The Biblical
Examiner An Examination of Biblical Precepts Involved in Issues at Hand |
We urge those examining Identity's assumptions to follow the links at the bottom of the opening page.
Chapter Four
hough many may have never heard of the "Christian
Identity" movement, it appears to be gaining many followers,
particularly in the West. Is the growing "Christian Identity"
movement simply a curious aberration of Christianity, as those
who follow that system would have us believe, or is it another
religion in serious militancy against Biblical Christianity? Judge
for yourself.
[DS13] We believe God chose unto Himself a special race of people that are above all people upon the face of the earth (Deut. 7:6; Amos 3:2)...
[DS15] We believe the White, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic and kindred people to be God's true, literal Children of Israel...
[DS16] We believe in an existing being known as the Devil or Satan and called the Serpent (Gen. 3:1; Rev. 12:9), who has a literal "seed" or posterity in the earth (Gen. 3:15) commonly called Jews today (Rev. 2:9; 3:9; Isa. 65:15). These children of Satan (John 8:44-47; Matt. 13:38; John 8:23) through Cain (I John 3:12) are a race of vipers (Matt. 23:31-33), anti-Christs (I John 2:22, 4:3) who have throughout history always been a curse to true Israel, the Children of God, because of a natural enmity between the two races (Gen. 3:15), because they do the works of their father the Devil (John 8:38-44), and because they please not God, and are contrary to all men (I Thes. 2:14-15), though they often pose as ministers of righteousness (II Cor. 11:13-15). The ultimate end of this evil race whose hands bear the blood of our Savior (Matt. 27:25) and all the righteous slain upon the earth (Matt. 23:35), is Divine judgement (Matt. 13:38-42, 15:13; Zech. 14:21).
[DS17] We believe that the Man Adam (A Hebrew word meaning: ruddy, to show blood, flush, turn rosy) is the father of the White Race only. As a son of God (Luke 3:38), made in His likeness (Gen. 5:1), Adam and his descendants, who are also the children of God (Psalm 82:6; Hos. 1:10; Rom. 8:16; Gal. 4:6; I John 3:1-2), can know YHVH God as their Father, not merely as their creator. Adamic man is made trichotomous, that is, not only of body and soul, but having an implanted spirit (Gen. 2:7; I Thes. 5:23; Heb. 4:12) giving him a higher form of consciousness and distinguishing him form all the other races of the earth (Deut. 7:6, 10:15; Amos 3:2).
[DS18] We believe that as a chosen race, elected by God (Deut. 7:6, 10:15; I Peter 2:9), we are not to be partakers of the wickedness of this world system (I John 2:15; James 4:4; John 17:9, 15, 16), but are called to come out and be a separated people (II Cor. 6:17; Rev. 18:4; Jer. 51:6; Exodus 33:16; Lev. 20:24). This includes segregation from all non-white races, who are prohibited in God's natural divine order from ruling over Israel (Deut. 17:15, 28:13, 32:8; Joel 2:17; Isa. 13:14; Gen. 1:25-26; Rom. 9:21). Race-mixing is an abomination in the sight of Almighty God, a satanic attempt meant to destroy the chosen seedline, and is strictly forbidden by His commandments (Exo. 34:14-16; Num. 25:1-13; I Cor. 10:8; Rev. 2:14; Deut. 7:3-4; Joshua 23:12-13; I Kings 11:1-3; Ezra 9:2, 10-12; 10:10-14; Neh. 10:28-30, 13:3, 27; Hosea 5:7; Mal. 2:11-12).[1]
#120: The ASV and RSV translates the same with notable exceptions. In Job 31:33 the RSV obscures the reference to Adam. Although the etymology of 'adam cannot be explained with certainty (cf. TDOT, I, p. 78), the word probably relates to the original ruddiness of man's complexion (cf. F. Maas, 'adam TDOT, I, pp. 78-79). This word for man has to do with man as being in God's image, the crown of creation...
