim


*** Observe: With Christians, they cry out "separation of church and state". But with the Muslims, it is encouraged as diversity of religions.


"The major denominations are deeply divided on the matter of how to address the issues of homosexuality and same-sex marriage. (P) there are tendencies for the church to follow the patterns of the culture, and in recent decades sexual issues have dominated the world moral scene. Nearly 90 percent of all movies shown in theaters and on television programs feature some kind of sexual content. Pay-per-view pornography is commonly available in motel rooms; strip clubs have sprung up almost everywhere; college art departments are offering courses on pornography; a large percentage of internet viewing focuses on pornographic material. Outrageous sexual perversion are slithering out of the closet and are seeking to become socially acceptable. Homosexual conduct in the past was a private vice, and was sometimes viewed as a mental disorder— but today, being against homosexuality, is considered a homophobic mental disorder. (P) Public schools are under increasing pressure to accept curriculum materials which promote homosexuality as a normal (and even desirable) alternative lifestyle. The sexual abuse of children is still generally frowned upon, but new books like the one entitled Pedophilia Reconsidered body declares that not all sex between adults and minors is really an unacceptable Thing." Brethren Revival Fellowship P. 0. Box 543, Ephrata, PA. 17522-0543 (From HITE"S Home Outreach , James Hite, 816 E Birch St, Palmyra PA. 17087)

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