#121: 'adam also refers to generic man as the image of God and the crown of creation or is a personal name... In the first three chapters of Gen there is a wordplay on man, mankind, the first man `Adam. 'adam connotes man in the image of God as to: soul or spirit (indicating man's essential simplicity, spirituality, invisibility, immortality), physical powers or faculties (the intellect and will with their functions), intellectual and moral integrity (true knowledge, righteousness, and holiness), body (as a fit organ of the soul sharing its immortality, and as the means through which man exercises dominion), and dominion over the lower creation. [4]
...Originally this word signified the red arable soil... The Bible makes much of the relationship between man ('adam) and the ground ('adama).
So beginning in Genesis 4 and 5, we see that mankind, so far as the historical players of the Bible are concerned, are divided along two distinct lines... Half this Biblical group is descended from Cain and the other half descended from Adam. This is one fact that most Christians never notice when they read their Bible without careful study... The half from Cain, Almighty God makes very plain, are forever barred from salvation...
The first presupposition...: In Genesis One there are two distinct racial lines set forth upon the Earth, and each of them God said was good. One of these, distinguished as the 'Beast of the Earth,' comprised the Negro and Mongoloid races who do not have the ability to show blood in their face. The other is the racial line from Adam who were clearly distinguished with the ability to blush, this can only be the Caucasian race... a remnant became the people of Jacob-Israel..., The Called from the foundation of the world. [5]
Nowhere in the Bible can you find it said that Cain, the acquired, was in the family or lineage of Adam. So that you will not miss this important fact, a triple witness of Adam's lineage is given in Genesis 5:3, 1 Chronicles 1:1, and Luke 3:38. Serious Bible teachers agree that Cain and Abel were twins, and the Word of God agrees, for in Genesis 4:3-4 the two boys came of age at the same time and presented their offerings on the same day. However, carefully examining Genesis 4:1, the Bible says that Adam 'knew' his wife and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, "I have gotten a man from The Lord." Even though Cain was her firstborn and she thought him at first to be her promised seed, she later acknowledges that it was Abel, not Cain, who was her promised seed. Do you now see why Scripture was written in that manner? It does not imply that Cain was Adam's first son, but if Abel was Adam's son, then Cain, the acquired was Nachash-Satan's son.
St. John states and it was recorded in 1 John 3:12-13 as: "Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he Him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous. Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you."
The word "of" in the Greek, clearly means that Cain was a literal seed of Satan. There is no other way to properly understand these verses. It cannot mean, as some suggest, some form of "spiritual" Satanic seed, a concept that is out of character with the whole character of the cannon of Scripture. (51-52) [Emp. his.] [8]
The original Paleo-Hebrew word here could be interpreted as a large animal of either the two or four-lagged variety. In this case, because these beasts have hands, are sinners, cover themselves with sackcloth and ashes, and cry unto the Lord, they must be men which are identified elsewhere in Scripture as one of the various versions of beast such as chay, chevah, cheyva, and cheveh. The true Biblical meaning of beast, whether as behemeh or chay, being a non-white person... (45)
While there are several variations of this word, Chay, we will use Chay for this race of non-white people mentioned throughout Scripture in these lessons but let the student realize that I am aware of the variations... (46) [13]
As you read the amazing story of Genesis, Chapter 3, there is no mention made of any surprise or fear on the part of Eve when confronted with the debating Chay proposing something new, exciting and forbidden. I like to think [emp. added, ed.] of this as one of the supervising Chay, selected by Adam because of some extra ability and talent. He could spend his time talking to the Mistress of the Estate while the other Chay did the work with Adam checking up on the Garden. Can you picture this? Doesn't it make more sense than a "talking snake?" (45. Emp added.) [14]
The word subtle here [Gen 3:1, ed.] does not mean clever as we think of it in English. The Hebrew word, aruwm, could be cunning in an evil sense, but most scholars, such as Ferrar Fenton define the word as "more impudent," as a person who does not know his place or station in life. You might also define it as "cocky" or lacking in modesty. So, if you mix immodest, cocky, contemptuous, cunning and impudent into one Hebrew word, then you can imagine what "subtle" means in this verse. See, if the thrust of the Church is going to be that all men are of the same blood, then they do not want you to think of Nachash as being a cocky, impudent Negro, but as merely a cunning snake who learned to talk. What nonsense? (Ibid. Emp. his.) [15]
Satan lost that war (Isa 14:12-32 & was cast out of heaven, ed.). So, the very first thing he did on earth was to seduce Adam's wife... Because of this act, God informed Satan that He would put a hatred between the children of Eve and his children springing forth from Cain... One group, generally those who come out of Evangelical Arminianism... teach that while Eve's Seed was a physical one in order to produce The lamb of God without spot or blemish, Satan's seed, they insist, is only a "spiritual seed." Cain was physical, they admit, but the motive that drives his genes is only spiritual. In contrast, I hold that both seeds had to be physical and that Satan did actually seduce Eve and bore his only physical son by her. (76, 77)
As we have stated in the footlight (his version of footnotes, ed.), the best word (in Davis' opinion, not facts. ed.) for these Negro people would be Chay, Strong's Hebrew word #2416. However, a more generic word for Beast,... are from the Hebrew word behemah... (46)
1) Brown-Driver-Briggs (BDB) gives not one hint that the word beast can refer to anything other than an animal:
#929 impeded in speech, tongue-tied; n.f. beast, animal, cattle. 1. of living creatures other than man... 2. opp. also to wild beasts... 3. rarely of wild beasts, esp. carnivora... #2416 n.f. living thing, animal (Zinj. wild beast...) 1. animal, as a living, active being... 2. life, only in late poetry... 3. appetite, activity of hunger... 4. revival, renewal... [20]
2) Gentiles are identified as the wild beasts of the field, and are contrasted with the sheep of Israel. [21]
The fact that peace prevails in the animal world, and also peace between man and beast, is then attributed to the universal prevalence of the knowledge of God, in consequence of which that destructive hostility between the animal world and man, by which estrangement and apostasy from God were so often punished, have entirely come to an end. (Keil, VII.287.)
3) Through Peter's vision, the Spirit identified the non-Israelite Gentiles with the wild beasts of the field, Acts 10. The apostles were of the various tribes of Israel; therefore, the Gentile nations were considered not of the 12 tribes. Cornelius might have even been Anglo-Saxon; we do know that he was a Roman centurion at Caesarea. [22] With Cornelius' conversion, the division between "Jew" (sheep) and "Gentile" (beast) was destroyed, Acts 11; Eph 2:18. Thus the wild wolf and the lamb lay down together, Isa 11:6; 65:25. [23]
If the Flood of Noah's day covered the planet Earth, swirling around for a year, it would have drowned not only the offspring of Angels with Adam's daughters, but also Satan's Seed that was to have enmity with the Woman's Seed. Do you see the conspiracy here? If Noah's family, consisting of eight people, were all that was left of mankind on the planet Earth, and they were all pure racial stock of Adam, then not only were Satan's seed lost forever, but also Chay's children (i.e., Negro, ed.). Has your preacher, who keeps telling you this worldwide Flood story, ever suggested that Chay's children were driven two by two, or really seven by seven, onto the Ark with the animals? No, he could not bring himself to teach that. Then, is he a secret evolutionist suggesting... This (doctrine of only one race emerging on earth as the result of a world flood, ed.) is pure nonsense and makes the Word of God of none effect. Think of all you have learned, and we are still only about five pages into the Bible. (56) [26]
Twenty years ago, I had a lecture entitled, "Missing the Boat," in which I set forth the clear facts, from the Bible and secular ancient history available in any encyclopedia, that the Flood of Noah's time was only local in nature... and unfortunately [the worldwide Noah's Flood story is, ed] believed by unthinking adults. (55. Emp. added.)
04714 Mitsrayim {mits-rah'-yim} dual of 04693; TWOT - 1235; AV - Egypt 586, Egyptian 90, Mizraim 4, Egyptians + 01121 1; 681 n pr loc Egypt = `land of the Copts' 1) a country at the northeastern section of Africa, adjacent to Palestine, and through which the Nile flows adj Egyptians = `double straits' 2) the inhabitants or natives of Egypt. Emp. added.)
According to the prophets and the Lord's kingdom parables the identity of the Israel people was to be hidden until the time of the harvest, and the harvest is identified in the Scripture as being the end of the age, or the last days. Many people wonder why the truth that the Anglo-Saxons are Israel has not been more generally preached and taught. The answer is that according to prophecy their identity was to be hidden until the end of time... [28]
There is not the first exception (to forbidding preaching to the nations outside Jacob-Israel, ed.). You will look in vain to find any suggestion of authorization that this Israelite kindred are to send missionaries or teach the truths of Almighty God to any of the heathen living around and among them. Quite the contrary, for Holy Writ is clear that God's Holy Nation was not to have anything whatever to do with these peoples... (16)
Re 5:9, And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation. [30]
...Ruth, the "Moabitess", further investigation establishes that she was of the stock of Israel living in Moab... (16, emp. added.) Judah's out-of-wedlock affair with this Israelite young widow (i.e., Tamar)... (20)
...does not mean an illegitimate child... but... literally and positively meaning mongrel, i.e. a child of the union of an Israelite and any of the non-Israelites..." (24)
Bastard, - n.m. bastard, specif. child of incest... 1. lit. bastard, Dt 23.3. 2. perh. fig. coll., of mixed population Zc 9.6. (BDB, #4464, p 561.)
Bastard, - Only found in D 23:3 [H 3], it is used of an illegitimate child who is refused entrance to the congregation of the Lord until the tenth generation. Zc 9:6 may refer to an individual, but more likely it figuratively depicts the mixed population of Ashdod. It is possible that the Deut reference also refers to a child of mixed parentage - Hebrew and pagan. (TWOT, #1174.)
permitted an Israelite soldier to marry a non-Israelite woman, either a widow or virgin, Deut 21:10-14. This clearly tells us that contrary to Anglo-Saxon belief, purity of the blood line of the Israelite race was not a significant factor under the law; rather, the emphasis was on the purity of faith. In fact, the non-Israelite woman was given the full protection and benefits of the law. [33]
1. From a doctrinal statement by Kingdom-Identity Ministries, PO Box 1021, Harrison, Ark. 72602. We added the numbers for ease of reference: Quoted above are paragraphs [DS16], [DS17] & [DS18]. This doctrinal statement seems consistent with general Identity faith. Throughout this essay, we will place paragraph references, [DS#].
2. Though many have tried, all attempts to trace any supposed remnant of the twelve tribes of Jacob are totally and utterly futile. See The Wars of the Jews, Josephus, Bk VI.Ch VI.3. The archives were burned; therefore, it is now impossible for anyone to trace his lineage to Jacob as was required in Ezra 2:62. We must admit that God did chose to Himself a special race of people: the redeemed of all ages. This author is amazed at how completely Identity avoids the Book of Galatians. "The earliest suggestions of an Israelitish ancestry of the English are to be found in John Sadler's Rights of the Kingdom (1649). These take the form of a series of parallels between English law and customs and those of the Hebrews and Jews. The name `Britain' itself is traced to a Phoenician source, Berat Anak (`The field of Tin and Led')..." "Its modern form as the Anglo- or British-Israelite movement is usually traced to John Sadler (1694) and the Richard Brothers a century later, but John Wilson's Our Israelitish Origin (1849) is epochal and the first Association was formed in 1879." Study-Graph, Survey of Major Cults, 1965, John H. Gerstner, Ph. D, Moody Press, Chicago 10, IL.
3. Identity's answer, no doubt, is that only the White race is capable of saving "faith." If Identity remains true to its contention that the only method of conversion is through faith in the finished work of Christ for the repentant sinner, with nothing added nor removed, then this pastor would have a difficult time saying it does not offer genuine conversion. This Baptist pastor knows a great many Baptists who refuse to admit that conversion rests only in faith in the finished work of Christ; rather, they hold to, among other things, "Pray this prayer & you will be saved." See The Gospel Perverted, by this pastor.
4. Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (TWOT), #25 & 25a. The root of Adam is Strong's #119: "to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy: ...(dyed, made) red (ruddy)." However, though Identity uses Strong's definition of #119 to justify its stand that only the "blushing" race is the seed of Adam (i.e., the White, Caucasian race), #119 is never used in reference to Adam. Every serious Bible student should have TWOT in his library. See also Brown-Driver-Briggs, p 10a.
5. Star Wars, a fifteen part lesson series by Nord William Davis, Jr. Northpoint Teams, PO Box 129, Topton, NC 28781. The quotes are from pp 17, 46 & 47. Davis: "I prefer to be a student of conspiratorial political science and work toward the exposure of its tactics." P 40. Locations of quotes from Star Wars are identified in the text as (#). Though the more moderate followers of the Identity faith claim Davis does not represent that faith, Davis fills in the blanks ignored by the moderates. In fact, this pastor has been accused of "taking the low road" by using Davis to refute Identity heresy, but Davis does make the "reprobateness" of the Identity faith readily apparent. This pastor finds it amazing that a man who teaches such corruption as, "Eve bore a set of fraternal twins, the first born Cain physically sired by Satan and Abel literally sired by Adam," (51) is very distinguished in the "Christian" patriot movement: Davis' Sui Juris is highly respected and recommended by patriots. Have Christians left their thinking ability at home when they go to patriot meetings? Those who hold to "Seedline Doctrine" are clearly reprobate concerning the faith, 2 Titus 3:8, and Christians are straightly commanded by God, from such withdraw thyself, 1 Titus 6:5. Evil men cannot bring forth good fruit, Matt. 7:18. So why are Christians imbibing the fruit of those who hold to the "Seedline Doctrine?" See also 1 Cor 15:33, 2 Cor 2:17 & Jude 10. The multiple race theory & and the White race's ability to blush are major points for British-Israelism.
6. "To retrace our conceptual steps for a moment..." from the bees and birds to the point he is perusing. (54) He builds his theology upon his concepts of history, natural instincts, imagination and Scripture. But his understanding of Scripture is restricted to his concept of history.
7. Adding details to DS16, Davis says, "Cain (was, ed.) physically sired by Satan." (51) Davis develops Anglo-Saxonism in Lesson Thirteen by saying that because (John, ed.) The Baptist called the "Edomite Pharisee" vipers and Christ called them children of the devil, they actually literally descended from Identity's supposed physical relationship between Satan and Eve. (66, 68). Such exegesis is a logical result of taking everything in Scripture literally if at all possible.
8. "So, by Genesis 4, there are three seed lines on the earth: 1] Chay's purebred children living in the land of Nod happy and content in their creation. 2] Adam and Eve's purebred children, driven out of Eden and prevented from reentering the Garden or having access to the Tree of [the] Life, the Lord Jesus Christ. 3] Satan's Seed carried into the Earth by Eve, but having blended his seed through marriage with some of Chay's women then living east of Eden." Davis added "[the]." (52) God again reveals Davis' lies: Adam & Eve were driven out of the Garden before the birth of any children. Moreover, his perversion of the word "of" permits him to defend Identity's theory that the pharisees of Christ's day were from Identity's supposed literal seed of Satan, John 8:44.
9. Webster, 1828. Webster's 1828 Introduction alone refutes Identity's postulations.
10. Davis develops this idea in Lesson Two. Consistency to the Kingdom-Identity doctrinal statement requires that all modern day, anti-Christians be the literal, physical seed of Satan.
11. Cf. 1 Jn 3:12-15. We should mention at this point the NT genealogy records: Scriptural Genealogy was only traced to Christ, and from the time of Christ, genealogy was unimportant. Certainly, the NT authors referred back to the OT fathers of the faith, but their reference was for instruction, not a "genealogy" reminder, e.g., He 3:9, &c.
12. Certainly, we cannot deny that God may and does chose to exalt one nation or race above all others; this He has done in His Sovereignty throughout history, e.g., Babylon, Dan 4:26, 32, 35, &c. But it is the greatest of sins, pride, for any physical race or nation to consider itself exalted above all others, especially pride over being given the Law, Rom 11:21. See [DS18], [DS20], &c.
13. #929 - 929 b@hemah {be-hay-maw'}. Davis uses two spellings, behemah & behemeh. Geneva - "Not that the dumb beasts had sinned or could repent, but that by their example man might be astonished, considering that for his sin the anger of God hung over all creatures." Davis simply develops Identity's doctrine that the White Race has a "higher form of consciousness" than other races.
14. Davis holds that when God created the beasts of the field; "beast" also included the Negro: the non-white, non-blushing race. These beasts dwelt outside of the garden. "However, before Genesis 3, it (the work in the Garden, ed.) was by the sweat of Chay (the race of Beast, ed.), not Adam, that the work got done. These two races of men, designed and programmed by God to work harmoniously together, still do today if not incited to discontent by outsiders."
15. Fenton's translation, referred to several times by Davis, apparently is extremely corrupt. Geneva uses the word, fubtill. Marginal ref, "As Satan can change himfelfe into an Angel of light, fo did he abufe the wifedome of the ferpent to deceiue man... BDB gives absolutely no hint of "more impudent;" rather, "adj. craftiness, shrewd, sensible; 1. crafty, as pred., of serpent Gn 3.1..." P 791. See also TWOT, #1698. Moreover, Geneva says for faid to the woman: "God fuffered Satan to make the ferpent his inftrument and to fpeake in him."
16. "I like to think..." What kind of man likes to think such ungodly thoughts? Identity generally holds to a literal, Satanic seed through Cain, e.g., [DS16].
17. Contrary to popular opinion, there is no reference to Satan in this passage: Isaiah was talking of the then king of Babylon. See, Keil, VII.312; The Book of Isaiah, E.J. Young, I.441-2; The Pulpit Commentary, X.245-6; Clarke's Commentary, IV 4.82; Dictionary of the Bible, by James Hastings, III.159; TWOT, p 217; BDB, p 237, &c.
18. This pastor `feels' dirty & defiled even reproducing such harangues against God.
19. Actually, the amazing thing about such exegesis of God's Word is that others will listen to such teaching. But Eve did.
20. Davis never refers to BDB. We should mention that there are two views of beasts in Scripture: one figurative (spiritual), the other literal. First, spiritual: The peoples of the world from every nation unite in Christ. This conforms to Peter's vision of the sheet let down from heaven containing all manner of beasts (Barnes' Notes). Many times over, the Gentile nations are compared to the wild beasts of the field. The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ changes the Gentile "wild beasts" into sheep in the new nation of God, the new Israel, the Church. Second, literal (Keil & Hengstenberg): the New Testament cross reference is Romans 8:19-22, which presents a very good argument for the literal view. Under Adam, the natural beasts had no fear and presented no threat to each other nor to people as they all gathered around Adam to be named. Furthermore, they all gathered to Noah and lived together peaceably in the Ark. In fact, implied is that until after the flood there were no dangerous animals, Genesis 9:2, 3. Gen. 1:30, God makes a point to tell us that all the animals ate grass for food. Dangerous animals are a result of man's sin. Furthermore, it is significant that the wild animals were no threat, but a blessing to the covenant-people while they were faithful to the covenant in Canaan, viz., the Lord used the wild beasts to help them conquer the land. The more they turned from the Covenant-God, though, the more dangerous the animals became. Cf. 2 Kings 17:26.
21. Barnes' Notes on Ez 34:24, 28; 44:3 & Mic 5:8. Hengstenberg, Christology, I.474, identifies the beasts as literal beasts, as does Keil, Isaiah 11:6-9. Furthermore, (as Hengs. points out) both man and the literal beast dwell together in peace under the Messiah, viz., `Church age.' What the first Adam lost in the fall, the second Adam, Christ, renewed.
22. "The centurion was of the Italian cohort, which, stationed at Caesarea, consisted of Italians, not of natives of the country, like many other Roman Troops in Syria... Cornelius was a Gentile, who, discontented with polytheism, had turned his higher interest towards Judaism, and satisfied a deeper pious want in the earnest private worship of Jehovah along with all his family. Judaism, as Stoicism and the like in the case of others, was for him the philosophical-religious school, to which he, although without being a proselyte, addicted himself in his heart and devotional life... ..he is simply put into the class of the Gentiles, - a circumstance which cannot be referred to merely to the want of circumcision, as the proselytes of the gate also belonged to the community of the theocracy, and had ceased to be non-Jews like absolute foreigners. And all the great importance which this even has in a connected view of the Book of Acts, has as its basis the very circumstance that Cornelius was a Gentile..." (Meyer's, IV.201-2) "The object aimed at in the whole vision was the symbolical divine announcement that the hitherto subsisting distinction between clean and unclean men, that hedge between Jews and Gentiles ! was to cease in Christianity, as being destined for all men without distinction of nation, vv. 34, 35" (ibid, 206, bold added). It would be useless to develop Peter's vision because Davis has protected himself from the "doubting student" elsewhere.
23. Of the NT word Gentile, Thayer gives 5 NT usages, one of which includes beasts: "1. a multitude (either of men or beasts) associated or living together ; a company, troop, swarm." #1484 - p 168. Though Thayer gives no Scriptural, only "secular," usage, Davis refers to beast as though it always referred to individuals. The Biblical division between Jew, Israelite and Hebrew can be quite confusing; Anglo-Saxonism makes very good use of any possible confusion for its own purpose of corrupting God's Word.
24. We hear Identity speakers say that the Flood issue is not important for their faith to hold together. But the Biblical account of the Flood is true; therefore, Identity's DS16 & DS17 are "flooded out," pun intended.
25. Note that as we examine the Word of God in this area, we are not cutting the reader off from secular history. What we are doing, though, and what must be done, is SUBJECT every historical record to the Word of God. When secular history and the Word of God contradict, which they do very often, the Word of God must prevail. The one who refuses to subject every thought to the Word of God is at war with God, antiChrist, 2 Cor 10:5.
26. The Angels, " my opinion, saw that Adam's daughters were fair, and took them for wives." (55) According to DS16, Cain actually resulted from Satan's sexual intercourse with Eve through the body of a Negro (Davis' version). DS16 claims that Satan's Seed, Cain's line, was alive and active at the time of Christ, and still is today. "[S]even by seven..." The animals taken by sevens into the ark were the clean animals for sacrifice to God after the flood. Is Davis thus suggesting that "Chays" (Davis' name for the Negro) were offered as sacrifices after the flood? Davis' defence of DS16 is as anitChrist as anything can be. 1 Pe 3:20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. The exact same word, soul, is also used in Acts 27:37 referring to everyone on the ship with Paul. Thus soul clearly means any living person. (BDB, p. 677, #5590.) Cf. Jer 26:9, the inhabitants of the world... Though useless to argue with those who reject the final authority of God and His Word, let us mention God's Word: Gen 6:7 & 7:19 clearly state that everything under heaven (sky) was covered with water. Observe: whereas upon the earth could connote localized flooding, under heaven clearly covers everything, i.e., world-wide over every high place on earth.
27. Davis is not alone in his militancy against Truth, Biblical history, for other Identity writers defending A-S theories must do the same. The computer CDROM has placed good, Biblically sound research material within easy reach of all interested.
28. Tracing The Isaac-Sons - Anglo-Saxons, Pastor C.O. Stadsklev, Gospel Temple, Box 72, Hopkins, Minnesota 55343. Reprint from Truth and Liberty magazine, June-September, 1968. P. 1.
29. Davis holds that the John the Baptist never hinted that the "Edomite Pharisees" could enter the Kingdom of Heaven. "He [John] knew the people were from the Serpent's side of Genesis 3:15." (66) [DS16]
30. Thayer: Kindred, #5443 - all the persons descended from one of the twelve sons of Jacob; a race, nation, people; thus Israel. And Tongue, #1100 - the language used by a particular people in distinction from that of other nations... It serves to designate people of various languages. Thus the obvious reference is to all tongues and races originating at the tower of Babel. The same word is used in Rev 7:9; 10:11; 11:9; 13:7; 14:6; 17:15. Accordingly, contained among the great number of redeemed before the throne are people from every language group under heaven. And People, #2992 - a people, tribe, nation, all those who are of the same stock and language; univ. of any people. Thayer gives the same additional uses in Rev as he did under #1100. And Nation, #1484 - I do not know why, but neither Thayer nor Vine lists this Revelation usages of nation, (#1484) as Thayer does list it above for tongue (#1100). But, though avoiding the Revelation usages of nation, both Thayer and Vine define the word as meaning race, nation, foreign nations not worshipping the true God, pagans, Gentiles. According to Thayer, Paul uses nation to define the race of people outside of Israel to which he was sent by God with the gospel, Rom 11:13, 15:27; 26:4; Gal 2:12, 14; Eph 3:1, cf. 4:17.
31 "Yea, let God be true and every man a liar!" Rom 11:13. This pastor's prayer is that God would appropriately judge all seeking to pervert, subvert &/or change the Word of God in any way, Rev 22:18, 19.
32. By destroying God's definition of fornication and adultery, the logical conclusion of such foolishness is that any and all sex between people of the same race is legitimate in the eyes of the Lord. This does indeed appeal to the natural man.
33. "If an Israelite saw among the captives, who had been brought away in a war against foreign nations, a woman of beautiful figure, and loved her, and took her as his wife, he was to allow her a month's time in his house, to bewail her separation from her home and kindred, and accustom herself to her new conditions of life, before he married her. What is said here does not apply to the wars with the Canaanites, who were to be cut off (viz. chap. vii. 3), but as a comparison of the introductory words in ver. 1 with chap. xx. 1 clearly shows, to the wars which Israel would carry on with surrounding nations after the conquest of Canaan... By her master becoming her husband, she entered in to the rights of a daughter of Israel, who had been sold by her father to a man to be his wife (Ex. xxi. 7 sqq.)." Keil, I.406. The prospective husband had to pay a dowry, usually three years wages, for his wife. A wife that was not bought thusly was considered a concubine. Therefore, the non-Israelite woman was given the status of a fully endowed Israelite wife by God's Law.
34. Ethiopian. #3571 Kuwshiyth {koo-sheeth'} from 03569;; adj f AV -Ethiopian 2; 2, 1) a Cushite woman, Moses' wife so-called by Miriam and Aaron, #3569 Kuwshiy {koo-shee'} patronymically from #3568; TWOT - 969a; adj AV - Ethiopian 15, Cushi 8; 23 Cushi or Ethiopian = see Cushan "their blackness" 1) one of the descendants of Cush the grandson of Noah through Ham and a member of that nation or people 2) one of Joab's couriers 3) (TWOT) Ethiopian #3568 Kuwsh {koosh} probably of foreign origin; TWOT -969; AV - Ethiopia 19, Cush 8, Ethiopians 3; 30 Cush = "black" n pr m 1) a Benjamite mentioned only in the title of Ps 7 2) the son of Ham and grandson of Noah and the progenitor of the southernmost peoples located in Africa 3) the peoples descended from Cushn pr loc 4) the land occupied by the descendants of Cush located around the southern parts of the Nile (Ethiopia). Online Bible.
35. For further study, see Institutes of Biblical Law, II.597-605, GOD'S SON, ISRAEL: THE TOPOLOGY.
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